Chapter 2 Part 1: A Threesome!!?
So here we go, after all your patient waiting, here's the second chapter of the SCP Harem story.
Oh, and here are two other Harem members.
Dr Iceberg:
SCP 191/Silica:
Right now, you were being taken down a hallway towards another cell by Violet and another guard.
"Okay, so what's on the agenda for today?" You asked curiously.
"Shut up idiot!" The Male Guard ordered smacking you upside the head only to be smacked in the face by the butt of Violet's gun.
All of you stopped as the guard stumbled and clutched his now bleeding nose.
He glared at Violet.
"What the Hell!?" He asked at her seemingly sudden act of violence.
All she did was give him a dark and evil glare that sent a sharp sense of fear through his heart.
Violet then pointed down the hall, ordering him to leave.
He tried to say something back, but Violet's glare intensified and his heart races even more.
The Male Guard could not say anything due to the intimidating aura this girl was giving off.
He weakly got up and without a word, left.
"That was a little too mean don't ya think?" You asked with a raised brow. "I mean, all he did was smack me and call me an idiot...and he's right, I'm a fucking moron!"
Violet just gave you a look and approached you close.
She then placed a hand on the back of your head and gently touched your forehead with hers.
A gentle smile worked it's way onto her lips and you couldn't help but smile as well.
Sure Violet was a girl that never talked but you could understand her somewhat.
She was basically telling you, "No one insults you with me around.
You separated and stared at each other.
"Alright alright, so can you tell me where I'm going?"
Before Violet could "answer" a loud voice that made Violet's blood boil with annoyance rang throughout the hall.
"(Y/N)!!!" The voice yelled happily.
Suddenly you were hugged from behind by another female.
The girl impacted you with so much force that it knocked you to the ground.
You hit the ground face-first and only muttered out a muffled:
"Heya Bright."
The girl on your back had brown hair along with glasses and a golden necklace around her neck.
Dr Bright: (Just imagine the Amulet around her neck and she's wearing a lab coat.)
Violet, angered by Bright's actions immediately grabbed the back of her lab coat and pulled her off you and held her up.
Like this, Alastor's Violet and Niffty is Dr Bright:
Violet then aggressively dropped Bright to the floor making her fall flat on her face allowing you to get up.
"Ouch!" Bright whined rubbing her head and giving the guard a pout. "What was that for!?"
Violet pointed at you and then shook her head essentially telling her to stay away from you.
"Oh come on, did they add not interacting with (Y/N) onto the list of things I'm not allowed to do." Bright asked getting up and into Violet's face.
All Violet did was let out a huff while you shrugged.
"Yo Bright, do you know where I'm going?" You asked curiously.
"Of course I do, don't ask how I know." She stated.
"I wasn't." You replied.
"You're gonna go play games with SCP 2662." Bright replied pretending not to hear you.
"Huh, who's that?" You asked.
Sometimes you forgot just how many SCPs there were, while you were familiar with some, this one was new.
"Her name's Ln'eta, but I think you'll know her by her other name, Cthulhu." Bright explained making your eyes widen.
"Wait, they got Cthulhu in here?" You asked and she nodded.
"And Cthulhu's also a girl?" You asked once again and you received another nod.
"And Cthulhu also wants to play video games?" You asked and like before a nod was your answer.
"Okay then." You said with a shrug surprising Violet at how quickly you accepted everything.
When you noticed her look you told her:
"This place has weirder things, I just needed confirmation on a few details."
Violet nodded in understanding.
"Um...alright, is uh...Ln'eta gonna try to kill me?" You asked.
"Probably not, she's actually really friendly." Dr Bright responded.
"Damn it." You said crossing your arms and looking down.
You had hoped this would be a good way to off yourself.
Upon seeing your reaction, all Violet did was roll her eyes and grab your wrist before dragging you off somewhere.
Bright followed you both much to the guard's annoyance.
If it wasn't obvious, Violet, like most people in the SCP organization did not like Dr Bright at all.
In fact, the only person who genuinely seemed to like her as a person was you, something she just could not understand.
However, for now she'll allow the body-swapping Doctor to come with since she can explain things to you.
Even though she could convey certain things to you, when it came to things that required lengthy explanations, that's when the communication problem kicked in.
"So, why do I have to play video games with the almighty Cthulhu?" You asked.
"Cause you're the only D-Class that's kinda sane and good at Video games." Bright answered. "Others are either crazy or can't play for shit!"
"Alright then." You said as all 3 of you finally reached your destination.
The 3 of you stood before a small volt-like door which Violet began unlocking.
"So, how come I've never heard her being mentioned around here?" You asked once again.
"Oh, 2662 just got here, she's normally kept at a separate facility, but due to an incident she needs to be moved, so now they're keeping her here temporarily until they can prep her final destination." Bright explained and that got you curious.
"Incident?" You asked. "What incident?"
"It was crazy, there were these cultists that came to free her and..." Bright was interrupted by Violet shoving you into 2662's temporary living arrangements.
She then shut the door and began walking off.
Bright gave her a flat look and followed.
"Oh come on, I was just telling him what happened, let me have a conversation with him!" Bright demanded only for Violet to stop give her a glare.
Dr Bright flinched a bit but gave a glare right back, though hers wasn't nearly as intimidating.
"C'mon, you think I'd try to hurt him!?" She asked offended. "I would never!"
Violet seemed unconvinced.
"You think I'd do anything horrible to the man I love?" Bright asked once again.
Upon hearing that Violet immediately reached for the knife on her belt, however she stopped when her hands were inches from it.
Bright noticed this and smirked.
"Oh...did that trigger you miss Mute?" She asked.
It made Violet's blood boil knowing she can't kill this woman.
Oh, how she wanted to murder Bright.
Violet wasn't a Yandere, she just didn't want this body-swapping troublemaker anywhere near you.
Dr Bright was untrustworthy, destructive, irresponsible and just a general nuisance.
She had caused so much destruction that the foundation had created a list detailing very specific things she isn't allowed to do.
Hell, you were probably safer with 953 than with Bright.
Violet knows you won't try to stop her, you'd probably encourage her in an attempt to kill yourself.
She did not want that.
She did not want you to die.
"Aww, are you threatened by me?" Bright asked further pushing Violet's buttons. "Are you afraid I'll steal (Y/N) away from you?"
The female guard had just about had it, but the next thing Bright said brought all her thoughts to a screeching halt.
"Are you interested in a threesome?"
Confusion was now fully visible on the White-haired woman's face while Bright continued.
"Yeah, that's good, that way everybody wins!" Bright stated with a proud smile.
What she did next would have been considered suicide for most.
She placed both her hands on Violet's breasts which were concealed by a white fabric.
"Hm, you've got a nice pair of tits and I know you've got to have some pretty good abs and a firm ass." Bright said giving her a seductive grin.
Violet was too stunned and embarrassed to do anything right now, her face blushing a furious red.
"I know cause I watch you work out in the gym, my favorite is when you start doing squats." Bright continued removing her hands from the guard's breasts to her face. "Keep working dat ass for me and (Y/N) okay?"
Then Bright actually began drooling having flashbacks of the time she watched Violet working out.
Flashback Over:
Violet's face turned even more red, but instead of embarrassment, this time it was from anger.
How dare this Bitch watch her like a perv...only you're allowed to do that.
The sound of a punch landing was heard throughout the hallway followed by a yelp.
Dr Bright lay on the floor clutching her cheek as Violet had just delivered a fierce right hook to her face.
"Worth it!" Bright yelled before spitting out a tooth.
Violet, still red-faced and panting slightly shot the brunette a glare, swiftly turned and walked away.
"I wasn't lying you know, I really do like your ass!" Bright yelled out to her.
Violet simply gave her the finger as she walked away.
"She never actually said no to the threesome idea." Bright states getting up and adjusting her glasses.
There we go.
Originally this chapter was going to be longer but the power in my neighborhood is just so frustrating and my data is running thin, so I figured this'd be a good stopping point.
Until next time.
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