Chapter 2: New Allies
As you flew away, many thoughts flooded through your mind... "Who were those guys?" "Why did they try to kill you? You were just trying to warn them!" "Is everyone like that...?"
Momoko: "Hey! Wait up!!"
As you turned around, you saw 3 girls following you
Momoko: "We just wanna talk!"
You were insanely suspicious of them
Y/N: "No! I don't trust you!!"
Miyako: "Please! We just wanna talk"
You looked around and saw a man walking to his car... you picked up the car
Y/N: "I... said... NO!!!"
You threw it at them and they dodged... however the man just stared at where his car was
Citizen: "Oh... there goes my car..."
After a few moments, a look of realization and horror morphed on his face
Kaoru got her hammer out
Kaoru: "Alright! Let's beat some sense into this guy"
Unwillingly, the rest of the girls got their weapons out too
> Y/N
Momoko threw her Yoyo out at you, put you simply used your telekinesis to throw it back at her, hitting her forehead
Momoko: "Gah- Owwww... that hurt..."
Next was Miyako's turn, she blew a bubble to try and contain you but you popped it
Miyako: "Aww..."
You used your powers to pick up mailboxes, light posts, cars, and various other things scattered across the town and threw them all at the trio
At the same time, The Mayor was watching this scuffle play out, a look of horror on his face
Mayor: "Please Powerpuffs! You need to stop him from destroying the city...!"
His assistant, Miss Bellum, was also watching, however she had a different train of thought
Miss Bellum's Thoughts: "He seems like a good kid... just scared... I wonder... if we can gain his trust... he might be a big help for the PowerPuff Girls..."
Kaoru yelled out furiously
Kaoru: "That's it!! This'll end it!!!"
She flew up and hit you with her hammer too quickly for you to react to, you flew back a bit
Y/N: "Ugh!! Get back!!"
You used her telekinesis to push her back with the rest of her group, who started strategizing
Momoko: "How do we beat this guy?! We don't know anything about him, and he can just use his powers to stop us!"
Just as they started thinking they looked ahead and was worried
Miyako: "Hey!! Stop!!"
Kaoru: "Watch out!!"
Momoko: "In front of you!!"
You clenched your fists
Y/N: "I know what you're planning! You want me to stop and turn around to see nothing so you can get some hits on me, right?! Well it won't work! I'm not that stupid!!"
Just as soon as you turned around to fly away faster you splatted face-first against a building, falling down unconsciously...
Luckily Momoko flew down to rescue you, holding you in her arms
Kaoru: "Nice one! Now let's go back to the Professor!!"
Momoko: "Right!"
Commander Tower: "You just don't understand! That boy's power levels were off the charts, he could be dangerous without even meaning to!!"
Prof. Utonium: "Ok?! We'll just have to try and teach him to hold back!!"
While they bickered, the rest of each of their parties watched them confused...
Just then, the PowerPuffs landed right next to Ken
Commander Tower: "Just give me the boy!"
???: "Stop!!"
Everyone turned to look at the Mayor and his assistant who walked towards them
Mayor: "Abraham... Let it go"
Commander Tower: "But... Sir!"
Mayor: "We have decided to let this boy become one of the PowerPuffs"
Everyone: "HUH?!!?"
Miss Bellum: "He's just scared... if we could calm him down, he could be a great defender of the city... plus... we have questions for him..."
After processing their words Tower let out a resigned sigh
Commander Tower: "Men! Back to HQ!!"
With that, each GUN Member started to leave, Tower shot the boy a nasty glare before leaving...
Miss Bellum approached the boy, who was still in Momoko's arms
Miss Bellum: "Poor boy..."
Meanwhile, Shadow walked through the base, looking around
Shadow: "Where is she...?!"
As he walked through an automatic door he encountered a few robots who aimed their guns at him...
Shadow didn't looked phased as he pulled out a similar gem and a black light with red highlights surrounded him
Shadow: "Chaos... CONTROL!!!"
In a blink of an eye, Shadow was behind the robots, who started to explode, his arms crossed
Shadow: "Hmph... Waste of time..."
With that he walked away but stopped when a familiar figure appeared from behind a corner
???: "Shadow?"
You wearily opened your eyes... the feeling of a soft sensation beneath you... you got up
Y/N: "What happened...?"
Momoko jumped out in front of you
Momoko: "Good Morning!!"
Y/N: "AAH!!!"
You picked her up, and saw the others, picking them up too
Y/N: "Where am I?! Who are you?! What are you planning to do with me?!"
Prof. Utonium: "Hey... calm down... put us down and we'll explain..."
Y/N: "Wait..."
You walked closer to some glass thing and... for the first time ever... you saw yourself...
Shocked, you let go of everyone and just... examined yourself...
Ken started to approach you
Ken: "Hey, we're not here to hurt you... We just want to talk..."
You just looked at him... still in a state of shock you nodded your head
Y/N: "Yeah... ok..."
You were sitting on the sofa as everyone else surrounded you...
Momoko: "What's your name...?"
Y/N: "Y/N..."
Miyako: "How old are you...?"
Y/N: "13"
Kaoru: "Where'd you come from?!"
Y/N: "Ugh- uh..."
You hesitated to answer that one...
Prof. Utonium: "When those soldiers were surrounding you, you said that we all were in danger... what did you mean by that?"
Y/N: "..."
You sighed, deciding to tell them the truth
Y/N: "I'm from the future..."
That, obviously, shocked everyone
Y/N: "In the future, everything is destroyed... fire, ash, and lava everywhere... everyone else is dead... and it's all because... of Iblis..."
Prof. Utonium: "Iblis...?"
You nodded...
Y/N: "I'm still not sure what Iblis actually is... but it's not good... I can tell you that... I've tried beating it on many different occasions... but it kept coming back..."
Ken: "How'd you get here?"
Y/N: "I picked up this gem"
You dug into your pocket and pulled out the gem, showing it off
Y/N: "And next thing I knew, I woke up here... I know nothing else..."
Poochi: "...How'd you get those powers...?"
Y/N: "When I was younger, a cyan light hit me... ever since then I had telekinesis..."
Miss Bellum: "Alright! Here's an important question... would you like to save the world?"
Y/N: "Huh?! Of course!! Why...?"
Miss Bellum gestured towards the PowerPuffs
Miss Bellum: "These young girls work together to protect the world from evil... and with your powers, you could be a big help! So... Would you like to join the PowerPuff Girls?"
After a few minutes of considering it, you realized that these guys were trustworthy and so you nodded
Y/N: "Alright! I'm in!!"
Miss Bellum: "Excellent! Just a few things to know!!"
After explaining everything and introducing themselves you were left alone in the same room as the PowerPuff Girls...
Momoko: "Any of you girls, up for some ice cream?"
Miyako: "Mhm!"
Kaoru: "You know it!!"
Y/N: "What's ice cream...?"
As you tilted your head innocently, everyone turned to look at you flabbergasted
Momoko: "You'll see! C'mon!!"
She grabbed your hand and started running away with you, the other two running to catch up with Momoko
Y/N: "P-Please!! Slow down!!"
You looked around the ice cream shop, a bit confused on how nobody was paying you 4 any mind, since you just fought each other not too long ago...
Momoko: "You gonna eat your ice cream?"
Y/N: "Oh! Right, got a little... sidetracked ehe..."
You slowly took a spoonful of your vanilla ice cream into your mouth... your eyes lighting up
Y/N: "Oh... my... GOD!!! THIS IS SO GOOD!!!"
The girls chuckled at your excitement, but quickly grew concerned when you saw how fast you were eating it
Momoko: "Hey slow down or else you'll get a-"
Your head started hurting, putting your hands on it
Y/N: "Agghhhhh!!! It hurts!!"
Momoko: "...Brain freeze..."
After the brain freeze subsided Miyako spoke up to you
Miyako: "Hey... Y/N... I was wondering... since your future is just fire... that means all the water must've already evaporated, right? Well how did you survive without any...?"
Your eyes widened... and you started questioning everything
Kaoru: "Miyako... I think you broke him..."
Miyako: "Oops! My bad!!"
After that... "experience" you went to a park, a sweet shop, and an arcade...
You all went back to the lab, while the Girls were still excited, you were exhausted...
Y/N: "Alright... I'm... going to sleep..."
They all looked disappointed but accepted it
Miyako: "Oh, ok! Good night!!"
You laid down on the floor which shocked everyone
Kaoru: "Why are you laying down on the floor?!"
Y/N: "Where else should I sleep??"
Perfectly on cue, Utonium walked in the room
Prof. Utonium: "If you'd like, you can sleep on the couch!"
Y/N: "...Really...?"
Prof. Utonium: "Of course... in fact, you can stay here!"
You were quite surprised, you got up
Y/N: "Oh th-thank you, sir!"
As you climbed onto the sofa, you closed your eyes and immediately fell asleep
Momoko: "Jeez... he really was tired..."
2 People walked through the snow, away from some sort of base
The first was Shadow
The second was a busty woman, wearing a tight black leotard, which accentuated her curves, a pink heart shaped chest plate that showcased her breasts, and big white boots with pink cuffs
She also was holding a small scepter that had a purple glow
The woman, who was walking behind Shadow, walked closer to him with a seductive sway of her hips, and held out the scepter
???: "Don't you want to know what this is?~"
Shadow kept moving, not sparing her even a glance, speaking very coldly and bluntly
Shadow: "My assignment was to rescue you, nothing more"
???: "Fine... With you it's always business"
Suddenly the earth started to shake as 3 robots flew towards them and landed in front of them, Shadow got in a offensive stance, while the woman turned back to look at him, a small mischievous glint in her eyes
???: "It seems like they don't want us to leave"
Shadow huffed
Shadow: "Let's get this over with"
(A/N: Sorry, got a bit lazy at the end there... may go back and rework it someday but... eh, who knows...)
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