Chapter 4
The Next Day
The sound of "Fireflies" by Owl City rang through Maxis' room, as that was the sound of her alarm. She opened an eye and looked at her clock before silencing the alarm.
Once the song was stopped, Maxis laid in her bed for a few moments, taking the time to wake up a bit more. After that, she got out of bed and immediately went to the kitchen, as she was going to eat breakfast before she got ready for work.
When she got to the kitchen, Maxis went to the refrigerator and pulled out some apple juice. She poured herself a cup and sat it on the table before heading to the freezer and grabbing some frozen waffles and putting them in the toaster.
As Maxis waited for her waffles to toast, she heard the sound of footsteps approaching the kitchen. She turned around and saw Kyle entering the kitchen, he was already dressed for work.
"Good morning." He groggily said.
Maxis nodded and smiled lightly, "Do you want me to make you any?" She asked while pointing to the box of frozen waffles.
Kyle shook his head, "No, I'll just have some cereal." He said while grabbing all the necessary things for his breakfast.
Both Maxis and Kyle would then sit at the table with their breakfasts since they both finished preparing them at the same time.
As they both began to eat, they heard the sound of more footsteps approaching the kitchen. They soon saw their oldest brother, Tyler, entering the kitchen.
"Anyone make anything for me?" Tyler asked, looking at his two younger siblings eating their breakfast.
"You have two arms and legs, right?" Kyle replied somewhat sarcastically.
Tyler shrugged and went to the refrigerator to find something for breakfast. As that happened, Kyle and Maxis glanced at each other.
The two youngest siblings didn't seem to appreciate having their older brother around them, at least not anymore.
That feeling came about after the first Ghostface attacks, because Tyler didn't come to see if they were okay. That feeling only grew after the second Ghostface attacks and also when both Kyle and Maxis graduated because Tyler didn't visit them during any of that either.
Tyler grabbed something to eat and then sat down at the table, asking the other two. "Did you two have fun last night at Dave and Buster's with your friends?"
Maxis shrugs as she takes a bite of her waffles and looked towards her brother, who had a response.
"It was okay, we got to meet with Shannon's cousin Brian, his friend Brock, and met her co worker Kaiden." Kyle said as he ate his cereal
After that, a few moments of silence passed before Tyler asked, "Well, how is work going for you, Maxis?"
"Well, it's kinda of boring because I'm stuck with all the stupid and lame work." She said while looking up at him
Not too long after that, Kyle checked his phone and got up. He set his empty bowl in the sink and then said goodbye to everyone because he had to go to work.
Maxis would soon follow his lead. She'd head back to her room to get ready for work and then she was off to the station.
After she arrived at the station, Maxis went to her desk and started flipping through the paperwork she had, most of it related to small crimes such as shoplifting and whatnot. As she did that, one of her work friends, and detective, John Keyes was making his way to her desk.
"What's up?" He asked as he leaned slightly against her desk and the other one beside hers.
Maxis shrugged, "paper work, I guess." She responded with a sigh.
John chuckled, "I remember how much they had me do when I was new to the force." He smiled, "You'll get there." he added, referring to her desire to be a detective like he was.
Maxis nodded, "Did you hear that the chief has some news?"
John nodded back, "Yeah, I'm not too sure what it is though." He added while running a hand through his long hair.
The two of them would begin to talk more about what news the chief could have.
It was now later in the day and Maxis sat at her desk. She was fuming about the news from earlier. They were closing Evan's murder and leaving it as a cold case.
Maxis' anger didn't go unnoticed either, at least not by her friend, and detective, John Keyes. He walked over to her desk.
"Are you okay?" He asked, watching her sit there.
Maxis shook her head, "Of course I'm not okay." She responded and soon got up from her desk.
The two of them took a step outside to talk. As soon as they as got outside (and far enough from the station), Maxis began to ramble.
"It's just not fucking fair." She grumbled, "It pisses me off. He has no right to tell us to stop the investigation." She added, while rambling.
"With all due respect Maxis, he is the Chief and is our boss." John chimed in.
Maxis sighed in frustration , "I know, I know... It's just..." She paused for a moment, "I wish I... We could've solved it..." She frowned," Evan deserved that, at least... Especially after what he went through with us." She added, referring to the last Ghostface attacks.
John listened to Maxis vent her frustrations and nodded as he listened. After a few seconds he'd pat her back.
"I don't think your friend would like seeing you get this worked up over his death." He softly spoke, "We will eventually get to the bottom of it, even if it's just you and me, sometime in the future."
Maxis sighed and nodded, understanding that John was right. She still couldn't help but feel the way she did.
"Hey, might be a weird question, but you wanna go grab a bit to eat or something?" John asked, hoping to keep the young rookie cop's mind off of things.
Maxis thought for a moment and then nodded, realizing that it was pretty late and almost time to leave for the day anyway. So, that's what the two of them did. They finished out their day at the station and went to a nearby restaurant for dinner.
Somewhere Else...
It was a somewhat quiet evening at Kaiden Jones' house. The young and quiet adult was currently playing a game in his room. That game? Dead by Daylight.
At the moment, he was in the lobby screen and was browsing his phone. However he was quickly loaded into a match, which caused him to set his phone down so he could play.
Soon after loading into the match, Kaiden could feel and see his phone vibrating on his desk. He chose to ignore it because he was now in a game.
The phone would eventually stop vibrating after a few moments, but then it started vibrating once again. Kaiden quickly glances at the caller ID, trying to get a good look at it while he was playing.
It was a call coming from an Unknown Number. That made it easy for Kaiden to ignore it and go back to gaming, at least for now.
Kaiden did his best to focus on the game and ignore the call bit it was getting harder and harder because after the first call, the sae Unknown Number caller continued calling back. In fact, it was now the third time and Kaiden was sick of it. He quickly picked up the phonr yo accept thr call ehile trying to hold the phone to his eat with his shoulder.
"Hello?" Kaiden asked, a hint of annoyance in his voice.
"Hello Kaiden~" A robotic sound voice spoke. It obviously belonging to Ghostface.
"Hello? Who's this and what do you want?" Kaiden asked.
"I just want to talk~" Ghostface replied.
Kaiden rolled his eyes as he focused on his game, "I'm in the middle of something important." He grumbled.
Ghostface chuckled, "I know~ You better watch out before you get hooked, especially since you're already injured~"
Kaiden's eyes widened a bit. His TVs volume was all the way down, so how did this person know what game he was playing and how did they know he was already injured?
"How did you know that?" Kaiden asked, stuttering a bit as he took his hands off the controller, which caused his in-game character to stop moving and get hit by the in-game killer.
Ghostface chuckled, "Not doing too well in the game, huh~?"
"How do you know this? Is this some prank? Did Shannon put you up to this?" Kaiden asked, knowing that sometimes his friend loved pulling pranks on him and the others at their workplace
Ghostface lets out a chuckle, "You better hope your character gets saved, and you should watch all of your surroundings the next time because you never know where the killer may be hiding."
Kaiden stopped playing the game because he was gettinf freaked out by the caller and everything they said to him. Then, he jumped because he heard a sound coming from somewhere inside of his home or so he thought.
Against his better judgement, Kaiden left the room he was in and went to check what had made that noise.
After taking a few moments to investigate his house, Kaiden couldn't find out what caused the noise. However, he was still freaked out, so he went and locked the doors.
As he did this, he heard the person on the other end of the phone chuckle again.
"Why are you locking those doors Kaiden~? Especially when I'm already inside~" Ghostface said, continuing to chuckle.
Kaiden didn't know why he didn't hang up earlier but now he did hang up. That wasn't the only thing he did though. After quickly slipping his phone inside his pocket, Kaiden made a rush towards the front door that he had just locked.
Kaiden flung the door open and his eyes widened because Ghostface was standing right there.
"Oh fuck!" He stuttered, wasting no time in slamming the door back shut and locking it, especially after seeing the knife in their hand.
After locking the door, Kaiden ran towards his gaming room. He was going to go hide in there and call for help, at least that was the plan. When he got inside the room, he went into the closet and closed the door.
Just as Kaiden made it inside the closet to hide, Ghostface managed to kick in the front door and was now, actually, inside the house.
Ghostface began to search, while making a mess of the place by throwing kitchen chairs, flipping the coffee table and whatnot.
As Kaiden hid in the closet, he had forgotten about calling for help, due to being so frightened by the loud noises coming from inside the house.
Those loud noises soon died down because Ghostface was now approaching the gaming room. Kaiden's breath hitched as he heard the room's door opening.
Ghostface entered and looked around for a few seconds. Just as they were getting ready to leave, they heard something. It was the sound of a phone vibrating.
Kaiden's eyes widened as he felt and heard his phone vibrating against the wooden closet door. He quietly whimpered, hoping and praying that the masked intruder (and killer) didn't hear it.
His prayers went unanswered as the closet door was quickly flung open. Ghostface reached in and grabbed Kaiden, yanking him from his hiding spot.
Kaiden tried to fight back as he was slammed against the wall. Ghostface wrapped one of their gloved hands around Kaiden's neck, beginning to choke him. At the same time, Ghostface plunged their knife into Kaiden's stomach.
Kaiden struggled and squirmed but it seemed like it was no use, as Ghostface continued to choke Kaiden with one hand while continuing to stab him with the knife in the other hand.
Soon enough, Kaiden's body slumped and Ghostface let dead Kaiden's body crash to the floor. Ghostface didn't leave right after that though. They took their bloody knife and began to write a message on the wall.
When it was all said and done, the bloody message said "I'm Back!" and after writing that out, Ghostface walked over to the desk in the room and slammed their knife down onto it, leaving it behind as they left the scene.
Poor Kaiden! We hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next chapter :3
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