October 14, 1996
"...this is the worst crime they've seen in years. Even worse than..."
Sidney stepped off the bus with you following after. The two of you would routinely sit elsewhere and walk into the school building with different friends. Today was an exception since you were interested in Billy's spontaneous appearance the previous night.
Sid hadn't uttered a word to you on the bus, and, by the looks of it, she had no intention of telling you. Regardless, you still walked beside her.
It didn't take long for both of you to notice news reporters strewn around the school campus. You and Sidney observe the campus trying to piece together what was going on, but both of you froze upon seeing a certain reporter.
Standing near the school entrance Gale Weathers stood donning the most obnoxious lime-yellow suit.
"What the hell is she doing here?" you mumble to yourself, only for Tatum to pop up, causing Sid to gasp and flinch.
Tatum spoke, "Can you believe this shit?"
"What is going on?" You ask.
The blonde continues, "You don't know? Casey Becker and Steve Orth were killed last night."
"What? No way," Sid exclaims, to which Tatum only nods in confirmation.
"And we're not talking killed; we're talking splatter-movie killed. Ripped open from end to end."
Deciding you heard enough, you separated. Sid called your name in hopes of stopping you, but to no avail. Besides, there was a reporter who was practically begging to have her broadcast ruined.
Gale was still spewing her nonsense to the camera when you appear behind her. You made sure you were in the line of the camera before flipping off Gale and yelling loud enough to ensure you were heard, "Go fuck yourself, Gale Weathers!"
You didn't move a muscle until she whipped around to look at the disruption. You sent her a wink before running off, knowing it was only a matter of time until you were caught and punished.
You didn't get very far because of someone in your path. You weren't aware at the time, but you ran right into the hands of danger.
"Billy?" Your voice was hoarse from its lack of use and short-lived sprint. You peer up at him in awe.
He clutches your shoulders, creating some distance between your bodies. The look of concern on his face couldn't have been more apparent. His brows furrowed, outlining the creases on his glabella, and his eyes eased onto your form. Lips parted, equipped to utter words, yet saying nothing.
Your thoughts cut short when someone cleared their throat.
"Sorry to interrupt you two love birds, but we're kinda in the middle of the hallway, and we may or may not be in everyone's way," Stu explains gesturing to the people walking around you and Billy.
The two of you separate as if it was a knee-jerk reaction. You could hear Stu snicker at the action and glare at him. He stuck his hands up in defense.
Billy brushes his clothes free of dirt and adjusted himself. The action alone reassembled his suave aloofness.
"So, s'there a reason you ran straight into me? Or is this your new 'hello'."
Stu answers for you, "Oh! Was that you who told off Gale? Gotta admit I'm looking forward to watching Top Story," he splayed his arm around Billy's shoulder leaning toward you.
You shrug indifferently, "They'll probably cut out that footage. Can't say I regret it. I can die happy after seeing that look of shock on her stupid face."
"Who knew you could be such a trouble-maker?" Billy chimes in, resuming his walk to class. Stu went to match his stride and glances back at you to see if you would follow. You might as well since you and Billy have the same first period.
"You wouldn't know the kind of stuff you could get away with when you have a busy dad. I'd have a lot more fun if it weren't for Sid," you remarked.
There's a glimmer in Billy's eye when he glances at Stu, "Oh yeah? What kind of stuff?"
You grin, "Wouldn't you like to know? Wanna tell me why you snuck into Sid's room last night first?"
Stu has a look of astonishment as he looks down at Billy. He meets his gaze and gestures for him to leave the two of you alone. The taller boy laughs to himself before spotting Randy strolling ahead of them.
"Uh, I'll let you two have your little moment," he says, moving to catch up to Randy.
At the sight of the ginger, you can't help but grimace.
Billy nudges you, and you force your eyes off of Randy.
"You don't want to be alone with me that badly? Ouch," He says with no real disdain.
It took you a moment to understand what he meant, "Huh? N-No! It's just, well, I'm not very fond of Randy."
"Randy, huh. And why's that?" the air around Billy shifts. Randy was a real pain in the ass he was sick of having to deal with.
"Nothing except for his infatuation with Sid," You spoke without thinking and promptly realize just who you were speaking with. "Oh god, I didn't mean that. You didn't hear that from me. Please ignore everything I just said," You try to retract your statement.
He only chuckles at your panicked state, "Stop worrying so much, kid. It doesn't take a genius to realize Randy's been crushing on Sid."
You huff at his nonchalant demeanor, "It's not like him crushing over Sid is a big deal. That's not my issue at least. I just wish he'd stop trying to be buddy-buddy with me to try to get with Sid."
"So, it's like that, hm. Well, if you want I could have a word with him."
As much as you would like that, he is Sidney's boyfriend. You shot down his offer, "It's fine, besides if you talked to him, he would know someone ratted him out."
He sighs at your resolve, "If you say so, but if anyone's bothering you, don't hesitate to come to me."
You laugh at his response, "What are you, my brother? Relax, I can handle myself just fine."
The two of you reach your classroom sooner than you anticipate. Damn it, you didn't even get the chance to ask him about his late-night rendezvous.
"The police just want to ask you a few questions. You okay?"
Billy took his assigned seat, which happened to be right next to yours. At the start of class, your teacher announced that the police department was investigating the death of Steve and Casey. The police would be conducting interviews and pulling students out of classes until they spoke to everyone. Your teacher suggested taking out a book to read in the meantime.
You sigh, looking out the window. The police would be going in alphabetical order, so it would take a while before it was your turn.
The class period was nearing its end, and you still hadn't been called up to the office. You were startled when Billy suddenly placed his hand on your desk, using it as leverage to get out of his seat.
"Wish me luck," he says with a wink before exiting the classroom.
You weren't given much time to respond, so you sat there stunned. Despite Billy being Sid's boyfriend, the two of you lacked any substantial interactions. Most of your interactions consisted of saying 'hi' in passing. Even though you were assigned next to each other, he and you haven't interacted much. Countless times the girls in your class fawned over Billy and demanded he joins their group project. Billy is no push-over by any means, but he doesn't seem to mind the attention brought his way. It looks as if his allure spans from his enticing image and captivating charm.
"Y/N Prescott? It would appear to be your turn."
That's odd. Billy hasn't returned, yet here you are, being summoned to the office. You rise out of your seat, grabbing your belongings, including your backpack. You steal a glance at Billy's desk with his backpack still hanging off the back of his seat. With an office note in hand, you make your way through the eerily desolate hallways.
As you round the corner, you spot Stu and Billy talking amongst themselves. The latter leaning against the drab lockers with crossed arms. Stu stood in front of the brunet with his hands in his pockets.
You call out to them, "You two really are attached at the hip. What are you guys plotting?" You inquire with a quirked brow.
Their heads halt to attention at your declaration. Stu resembles a deer in headlights, and Billy looks like he wants to melt into the lockers.
You steadily approach, and Stu's rigid body visibly relaxes upon your recognition.
"Wouldn't you like to know, kid?" he jests.
You roll your eyes, having grown accustomed to being teased for being younger. "So you're using the death of your peers as an excuse to get out of class?" You gasp, covering your mouth with your hand, "How nefarious."
Billy didn't seem amused, "That's a pretty big word for a punk like you. Did'ya learn that one in English?"
"You would know since we're in the same class. Y'know, the one you're skipping right now."
Stu snorts at your snide comment, "Oh, he's got you there."
You hear Billy mumble a 'whatever' as you walk past them to your destination. After entering the main office, you're instructed to go to Principal Himbry's office. Having been there before, you make your way to his office without the aid of the other office staff.
Himbry greets you as you sit down, "Y/N! Good to see you're doing well."
You internally grimace at his fabricated chivalry, "Nice to see you, too." You acknowledge Dewey and the sheriff with a nod.
"How have you been, Y/N?" Sheriff Burke spoke.
"I'm alright."
"What about your family? How are they?" he followed up.
"Just fine," You were aware your answers were coming off superficial, but you wanted nothing more than for this to be over.
Himbry sighs, "We're gonna try and keep this brief, okay? The police just want to ask you a few things," he finished with a head pat.
You didn't know what was more embarrassing, him petting your head or him doing so in front of the sheriff and deputy. You bit your tongue and simply nodded.
The interview took longer than expected. It cut into your time in your second period. The next time you entered the hallways, you didn't see Billy nor Stu. You wondered what they were talking about but reminded yourself that it wasn't your business.
After spending most of your morning doing nothing but waiting in classrooms, the lunch bell rang. You sigh in relief, trying to regain some normalcy in your school schedule. You, along with the other students, make your way to the cafeteria or outside. Once you descend the stairs, you hear someone call out your name from behind you. Turning around, you watch Stu, who's holding Tatum's hand, as he practically drags her down the steps.
"Hey, lil' man. You walk real fast y'know, almost lost you there."
You exhale, "Everyone's little compared to you, Jolly Green Giant."
Tatum actually laughs at the comparison. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. I was gonna invite you to sit with us, but I'm not feeling so generous anymore."
"As much as I would love to sit with two lovely couples and Randy, I already have lunch plans. Should've scouted me earlier, Stewart."
He fake gags at your use of his first name. His pointed tongue sticks out at you as he shudders in repulsion. "Never call me that again. Well, the offer still stands if you make up your mind. See you around, Prescott!" he calls out, walking off with Tatum.
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