Punk (?) Stu Macher headcanons
★ this is less music based and more abt fasion sry
★ 1000% paints his nails
★ he loves pretty looking things so he would either notice tatum's painted fingernails and ask her to paint his
★ or they would be hanging out and she's painting her nails so he's like "ooo, my turn!"
★ they would go to the drugstore together and look at nail polishes and it would be a sensory heaven for stu
★ stu loves showing off his manicure and also seeing people's manicures
★ he's that friend that's like omg give me ur hand i wanna see ur nail polish
★ stu would want to play around with makeup and would first start out with going through his mom's makeup
★ the issue is, his parents leave town a lot so his mom takes her makeup with her :(
★ so then stu goes to tatum and word vomits and asks her so many questions about makeup
★ he would ask her what everything is, what it does, how does it work
★ his first instinct would be to put his grubby fingers in everything but tatum quickly teaches him how to apply makeup with brushes and sponges
★ that won't stop him tho, he just won't with tate's precious makeup
★ they have makeup lessons as often as they can
★ stu's the type of friend/boyfriend who would absolutely let you put makeup on him, no questions asked
★ he loves making stupid faces while tatum tries to concentrate on making him look good
★ he does it so much that she starts to get frustrated and threatens to stab him with eyeliner
★ he'll tone it down after that
★ yk how guys who've never done their makeup or had their makeup done are deathly terrified of anything going near their eyes and it's hilarious
★ stu was like that at first but he was so intrigued and fascinated by makeup and he knew he would have to get over that irrational fear
★ rather than do mascara or eyeliner for him, tatum opted to teach him how to do it so he wouldn't complain or get teary-eyed before she even got close to his eyes
★ they would start makeup lessons bare-faced and end with a full face of makeup
★ tate demonstrates makeup techniques on herself to teach stu
★ she refuses to let him do her makeup until he practices enough to get good
★ on lonely nights he'll put on some music and just practice putting on eyeliner until he's satisfied with it
★ eventually they have makeup lessons so often that tate starts to run low on her products so she takes him out to replace hers
★ stu finally buys his own makeup, not having to solely rely on his mom's or tate's
★ the whole thing is very exciting but also overwhelming cause so many brands make the same product and they all claim to be the best
★ he mainly sticks to tatum's side but he's also a crow boy so anytime he sees anything pretty/shiny he has to go see it
★ they spend way longer in the store than tate intended
★ stu asked so many questions on which product from which brand was better and such
★ he's like a kid and asks why after every answer she gives him but still gets whatever tatum uses/recommends
★ now that he is in possession of his own makeup he will start to wear it out more
★ it was a slow start, first he would wear makeup around billy to ease him into the idea
★ then he would wear it around the rest of the friend group when they would hang out
★ then it becomes a regular thing for him to wear some sort of makeup at school
★ he doesn't rly like lip products cause they give him sensory issues and usually sticks to chapstick
★ but on occassion he'll wear a sheer lipgloss or even a lip tint and he loves to give billy a big 'ol smooch to bother him
★ billy is so dramatic whenever he does that and acts like it'll burn his skin or something but secretly he doesn't mind cause he loves any kiss from stu
★ oh and ofc he wants piercings
★ he'd blab his mouth to anyone and everyone about getting his ears pierced and how badly he wanted to
★ he talked about it so much that billy got sick of it and was like "i could totally pierce your ears right now, it looks easy enough"
★ as we all know, billy, nor stu, are squeamish when it comes to blood or piercing skin
★ although the offer was tempting, stu's immediate response was hell no
★ he's like "no you'll be too rough and rip my ear off. you're not getting anywhere near my ears with a needle"
★ so they do the next best thing and go to an actual piercing shop
★ they don't even id him cause he's so tall they assume he's an adult
★ which is great bc his parents r still out of town and would never let him
★ he doesn't wanna go alone and is lowkey still nervous so he brings billy with him
★ he starts to panic as it sets in that it's actually happening and his ears will be pierced any second now
★ billy notices and offers his hand for him to squeeze
★ they hold hands and it isn't until the needle goes through that he squeezed the life out of billy's hand
★ after the piercer puts the first earring in stu's like "huh, it didn't even hurt that bad"
★ meanwhile billy is like hgjfdlslfhg and is cradling his crushed hand
★ then ofc will the piercer is prepping his other ear stu goes "yk what billy, u would look so hot with a tongue piercing"
★ and billy's like i'm not getting a piercing u freak
★ anyway, now that his earrings are in stu's looking in a mirror, checking his ears out
★ he picked out the cutest, daintiest little earring you could ever imagine and he loves them
★ the piercer told him not to touch them but he wants to so badly and every time he lifts his hand to touch his earrings billy slaps his hand
★ he takes utmost care of them, following the aftercare he was instructed
★ at any given chance he will show them off to everyone
★ like mid conversation he'll just turn his head to show off his ears
★ anytime he's out shopping and he sees any earrings, he will look at every single one and come back home with more earrings each time
★ he can't wait til he can change out his jewelry
★ he doesn't have that big of an interest in dyeing his hair
★ he thinks ppl with dyed hair are pretty and all but he can't handle the idea of committing to a color
★ which leads him to crash tatum and sidney's girls night so that they'll help him bleach his hair
★ not all of it tho
★ yk how ppl with buzzcuts or rly short hair will bleach designs into their head
★ yah that's what he plans to do to surprise billy for valentine's
★ he asks tate and sid to bleach hearts into his hair
★ and then he gives them pink semi-permanent hair dye to fill in the bleached hearts <3
★ he chose semi-perm so it would fade fairly quickly and he could dye it again or just dye it back to his natural color
★ anyway, billy was so shocked and enamored by stu's hair he made sure to kiss every little heart of stu's head
★ i'm gonna cry why is that so cute
★ my heart can't take this anymore and neither can stu's he is just putty in billy's hands and nuzzles his head into his hands
★ i stg he becomes like a dog and demands billy pet his head
★ he's 100% the type of person to fall asleep if you play with their hair long enough so stu fell asleep at the end of their valentine's date
★ ik i said this isn't music based and i'm not even mentioning a punk band but bear w me
★ stu would buy tickets to see waterparks (pop rock band) and take billy with him
★ before he bought the tickets he contemplated buying for everyone in the friend group but decided against it to have a fun night with billy
★ billy's not that familiar with waterparks but will listen to them when stu tells him he got tickets to their show
★ stu absolutely made billy a lovey-dovey playlist and there were plenty of waterparks song on it
★ his favorite song is dream boy because he always thinks of his dream boy billy <3
★ stu got pit tickets so at the concert he makes billy dance and jump around with him
★ halfway through their set, billy says he needs to go to the bathroom and he'll be right back
★ he was lying lol he went to the merch table and bought a shirt exclusive to their tour in stu's size
★ he found stu and gave him the shirt to which stu wrapped his arms around billy, lifting him off the ground
★ stu is screaming his head off the entire night and definitely gets a sore throat after the concert
★ it's okay cause billy takes care of him
★ he'll stay the night and pamper stu in the morning with breakfast in bed and tea with honey to soothe his throat
★ he'll remind stu to drink water
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