Chapter 1: Dreaming Of Your Absolution
> ???
You ran...
You ran as fast as you could down the winding hallways... Yet at the same time, it felt as though you were stuck in place, tears streamed down your eyes
You screamed out, hoping for a response... But no one called back...
You kept screaming endlessly, The hallway getting longer and longer
You felt as though you were losing your mind
You felt as though-
The sound of a roar awoke you, after processing your nightmare you got up from the roof of the building you passed out on, the familiar scenery of flames and destruction greeting you
> Crisis City
Half of you was relieved to have been knocked out despite the awful dream since it's been a while since you went to bed... possibly a week...? It was hard for you to keep track of time...
However that relief was short lived as you remembered the all too familiar roar... and you started mumbling to yourself
Y/N: "Back again? How long was I out for?! Ugh, no matter..."
You tried dusting off the ash and soot of your charred clothes, wincing in pain every time you accidentally brushed burns on your skin through the countless charred holes
Afterwards a light blue aura surrounded you, and you felt weightless, lifting yourself off the ground...
Y/N: "Iblis... I'm coming for you..."
After your declaration you flew across the ruined remains of the city...
You didn't get very far until one of Iblis' monsters tried shooting you with a fireball
Luckily you stopped just before it hit you, you turned to look in it's direction just as it was shooting another ball of fire out at you
This time you held your hand out, as the ball was surrounded by the same light blue aura that carried you across the wreckage, it paused in mid-air
Y/N: "Take... THIS!!!"
You extended your hand out a bit further as the ball was blasted right back at the monster, destroying it, And carried on your way
While floating away you stare down at your hands remembering the day you got these telekinetic powers...
You were curled up into a ball, left a trembling, sobbing mess... you had barely escaped from one of the monsters that roamed these lands
Your head was filled with self-loathing, criticism, and depreciation, despite only being 6 years old...
You looked up at the sky, filled with black clouds, not a drop of sunlight passing through
Y/N: "Please... if... if any higher power is listening... I beg of you... please give me power to rid this world of Iblis and its monsters..."
As soon as you finished your plea you noticed a cyan light... it was the first time you saw any light that was not emanating from the flames and lava that covered this world...
It was beautiful...
It was motivating...
It was... coming right FOR YOU!!!
As soon as you realized that you froze up, you tried moving from that spot but it was like you were paralyzed, so you braced yourself instead...
As the light touched you it was gone and you felt... different... you didn't look different as far as you were aware but something had definitely changed...
Life however decided not to let you question it for too long as one of Iblis' creatures arose from the ground a few feet ahead of you...
Instinctively, you tried crawling away from it, only to be stopped by a building
Y/N: "No... No! Please... No... GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"
You extended your hand as far as you could reach, in what was originally supposed to be a weak attempt to stop the creature...
However as you did that the monster was covered in a light the same hue as the one that you just saw and blasted back into another building, vanishing immediately
You were stunned... you slowly looked at your aura covered hand, it dissipating brief moments after...
Y/N: "Did I do that...?"
You outstretched your hand towards a small pebble which was covered in the same light
Slowly, you raised your hand up, the pebble rising with it... you tried letting go control of the pebble but...
Y/N: "C'mon... c'mon... unstick...! Please...?"
You waved your hand all over the place, hoping to get the pebble to fall to the ground... lucky for you it worked eventually
After that a sudden realization hit you immediately you followed it up by turning your head back up to the sky
The higher power had heard you... hadn't it? It had granted your wish... at that epiphany your eyes lit up, since it was still new to you, you needed to train! So you began rushing to find a suitable area...
You remembered something as you stopped and turned back around and ran to where you were previously, looking up at the sky again
Y/N: "Thank you!"
After that brief interruption you continued running...
Flashforward in a flllaaaasssshhhhhbbbbaaaacccckkkkkk~
You landed in a pit surrounded by lava, with a little ring in the center with some ground... lifting your head up you saw Iblis emerging from the lava in the middle of the ring
You had trained for four years... and now... as a ten year old... you swore you would defeat Iblis!
> Iblis
Iblis struck first as it made a pillar of lava rise from the platform you were on, reacting quickly you flew over to the next platform over, grabbing the ground you were on previously from out of the sky with your telekinesis and threw it at Iblis, which made it flinch for a second
Y/N: "Haha! Yes!!"
Just that small reaction was such a confidence booster for you
Iblis roared at you, reached out and pulled a building out of the ground and tried slamming it down on you, however you caught it with your telekinesis... but unfortunately the building was much to heavy for you to move so all you could do was stop it, but even then it was only a matter of time before it broke free and squashed you like an ant...
And so you decided to let it go and hover away from it before it hit you... the cyan hue covered your body as you released the building from your control and hovered away from the damage zone right as it hit the platforms destroying 3 of them... the impact still sent you flying forward a bit more but you recovered quickly... you looked around and noticed there were only 8 platforms left... you were quickly running out of ground
Iblis snarled and tried slamming a fist down at you, but you hovered to the next one just in time as the last one broke off into smaller pieces... none of them would be good places to stand unfortunately... 7 platforms left
You looked back up and saw yet another approaching fist, so you went to the next platform, 6 left, another slam, 5 left, 4 left, 3 left, 2 left...
1 left...
All of that confidence that you had earlier in the fight was gone... replaced with pure dread... but you'd refuse to give up, your eyes darted around for anything you could use and that's when you saw a building leaning off the ground...
It was just tall enough that if you could pull it out of the ground it would fall and land on Iblis...!
You extended your hand again and tried pulling the building down... since you still weren't that powerful it didn't seem like it was moving
You couldn't give up... You WOULDN'T give up! You used more force straining yourself as Iblis raised its fist to slam back down at you
Y/N: "C'moonnn... C'mmmmooooonnnnnnn!!"
Just before Iblis could get you the building fell down on it, and Iblis disappeared as the building fell down into the lava
You were left panting and out of breath... exhausted... That last stand took a lot out of you...
You tried floating out of the chasm but just as you made it to the ledge you began falling! thanks to your quick reaction time you grabbed the edge and pulled yourself up
As you successfully made it out you laid down on the ground, facing up towards the sky... an exhausted smile on your face
Y/N: "Thank you... for letting me defeat Iblis once and for all... I swear... I'll find other survivors! Rebuild this city! And fix... everything"
You recalled how just two days later Iblis returned... and you beat it again only for it to come back again... over and over and over... now... you're 13...
In-between that time you also went out to look for any other people...
The only thing you found was ash...
Y/N: "I'm here...!"
You landed in a pit similar to when you first fought Iblis and like before it emerged from the lava... except this time, you had the first blow, you used your telekinesis to pick up 5 platforms and shot them all at Iblis, stunning it...
This time you picked up a truck and threw it at Iblis who once again disappeared...
You fell onto your knees...
Y/N: "Why... WHY?!!? Why do I even try?! It's going to keep coming back! And even if it doesn't! Even if I do kill it, what's the point?! There's no one else left!! Why am I still left?! Why am I still alive?!"
While in the middle of your breakdown a feminine voice called out to you...
???: "Y/N..."
You picked your head up immediately
Y/N: "Huh?! W... Who said that?!"
???: "Y/N... Look inside the cave"
Y/N: "Cave? What cave?! I don't see a-"
As you were looking around frantically to search for the cave, you noticed a glowing light emanating from where the truck landed from when you threw it...
Steeling yourself you floated over to the 'cave' and landed on the ground... passing the truck you find the source of the weird light... Some weird gemstone floating in mid-air...
You cautiously approached it, eyeing it suspiciously
Y/N: "What... is that...?"
You grabbed it and held it in your hand... as it started glowing
Y/N: "Huh?! Wh-"
Just before you could finish your sentence... you disappeared...
Your eyelids slowly lifted up... you felt an unfamiliar feeling all over your body... you got up onto your knees slowly and looked down and saw... some green stuff...
Y/N: "W...What is that?!"
You laid your hand back down and felt it... it was so... weird... but not in a bad way...
Random Passerby 1: "Hey, dude... check out that weird fuckin' kid..."
You immediately picked your head up when you heard the voice... there were 2 other humans whispering to each other... you saw other things too... The sky was blue... there were big pillars of something brown with green at the top... the buildings you saw were completely fine... you were overcome with emotion...
> New Townsville...
Random Passerby 2: "Yeah... bro's acting like he's never seen grass before... loser..."
Y/N's thoughts: "So... it's called... grass..."
Random Passerby 1: "Yo, dude, check out that weird gem he's holding"
Your eyes widened as you looked down and noticed that you were holding the gem you picked up before you were transported here...
Random Passerby 1: "Probably some fake... look at his clothes, he definitely has no money to get an actual thing, much less one of that size! Now c'mon, let's get outta here..."
They walked away from you as you were left star-struck and flabbergasted... you got up onto your feet and decided to investigate
You walked away and actually entered the city... you turned around and saw a sign that read "New Townsville Park"
Y/N: "Park...? Huh..."
You turned back around and began walking around the city... as you did you looked around and tried memorizing the layout... You also noticed other people were staring at you weirdly... particularly eyeing your clothes... but you weren't focused on that right now...
The more you memorized the more you realized... this was your "home"
Y/N's thoughts: "Was this... before Iblis...? Did this 'gem' bring me to... the past...?"
You looked back down at the gem you held...
Y/N's thoughts: "Why... and how did it do that...?"
???: "Stop right there!"
Y/N: "Huh...?"
Meanwhile at the Professor's Lab Poochi was barking up a storm as Professor Utonium and his son, Ken, ran over to see what's up
Ken: "Poochi, what's wrong?!"
Poochi: "I'm detecting an energy signature similar to the Z-Rays!!"
Prof. Utonium: "Another monster?!"
Poochi shook his head
Poochi: "Not this time, it's something else this time!"
Professor Utonium and Ken were stumped... if it wasn't a monster, it was the PowerPuff Girls... but Poochi wouldn't alert them if it was...
Ken: "Wait! I think I remember something!! Other than the white and black Z-Rays there WERE other colors!"
Ken recalled the Blue, Yellow, Red, Black with red highlights, and Cyan Z-Rays, as well as 7 other lights that just zoomed away after they were released from the iceberg: Green, Blue, Cyan, Yellow, Red, Purple, and White... they were smaller than the Z-Rays but they were still present... After Ken told the others his knowledge, Professor Utonium looked determined...
Prof. Utonium: "Alright! Poochi, Ken, c'mon! We're going on an investigation"
Ken: "We should call the PowerPuff Girls just in case they're hostile! Poochi!!"
At the school Momoko, Miyako, and Kaoru were all sitting at their desks bored as hell...
Not just because of their teacher yappin about Algebra in a very monotone voice, but also because no monster had shown up in a while...
Suddenly, the transceivers on their belts started blinking... They all looked hyped up as they got up with their hand raised
PowerPuffs: "We need to go to the bathroom, be back soon!!"
They ran out of the classroom without permission... the Teacher stared at the door the 3 ran out of silently
Teacher: "...Anyways-"
The Powerpuffs ran up the stairs to get to the roof and transformed
After that they flew quickly to the Professor's Lab
When they got to the lab Utonium, Ken, and Poochi were all waiting for them outside one of their vans
Miyako: "Who is it this time?"
Momoko: "Mojo? Fuzzy? The GangGreen Gang?! HIM?!!?"
Kaoru: "Ugghhhh! I don't care who it is!! I just wanna fight SOMEONE!!"
Poochi: "Well... None of them"
PowerPuffs: "A NEW MONSTER?!!?"
Ken: "Ehh... not... quite..."
After explaining the situation to them, The Powerpuffs looked at each other, determination in their eyes...
PowerPuffs: "Alright! Let's get going!!"
The Utoniums with Poochi got in the van while The PowerPuffs started flying up a bit in the sky and they all left...
Quite a bit of time passed looking for this anonymous presence, While The Utoniums were focused on finding them, the PowerPuffs' minds were elsewhere
Momoko: "Did you hear about that new ice cream place that opened up?"
Miyako: "Are you talking about Milk VcLinns?"
Momoko: "Mhm!"
Miyako: "Oh! Then yes!!"
Kaoru: "I heard that they use LIQUID NITROGEN to freeze the Ice Cream! How badass is that?!"
(A/N: R.I.P Moo McGinns)
Miyako: "But... why'd you bring that up...?"
Momoko: "Well... I was thinking... and... since there's no real destruction, or news of this new guy being all evil and junk... what if we sneak off and go get some ice cream?!"
Kaoru: "...O...k...? But what if this guy actually IS evil?! And just hasn't had the chance to do anything evil yet"
Momoko: "Ah- ...You got a point..."
Momoko pouted sadly
Miyako: "Well then how about we get some after school together...?"
Momoko was excited again
Momoko: "YEAH!!! Let's do it!!"
In the van, The Professor was driving while Ken was sitting next to him, bored... suddenly Poochi jumped onto the dashboard, startling the two
Poochi: "He's nearby! I can feel it!! He's right... there...?"
The van and PowerPuffs came to a stop as everyone stared at a group of men in military gear, the letter G engraved on their helmets, and sleeves, and they were all holding you at gunpoint
Y/N: "Please! Just listen to me!! You! All! Are! In! Danger!!"
???: "Your threats don't scare us!"
An old man who looks to be in his 50s stands in front of the group, staring you down...
The Utoniums got out of the van as the PowerPuffs landed, they all started approaching them
Prof. Utonium: "Who are you?! What's going on here?!"
The man turned around, and started walking past the military men, and stopped in front of the Professor
???: "Are you Professor Utonium?"
Prof. Utonium: "Uh... yes...!"
Commander Towers: "I am Abraham Tower, Commander of 'Guardian Units of Nations' or GUN... We've picked up this thing's energy signature and tracked it down here..."
Prof. Utonium: "Sir! That's just a little boy!!"
Commander Tower: "But he's still a possible threat! MEN!!!"
Commander Tower turned around and pointed at you
Commander Tower: "FIRE!!!"
Prof. Utonium: "NO!!! DON'T!!!"
The GUN soldiers fired their guns, and in a moment of pure fear and adrenaline you raised your hand and stopped the bullets, stunning everyone... after releasing the bullets they dropped to the ground and you used this moment of shock to fly up and escape
After processing what happened The PowerPuff Girls flew up to follow you, and Commander Towers turned to one of the soldiers
Commander Tower: "Call Agent Shadow over here! Now!!"
GUN Soldier: "But, he's on a different mission right now!!"
Commander Tower: "Gruh... That's right... he'd better finish it quickly"
> White Acropolis
An alarm blares loudly in the air as multiple robots with guns for one arm each move in front of a gate, protecting a base of some kind
At the same a man wearing a black military suit with red accents skates through a nearby forest on air shoes
(A/N: Bro I could NOT find an image that I actually liked, fuck)
He exited the forests and approached the robots who started firing at him but kept missing, but he kept a cool head as he ran in the middle of the robots, who turned as he went by, shooting each other
The man got closer to the gate and used his shoes to propel him over it, landing on his feet, he noticed a spot light coming closer to him so he ducked into a corner to keep away from the light
Just then a voice started talking close by
GUN Soldier: "Transmission from HQ"
The man pulled out a walkie talkie from a pouch in his uniform to hear it more clearly
GUN Soldier: "There's an SOS coming from Dr. Eggman's Base, Our last communication with our agent was 26 hours ago... We expect an immediate rescue, Agent Shadow"
Shadow started speaking into the walkie talkie
Shadow: "Understood, initiating the mission now"
He put the walkie talkie back into the pouch and disappeared in a small flash of blue light
(A/N: So, that's the end of Chapter 1... if you enjoyed you don't need to put a heart or share, you can if you want but that's not what I'm gonna ask... instead put a PINGAS in the comments please... I actually really enjoyed this and I am willing to do more chapters [maybe more fanfics with different characters *wink*] so yeah... welcome to hell!)
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