Chapter 6
The Next Day
Kyle and Maxis' older brother, Tyler, woke up to the sun shining brightly in his eyes. He groaned and sat up in his bed, soon rubbing his eyes after.
Once his eyes were opened, he had glanced at the alarm clock in his room. He noticed that it was later than usual. Tyler was slightly confused because he was usually awoken by either his younger brother or sister's alarm going off. Yet today, he wasn't.
Tyler got up from his bed. The first thing he did was stop at Kyle's room, seeing that it was empty. He then went to Maxis' room, only to find it empty as well.
The oldest brother went to the kitchen, where he found that to be empty, just like the other rooms. Tyler pulled his phone out and quickly sent a text message to his siblings.
"Did you both already leave for work?"
The message was read and the other two began replying. Their responses were a short and blunt "yes" or "yep" to answer Tyler's question.
Tyler did find their blunt responses a bit weird. In fact, he felt as if his two younger siblings had been acting strange for the past few months, if not longer. Anyway, Tyler shrugged it off and proceeded to make himself a quick breakfast.
After getting done with his breakfast, Tyler cleaned his plate up and then headed towards the garage, which was where he kept his workout/gym equipment.
When Tyler got into the garage, he turned on the small television and began to do his daily workout.
After an hour or so, Tyler would finish working out. He'd set his equipment down and turn the TV off. He decided that he would go take a shower.
Once Tyler left the connected garage he walked back into the house and headed towards the bathroom.
As Tyler walked through the house, he walked past the front door and his eyes widened as he saw that it was wide open.
"What the fuck?" Tyler mumbled ubder his breath.
After a few glances outside, Tyler shook his head while closing the door and locking it afterwards.
Tyler would continue to go on his way towards the bathroom, not giving the once open door a second thought. He'd get to the shower, then he'd change his clothes and head to the living room to relax.
About an hour had passed and Tyler woke up on the couch in the living room. He must've passed out sometime after showering and changing his clothes.
Tyler sat there for a few moments, groaning out in pain while trying to move his arms or even sitting up. It seems as if Tyler had hurt himself while working out.
Fighting through the pain, Tyler slowly got up from the couch and stood up. He honestly felt like an old man with how much his body ached. Deciding to do something about the aching, Tyler headed for the bathroom since that's where the medicine cabinet was.
Once Tyler got into the bathroom, he opened the medicine cabinet, which was behind the mirror that was above the sink. He reached inside and grabbed the Advil bottle, twisting off the cap and pulling out two.
While Tyler was doing that, he also turned on the faucet, so that way he could have some water to help take the Advil. Tyler would cup his hands and drink the water.
After Tyler took the pain relievers, he turned off the running water and dried his hands off. Then he closed the bottle and put it back inside the medicine cabinet. When the bottle was put away, Tyler closed the medicine cabinet door and looked in the mirror that was on the other side.
"Who the fuck are you..." Tyler mumbled.
In the mirror, Tyler had seen the black robe and white ghost-like mask that belonged to Ghostface. Before Tyler could turn around, Ghostface plunged their knife into Tyler's lower back.
Tyler yelped out in pain and grabbed onto the counter as he tried to keep his balance. Ghostface removed their knife and plunged it back into Tyler's back. To make matters worse, they began twisting it inside the stab wound.
That twisting seemed to be enough to cause Tyler to drop to the ground, crying out in an enormous amount of pain. However, right before he fell to the ground, his face hit the edge of the counter.
As Tyler tried to get up, Ghostface stomped, as hard as they could, right onto the two stab wounds on Tyler's back, causing Tyler to groan out in pain again. Tyler couldn't seem to get in a position to fight back, especially as Ghostface went back to stabbing Tyler's back, over and over again.
After the fourteenth or fifteenth stab, Tyler could feel his body losing it's fight to stay alive. Ghostface could sense it too as they rolled Tyler's body over and began towering over his body. Tyler weakly watched them tilt their head to the side as they started to crouch down to his level. The last thing Tyler saw and felt was Ghostface's knife plunging into his chest.
When Tyler's body went limp, Ghostface stood back up and took a few steps back, tilting their head to the side again. They were admiring their work and did so for a good few moments. Once they were done, they wiped their bloody blade clean and slowly left the scene.
It was now the evening and Maxis was currently sitting at her desk inside the police station. She was just waiting for the time to pass, so that way she could go home for the night.
As she sat there, one of the higher-ups at the station began to approach her desk. Maxis watched and noticed that they also had a slip of paper in their hands. She raised a brow and looked up at them.
"I know it's late and you're about ready to leave, but would you mind going to help close off a crime scene." They asked.
Maxis nodded, agreeing to go. She figured that if she wanted to work her way up the ranks. She'd need to do small things like this. So, when their conversation was done, Maxis took the slip of paper without reading it and began to head out the door and towards her car.
When she got in her cat, Maxis turned on one of the lights inside, so that way she could read the address on the piece of paper. Maxis' stomach dropped and her heart began racing. The address written on the piece of paper was her address!
"What the fuck?!" Maxis muttered as her hands slightly shook.
The next thing she knew was that she threw the piece of paper on the passager seat and she began to speed out of the parking lot. As she drove, she tried to call both Tyler's phone and Kyle's phone. There was no answer frkm either of them, which made her only panic even more as she drove.
Maxis drove to the street that her house was on, however that was as far as she could go with her car. She'd park her car and take a deep breath as she braced herself for whatever news she was going to find out.
Stepping out of her car and showing her badge to some of the other responding officers, Maxis was let into the borders that were closing the street off.
As soon as she was let through, Maxis took off in a sprint towards her house. She came to a screeching halt when she saw Kyle sitting on the sidewalk near their house. She quickly scanned him from where she was, noticing his puffy and bloodshot eyes and a couple of crumpled tissues laying near where he was seated.
"Kyle?" Maxis cautiously approached her brother.
Kyle slowly looked up at his sister, "H... He's dead, Maxis..." He muttered before sniffling, "Tyler's dead..." He added.
Maxis felt her heart and stomach drop, "No..."
After hearing the news of their older brother being dead, Maxis felt her world spinning. When she came back to her senses, Maxis started to crack.
A few sniffles which eventually lead to tears falling down her cheek. Without even thinking about anything else, Maxis got down to Kyle's level and engulfed her remaining brother into a hug.
The two siblings remained in the embrace for a good few moments before they each pulled away.
"I have to go see..." Maxis said, watching Kyle nod.
Maxis made her way into the house and was told where Tyler's body was found. She immediately went to the bathroom, where she'd be left alone by the other officers.
The coroner hadn't come to collect Tyler's body yet, meaning that Tyler's deceased body was still in the bathroom, just covered up by a slightly bloody sheet.
Maxis put a glove on (so she wouldn't contaminate the scene) and pulled the sheet back. Immediately after doing that, she wished that she hadn't. The sight of her dead older brother made her want to break down again.
After a few minutes, Maxis made her way back outside, where she'd meet up with Kyle. The two siblings would stand in a mourning silence for a good few minutes.
"We won't be able to stay here while the investigation is happening." Maxis said, finally breaking their silence, "not like I'd want to anyway..." she added.
Kyle nodded, "Shannon will probably let us stay with her." He spoke softly.
Maxis nodded, "You can go ask her. I'll have to stay here for a little longer and continue helping close off the area."
Kyle hesitated upon hearing that. He didn't want to leave his sister alone but nodded afterwards, having eventually realized that she wanted to be alone to grieve, at least for now.
With that said, Kyle and Maxis engulfed each other in one final tight embrace before going about their separate ways until meeting back up at Shannon's house, later in the night.
Damn poor Tyler! This story is getting good! Hopefully our characters will be alright! We hope you liked this chapter! See you in the next!
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