Chapter 3: Crazy Cultists
So, I actually had a different idea for chapter 3, it was gonna be completely different, but I change it which is why this took so long to come out.
Thanks everyone for being patient and sticking with me throughout all this.
I truly appreciate it and hope it was worth the wait.
Life has many hard choices, you knew this and right now you were in the middle of most likely the hardest decision of your life.
Before you, was a door, from the door came the sound of running water, steam and humming.
As of right now, Ln'eta was in her bathroom, taking a shower and you need to make a choice.
Perv on her and get a good look at her naked body, completely soaked, water dripping down every curve of her voluptuous body.
Or don't do that.
You rubbed your chin, deep in thought, thinking about your next coarse of action.
A while ago Ln'eta stated she wanted to go take a shower and told you to wait for her.
The way she told you though combined with the look she gave you...pretty much said you wouldn't live if you do.
The look she gave you along with her words which were filled with murderous intent flashed in your mind.
"If you go in there while I'm in the shower...YOU'RE DEAD!"
To add some more terror to that last part, her voice distorted as well which actually sent a chill up your spine.
But despite how scary she won't lie, it was kind of a turn on.
What do they call it again?
Yeah, that sounds about right.
So, if you enter that bathroom with a sexy Eldritch squid lady, not only would you get eye-full of a beautiful naked body...but she'd also murder you.
That just made going in even more tempting.
The only real downside was, that Ln'eta would hate you...but then again you'd be dead and it wouldn't matter.
You reached for the door handle, but stopped just as your hands were inches from it.
You let your hand flop to your side and you leaned forward placing your forehead against the door.
"Nah...I can't do that to Ln'eta." You thought as your self-loathing increased.
Who knows how she'd feel if she killed her new gaming partner and friend, and that said friend did it on purpose just to die?
It was selfish of you.
You'd have to find another way to off yourself later.
The one time you had a 100% garunteed way to kill yourself was right in front of you...and you couldn't go through with it.
So you depressingly trudged back to your bed and took a seat praying to whatever God would listen to your pleas.
That you'd at least see her naked somehow as something to make you feel better.
Vanessa who was still watching from her room was relieved you didn't go through with what you were going to do.
She knew you better than most and knew after Ln'eta gave that warning you'd at least consider going in with the hopes that she'd kill you.
Honestly Vanessa wishes you'd open up about what happened in your past so she could better help you.
What made you end up on Death Row in the first place when you seem like such a nice guy.
It had to be something awful you deeply regret doing for you to end up like this.
"Hmm, regret..." She thought resting her cheek on her palm as she thought of a way to get you to open up.
Suddenly, a certain SCP popped into her head, one that would surely help her figure out what happened, and if not at least gather some info on how you ended up the way you are.
Immediately Vanessa shook her head and cleared that thought from her mind.
No, she would NOT let you anywhere near 093, being reminded about what you had done or went through most likely isn't good for you.
She'd have to find another more gentle way to get you to open up.
Ln'eta continued to hum happily to herself as the warm water from the shower head soaked her curvaceous body.
She could see why humans liked showers so much, they were so soothing and one felt refreshed after one.
Ln'eta let out a sigh wondering if her little warning to you about staying out was too much.
Obviously she had no intention of killing you if you did come inside to look at her naked.
The worst she'd do is give you a hard slap, that's it.
Ln'eta absolutely hated killing, not only because it was barbaric, but because it was something those deranged cultist would most likely be overjoyed to watch her do.
And she'd sooner die than give those freaks any form of satisfaction.
She has had to hold herself back from killing them all of them on more than one occasion.
Those freaks would probably all have an orgasm from dying at her hands.
Another sigh escaped her as she shoved the thought of those creepy cultists out of her head.
She did not want to get angry thinking of them when she would soon be spending time with you again.
The moment she thought of you, all her anger and the thought of those cultists faded and was replaced with pure joy.
Truly, these past few hours with you were the best moments of her life.
Really, she couldn't remember a time she was happier.
Simply playing a few games with you, hanging out and simply talking brought her so much joy.
Despite the rocky start you two had, Ln'eta was so glad she met you.
Even if this was a temporary thing, she'd treasure these perfect moments with you for all eternity.
Truly, nothing could ruin this day for her.
Suddenly, the Eldritch woman was brought out of her thoughts when what sounded like an alarm hit her ears.
It was somewhat muffled since it was most likely coming from outside her room, but it was quite loud.
An alarm always meant something bad in the SCP foundation.
Ln'eta immediately exited the shower, not really thinking and running into her main room to make sure you were okay.
She opened the door and found you lying on her bed, simply playing something on one of her Switches seemingly ignoring the alarm.
Hearing the door open you looked up and got a face full of a sight you'd never forget, or want to forget.
Ln'eta, by the door, completely naked and wet.
You made sure to memorize the sight, you drank in every detail you could and once you were done you smirked.
"Oh Thank you to whatever God made this possible." You chuckled as Ln'eta realized she was naked and immediately slammed the door shut out of embarrassment.
You kept your smirk, very happy at the sight you just saw which helped quite a lot in making your mood better.
The alarm that was currently going off didn't really worry you.
You did not hear any roars or demonic screeches which meant it probably wasn't a containment breach.
That was a bit disappointing since a breach would have meant a higher risk of some creature busting in and murdering you.
But you were still hopeful that whatever this emergency was would leave you dead.
You weren't worried about Ln'eta, she was fucking Cthulhu after all, you were pretty sure she could take care of herself.
More screaming could be heard from outside the room as well as gunshots.
You sighed and went back to gaming and hoping that something would break in and kill you.
Outside in the halls of the SCP foundation it was pure chaos.
Guards had suddenly turned on each other and the entire facility had become a war zone.
Shoot-outs were happening around every corner and dead bodies of guards and researchers littered the facility.
Among all the carnage, a certain someone could be seen taking a happy stroll.
It was none other than Dr Bright, machine gun in-hand happily humming a tune as she walked over the dead bodies.
Apparently, Ln'eta had attracted some cultists as she does and they had infiltrated the facility.
They posed as guards and researchers and slowly began replacing the staff until they were enough to launch an attack to free Ln'eta.
At least that's what Bright thought the cultists did to get in here.
How they got in didn't matter though, what mattered right now was making sure these freaks didn't harm a single hair on your precious head.
The higher ups of Ln'eta's latest cult would most likely be going for her cell and that means you'd probably end up raped, sacrificed or both.
Most likely both.
Of course she wouldn't be able to stop them, but she knew someone who could.
Suddenly, a series of loud screams of anguish brought Bright out of her thoughts.
In addition to the screams there were various sounds of fighting.
The sounds seemed to be originating from around the corner of the corridor she was walking through.
The sound of heavy breathing caught her ears and from around came a cultist dressed up as one of the guards.
He was on the ground using his elbows to drag himself along, breathing heavily, his left eye was completely gouged out and both his legs were bent in very wrong directions.
The poor bastard was crawling for his life, away from whatever was causing the screams from around the corner.
He looked up and saw Dr Bright staring down at him curiously.
"Turn back!" He screamed up at her believing she was one of them due to her currently being in one of their fellow cultist's body. "A truly vile and vicious beast awaits you!"
"Ooh, that sounds like Violet." Bright squealed confusing the man as Bright took out a knife, kneeled down before she proceeded to stab out the poor bastard's other eye permenantly blinding him.
He screamed as he tried in vain to push the deranged body-swapping doctor off him.
Unfortunately, he was too drained from a previous beating which resulted in his broken legs to up any real resistance.
Once the gouging was done Bright pulled out the now bloodstained knife as the cultist screamed in absolute agony hands covering his eyeless sockets as he rolled all over the floor.
Bright, satisfied with her work proceeded to wipe the knife and whistle a happy tune as she walked around the corner.
She put the knife away and gained a wide smile as down the corridor she was now facing she saw Violet now wearing her combat mask.
At her feet were a whole bunch of mutilated cultists.
There were only 3 alive and they were all getting the beatdown of a lifetime.
Violet held up one of the cultists by the neck as he struggled in vain, one held up a gun shivering in fear as he backed away slowly while Violet glared at him.
The 3rd was currently under her foot breathing heavily.
She delivered one good stomp to his chest before stepping over him to slowly approach the gun wielding cultist who was backing away scared.
The gun was rattling as he shook, the angry purple-haired woman glaring at him as she approached.
"S-stay back!" He demanded finger on the trigger.
Violet did not listen and kept approaching the terrified cultist choking the one she held harder, her fingers digging into the skin of his neck drawing blood.
Immediately the terrified cultist open fired on her.
Violet quickly held the cultist she was choking up as a shield letting him take the gunshots.
The one with the gun kept firing, screaming like a banshee as Violet calmly kept walking forward, her choke victim shaking as each bullet entered his body.
It went on like this for a while before the gun ran out of bullets.
When that empty gun began clicking, Violet immediately chucked the now dead cultist she was choking off to the side and ran at the cultist.
Violet grabbed both sides of his head and dug her thumbs into his eyes gouging them out.
As he sceamed in agony desperately clawing at her arms to get her off, Violet with almost no effort proceeded to twist his neck.
She twisted it so hard, his head literally popped off.
The headless body hit the floor with a hard thud along with the head.
Violet then turned to see the last remaining cultist who was attempting to stand up having a hard time breathing due to Violet's chest stomping.
Violet slowly walked over to him picking up a gun as she did and the moment the cultist heard her footsteps approached him he turned around a look of absolute horror on his face as the Sadistic guard approached him.
Her eyes glowing with rage added to his terror.
He desperately tried to get up and run, but Violet wouldn't allow that.
She immediately shot at his legs making him fall onto his stomach.
Immediately her victim tried crawling away in a feeble attempt to escape his fate.
Violet calmly strutted over to the crawling soon-to-be-Deadman, raised her foot and delivered a hard stomp on his arm causing him to let out a scream of agony.
Violet quickly raised her foot and stomped on his left arm once again making him let out another scream.
Then she repeated the process until finally a sickening snap rung through the air indicating that his arm was broken.
Violet gave him no reprieve and delivered a strong kick to his side.
She then proceeded to do it over and over again.
At this point the cultist was crying due to the pain and knowledge that he would not live to see tomorrow.
Just a moment ago he was willing to throw his life away in service of the great one.
But, facing this absolute animal that was torturing him right now...the great one was not worth it.
Violet flipped the poor bastard on his back and grabbed his one good arm and harshly broke it with a hard twist.
Her victim gazed up at her, his eyes filled with tears, silently pleading for her to show him mercy.
Unfortunately for him, Violet's eyes only reflected one thing.
Murderous intent.
She raised her foot once more and a hidden blade popped out.
Violet then brought down her foot on this victim's throat driving the blade into his throat.
Her victim gurgled as he uselessly tried to gasp and breath as Violet kept the blade in there.
Then cruelly, she twisted her foot repeatedly doing more damage.
When the life finally faded from her struggling victim's eyes she kicked her leg out decapitating the corpse.
The blade retracted as Violet set her foot down once again.
The purple-haired beast woman let out a sigh satisfied with her handy work.
"Hey Vi!" Came a sudden loud voice and Violet immediately turned around and grabbed whoever yelled out by the throat and lifted them up.
Turns out it was Dr Bright who raised her hands defensively not that Violet knew due to her being in a different body.
"Hey easy Vi, it's me!" Dr Bright yelled immediately showing the purple-haired girl her amulet.
Seeing the amulet made Violet raise a brow as the information began to register in her brain.
Once it did, Violet's eyes immediately narrowed once again and she delivered an extremely hard punch to Bright's face before slamming her down onto the bloody floor.
Bright let out a grunt of pain and groaned in annoyance as she layed on the floor looking up at the glaring guard.
"Why?" Bright asked with a whine in her voice.
Violet merely narrowed her eyes further telling Bright through her glare:
"I just don't like you."
Bright got up coughing a bit:
"Violet? More like Violent."
Once again Violet grabbed Bright by the throat, lifted her up and choked harder.
This time however Bright gave her a smirk and said something that filled Violet with absolute disgust.
"Harder mommy."
Immediately Violet dropped her feeling extremely dirty after she said that as Bright chuckled.
"Oh Violet baby, I was really getting into that." Bright said with a bit of a pout.
Violet glared at the body-swapping freak and began raising a fist to deck her across the face.
"Violet, should you really be wasting time with me instead of going to save (Y/N)?" Bright asked hands on her hips unphased by the oncoming fist.
Violet immediately lowered her fist when she heard Bright mention your name.
"Yeah, all these imposter guards are a new Ln'eta cult and the leaders are on their way to Ln'eta's room where (Y/N) is!" Bright explained and Violet's eyes went wide upon hearing it. "And they're probably gonna sacrifice him...and he wouldn't resist."
She didn't know if Bright was actually telling the truth, Violet didn't really here anything these imposters were saying to confirm this, but like hell she was gonna take a chance when it came to you.
Violet right now:
"Now go save our man you murderous she-beast!" Bright declared and in repsosne to that Violet backhanded her in the mouth sending her into a wall.
Bright hit the wall and slid down into a sitting position dazed.
"Oh wow...I'm so turned on right now." Bright chuckled dazed
Ignoring the masochistic body-swapper Violet immediately dashed off to towards your location.
As she ran towards your location, Bright shook off her daze and cheered on the violent woman.
" Yeah go get em you absolute demon!" Bright cheered happily with a laugh. "God, I want you to dom me so bad!"
With that comment Violet decided that right now the best coarse of action would be to find Vanessa and make sure she was alive.
So that's what she planned to do and as she set out to look for the Researcher the screams of the guy who's eye she stabbed out reached her ears.
"Wow, has he been screaming this whole time?" Bright thought before shaking her head in annoyance at the constant screeching and yelled at him. "HEY BUDDY SCREAM ALL YOU WANT, IT'S NOT GONNA GET YOUR EYES BACK!"
With that she walked off to find Vanessa.
There we go.
Once again, I'm thankful for those who waited patiently, and I'm truly sorry for making you all wait this long.
I can't promise the next update will be any quicker, but the next chapter will be the end of this little cultist arc we'll call it.
See ya'll later and enjoy the rest of your day.
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