"Get the hell out!"
"Get him! Get him!"
Vampires and witches... Always fucking witches....
"You god damn rat.."
Senile Seth and his thoughts that I am a huge plague rat always made me chuckle.
I was a cat...well, I was an incubus who was turned into a cat,but I still wanted to keep some sort of dignity.
Another broom.
Not even a witch.
"I'd rather that rat be dead than running amuck."
"It's a cat, Dad."
Who was that?
"Yes," the soft voice said again, "Stop scaring himoff. He looks hungry."
I wasn't hungry for human food. I was hungry for blood and revengeand the head of the witch who'd turned me.
"Give him some of that leftover roast."
"I was going to," the female said again, "Whatwould you like from the pantry?"
"My antacids.."
"You need to stop eating so much grease."
I lingered around the corner, waiting for that delicious smellingroast from the deli.
"Here, kitty kitty.."
I saw her standing there in a purple coat and little pink ski cap,her red hair was poking out from all sides and she was beautiful, butshe was human.
"Are you there?"
I took a step out and watched her frown turn into a smile as shepointed to the plate.
"You need to stay full and stay safe, kitty."
"Coming, Dad!" Goldie looked back at me as I stared upinto her hazel eyes, "I have a blanket around back that isdrying. I'll put it down for you and you can sleep on the back stepfor tonight."
I purred.
She was about to pet me and dammit I wanted her to, but her fathercalled again.
"Sorry," she stepped back, "Eat up."
And then, she was gone.
"I'm sorry, baby girl." Seth said as he cracked open anotherbeer, "I just worry.."
"You worry too much and your heart won't take it," Goldiescolded, "Take your meds—WITHOUT THE BOOZE."
"Yeah, yeah.."
Goldie watched from a distance as herfather took his meds.
I was inclined to offer him a piece ofmy mind, perhaps a hairball or two, but he was good to her—somewhat.
"I'll be home later tonight,"Goldie said as she made her way out of the apartment and down theblock.
I followed her, my tail swishing everwhich way. A rat scurried in front of me.
Fucking Duke.
I'd eat him later.
I had things to tend to!
I kept a distance and realized Goldiewas going into the herbs and remedies shop.
Of course, I figured her to be anaturalist, but this?
"I have all that you need, MissBlake."
"Thank you so much, Greta. It meansthe world to me."
"Are you joining us tomorrow night?"
"If I can, I will."
"Your mother would be so proud ofyou—carrying on the traditions like this."
I didn't care about traditions...
I could smell this woman, though—thisGreta.
"I will have to get my father tosleep.."
"Use this.."
I couldn't see what the shopkeeper hadhanded her, but I was balanced on a trash can at the side of thebuilding when I heard the mutts.
"Oh, this will work wonders,"Goldie said, excitedly as I tossed myself into the trash can, "Youseem to have something in your,-"
"That cat followed you.."
It was a whisper, but I could hear inGreta's voice a slight chill.
"You don't think?"
"I am not sure..."
"Well, I will let you know if I willbe there," Goldie said, "Have a blessed night."
I skedaddled out of the trash canbefore Pete, the pitbull, caught my tail.
"I knew your parents, you scoundrel!"
"Whatever, Damien!" Pete said,"Your parents practically totaled the entire kingdom and then thewitches turned us—you think your precious baker is a saint?"
"I've no idea what you mean! Let mego!" I screeched.
"She's a witch, you idiot..." Petescoffed, releasing my tail as the others gathered around me, "Awitch indeed."
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