Twenty Years Later
It was a typical, quiet night in the town of Blackwood and specifically the Cipher household. The two residents that were apart of said household, Shannon Cipher and her daughter, Sara, were busy with their own things.
Shannon was busy getting ready to spend the night out with some people, one of those being Maxis Johnson, the aunt of her daughter. The two of them hadn't seen each other in nearly a decade, maybe even closer to two decades.
Sara was occupied in the kitchen, seated at the center island with her laptop and a textbook, as she was working on a paper for one of her courses at Blackwood Community College.
After the eldest Cipher was ready, she entered the kitchen, where she was greeted by her daughter. The two of them would talk briefly about the night and their plans. When they were done, Shannon headed towards the front door with Sara following behind.
"I left some money on the fridge, just in case you want to get a pizza or something." Shannon said and smiled towards her daughter.
"Thanks Mom." Sara replied, smiling as the two stood by the now open door.
"Be good and remember stay..." Shannon began to say.
Sara interrupted, as if she heard this speech a million times before, "stay out of your room, I know, I know..."
Shannon smiled and nodded, before saying goodbye to her daughter for the night and heading towards her car and leaving. Meanwhile, Sara watched as the car left the driveway and when it did, she returned back to the kitchen to work on her paper.
About twenty minutes had passed and Sara was finally done with her report. After closing her book and laptop, she remained seated at the kitchen island for a few minutes. As she sat there, she let her mind wander.
"What's so important about her room anyway?" She thought to herself.
Deciding to be investigative, Sara got up and made her way towards her mother's bedroom. Without hesitation, she turned the knob and pushed the door open before flicking on the light switch.
At first, nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary, however upon closer inspection, Sara noticed something in the corner of the bedroom. It was a bed sheet, which looked like it was hiding something underneath it.
Sara made her way towards it and began tugging on it. Her eyes widened a little bit as she saw what was being hidden. It was a mannequin of sorts, which was wearing some kind of goofy looking Halloween costume. At least that's what Sara thought it was.
What it really was, was the Ghostface robe and mask that belonged to her father, Kyle. You could tell it was his because of the bullet hole that was in the forehead of the plastic mask. Sitting beside the cloaked and masked mannequin was a table which had some of the other items, such as the voice changer, knife and even a picture of Kyle. It's almost as if it were a shrine, dedicated to the deceased male.
Shannon ended up with the items, many years ago, after the third and final Ghostface spree occurred, because Maxis snuck into the evidence room and swiped any and all of the remaining Ghostface stuff that belonged to her brother Kyle. She ending up giving it to Shannon, as she wanted the red head to get rid of/burn it, as Maxis didn't want the last memories of her brother being that he was Ghostface.
Anyway, Sara proceeded to look over everything, having held the knife and voice changer in her hands, as she was investigating everything. As she did that, something evil overcame Sara and the young adult fell silent.
The next thing she knew was that she had, once again, grabbed the knife and voice change off of the table, and then grabbed robe, mask, gloves and boots off the mannequin before heading into the bathroom.
Having put on her father's Ghostface outfit, Sara caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror and an evil smirk formed on her face, under the mask. She grabbed the buck knife in her gloved hand and eventually left the house through the back door, before vanishing off into the darkness of the night...
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