Chapter 5
The Next Day
Maxis Johnson was awoken from her sleep by a sound. That sound being her alarm clock, which was now playing "Obstacles" by Syd Matters.
She let her alarm ring for a few minutes, only because she was enjoying the music. Once she had enough, she'd get up and head to the kitchen.
As she entered the kitchen, she saw both of her brothers already in the room. Kyle was already eating his breakfast, which was cereal. While Tyler was making himself a breakfast burrito.
"Ah, you're awake." Tyler simply stated, after hearing and seeing Maxis entering the kitchen.
Maxis nodded and sat down at the table with her own breakfast, which was a set of waffles again. Tyler would soon join his two siblings with his own food.
The three siblings sat in silence as they ate. This wasn't an uncommon occurrence, in fact it was rather normal for them to not say anything most of the time. After a few seconds passed, however, Tyler did eventually say something.
"You both got home late last night, where were you guys?" He asked, being genuinely curious.
Maxis glanced over at Kyle, surprised to find out that he had gotten home late, too.
"That stupid idiot Jaren." Kyle said, "He fucking called off yesterday. So I had to do my shit at the store and then do his as well, because if I didn't, it wouldn't have gotten done."
Maxis spoke next, "One of the people at the station offered to take me to dinner, so I accepted. I guess I didn't realize how late it actually was."
Tyler nodded and went back to eating. Not too long after that, Kyle got up from his seat and put his bowl in the sink. He was now heading for the door to leave. His grumbling about Jaren could be heard as he walked out.
Maxis would be the next to clear her plate. She'd then head into her room and get ready for work. As she did that, she got a text message from John. She opened the phone and read the message.
"Get here asap, something happened last night."
Maxis hurriedly finished getting ready and then she was out the door and into her car, driving towards the police station.
After a quick drive, Maxis arrived at work. She walked into the station and sat down at her desk. A few minutes after that, John walked over to her holding a folder in his arms.
"There's been another murder." John quietly said, "However I can't go into details about it." He added, "When you get the chance, can you pass this off to Jason or set it on his desk?" He asked while placing the file on her desk.
Without giving Maxis time to answer his request, John was already walking away. He was probably heading towards the break room to get himself a cup of coffee and a donut.
Maxis watched as John walked away. When he was out of her sight, Maxis quickly scanned the name on the file. Her eyes widemed after seeing that it was a familiar name. Kaiden Jones. Soon after that, Maxis was looking through the file quickly as she could. Her stomach soon dropped, however, upon seeing the photographs from the scene.
The two photographs that caught her attention the most were the one that had a familiar looking Buck hunting knife and the other was a picture of a message written out in blood, reading "I'm Back~".
Maxis quickly closed the file since she saw John coming back. She'd then get up, placing the file on the right desk before sitting back down, she sat there for a few moments with her stomach in knots as she tried to cope with the news of Ghostface being back, and how she was going to break the news to Kyle and Shannon.
As she sat at her desk, Maxis pulled her phone out. She proceeded to open up her texts and find Kyle's messages. She'd begin to write a new message and send it to him.
"hey, after we're both home, I need to talk to you"
That was all she sent. For the rest of the day, she ignored the phone and tried to keep herself busy, while also trying to think of how she was going to tell them about the recent events.
It was now late in the evening and Maxis and Kyle were finally home. They were currently inside Maxis' room.
"I don't see what was so important that it had to wait until we were home." Kyle stated as he sat on the bed.
"Do you remember Kaiden, from the other night?" Maxis asked her brother.
"Shannon's friend?" Kyle asked, before quickly responding, "of course, we were just hanging out with him the other night."
Maxis nodded, "He was found murdered this morning."
"Holy shit." Kyle responded, his eyes widening a bit, "does Shannon know?"
Again, Maxis nodded, "Yeah, I told her as soon as I got off." She said, "But that's not the only thing I wanted to tell you."
Kyle raised a brow, "Oh?" he asked, as if telling his sister to go on.
"I have reason to believe that whoever murdered Kaiden was wearing the Ghostface stuff." Maxis said.
Kyle sat there, in silence and with wide eyes for a few moments, "and what makes you sure about that?" he finally asked, after a few moments.
Maxis sighed, "When I looked at the crime scene photos, there were two things." She said, before continuing, "The knife that the past Ghostfaces have used and a message that was written in Kaiden's blood."
"Holy fucking shit..." Kyle muttered under his breath.
Before either of them could say anything more, there was the sound of footsteps approaching the bedroom door. The door then slowly opened and behind it stood their big brother, Tyler.
"Oh, there you two are." Tyler said, smiling as he looked at his two siblings, "What's going on in here?" He questioned.
"Oh, Maxis was just telling me about a murder that happened last night." Kyle said, looking towards to his big brother.
Tyler nodded saying, "I heard about it on the news." he added "I don't think there's really anything you two need to worry about though. I'm sure Maxis' friends at the police department will catch whoever did this." He said, trying to reassure his younger siblings, as he assumed that they were nervous about the murder.
"I'm not so sure, Tyler..." Maxis replied, "because the person who killed Kaiden was wearing a Ghostface costume..." She stated, even if she wasn't entirely 100% certain about it.
Upon hearing that name, Tyler looked towards Maxis with confusion written all over his face, "Ghostface? Who the fuck is that?"
"Ghostface is the name we give to the people who've attacked us." Kyle responded, "back when you weren't here." He added, definitely intending to try and guilt trip their big brother.
Maxis sighed and nodded, "More specifically, they're someone who wears this all black robe, boots and a white, ghost-like mask and makes these creepy phone calls with a voice modifier." She explained.
Tyler shook his head and laughed a bit, "So, you think some guy making prank calls while wearing a Halloween costume is responsible for the death of Kaiden?" He asked, finding their theory rather absurd and somewhat amusing.
It was clear that Tyler didn't understand what his younger siblings had gone through, nor did he even make any attempts to understand, and that's what really ticked his siblings off.
"You don't get it." Maxis said, becoming irritated at their older brother's response, "You don't know what it's like to watch as your friends get picked off one by one, while you can't do anything about it because you don't know who's behind that mask..."
Kyle frowned, "Maxis, don't waste your breath." He said, "If he didn't understand it when we tried telling him two or three years ago, he still won't get it now, not even after seeing our scars."
Tyler just shook his head, "You both are delusional and need help. Especially if you want me to believe that some prankster in a Halloween costume went around murdering people that were close to you, and that it's happened more than once..."
With that said, Tyler left the bedroom to go about his night, while leaving both Kyle and Maxis in a shock and anger filled silence. It was still clearly obvious that Tyler never understood the pain and suffering that his siblings had gone through. And he didn't even really seem to care about it either...
Boy Tyler is a bit stubborn to understood what his younger siblings went through. Hopefully he would come around. We hope you enjoy this chapter and see you in the next one!
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