You rushed to the cafeteria and grabbed yourself some bread and a coffee.
You sat down alone.
You enjoyed it to be alone.
You had no problem with the fact of having no one to talk to.
You ate your bread and drank your coffee.
Suddenly a familiar voice began to speak.
You turned around.
It was Jack.
"Oh hey..", you said.
"Hey. Do you have free-time after lunch?", he asked friendly.
"No.. I'm sorry.. I have another two classes after lunch. What about you?", you also asked.
"Oh well.., I have to work on my scp. But I wanted to ask if you could help me with it..., but since you're busy it's fine!", he replied.
He seemed upset a little.
You had a really bad feeling about him..
You didn't like being near him.
But that's why you kept a distance sometimes.
You glanced at a clock.
"Oh well.. I have to go now.., bye!", you said and rushed out of the cafeteria.
He didn't even say 'goodbye' back..
Only a weird stare followed you till you were gone.
But that didn't bother you.
You entered the classroom and sat down onto your chair.
Hours went by till you finished your classes.
You walked to your room and closed the door behind you.
You were exited for the next day.
In class, the teacher explained something..
She explained, if you finish a specific test.., you could begin to work on a scp even earlier.
You definitely wanted to do this test.
You got some papers with you from the different classes.
You sat down onto your bed and began to read all the papers over and over again.
But eventually, you fell asleep.
'4:55 a.m.'
Your alarm rang.
You opened your eyes and stood up.
You brushed your teeth, washed your face, combed your hair and dressed yourself.
You grabbed your pencil and your clipboard.
You rushed to your first class and sat down onto a chair after you entered the classroom.
"Good morning! Today we will learn about Keter class objects!", the teacher explained.
The words of the teacher interested you.
"I will show you scp-035. One of the dangerous Keter class objects.", she said.
She explained so much of him.
Many students were whispering something about the scp.
You were confused why everyone feared those scp's. Why were they even trying to work here then..?
"Someone was lucky! One person in this room has its own scp already!", the teacher cheered.
Many didn't care. Many were confused. Many were jealous.
You knew how the people ticked in this hell hole.
They were total assholes.
Well at least..many of them.
As class was over, you got your second order from Dr. Lockwood.
"Oh (Y/N)! I have a special order for you! I know it's early, but I think you're ready.", he said.
You were confused.
He grabbed you by your hand and lead you to a familiar corridor.
"Are you ready?", he asked.
"What? What are you talking about?..", you asked with confusion.
"Oh my I forgot to tell you.., well... you are going to talk to Scp-035! He's your new scp to work on! Congratulation!", he explained.
"What?! Really? I thought it was too early?", you said.
"Oh yes. But your teacher talked to me. She said you had no reason to stay in the classes anymore because you knew already anything, to her surprise.", he answered.
"So basically you already work officially as a researcher!"
You were happy.
But you didn't show it too much.
You smiled.
"Wow.., this is awesome.! But what am i supposed to do with the scp?", you asked.
"Oh well.. we give you a paper full of questions. Just try to get in a good conversation with him, and try to write down as many answers down! This is really important, also his behavior. I suppose you already know how his personality is like?", he asked.
"I think so.", you answered.
"Then please tell me something about him. You have to understand why I ask you this. It's for your own safety! It doesn't matter if you get something wrong!", he said.
"Well.., scp-035 is very manipulative. He is very charming and also very sadistic. I am not allowed to touch him-", you said
"Well, i think this is everything you need to know!", he interrupted you.
"Well now.., here is the paper. Be very careful. I knew you were a trained psychologist before you got this job. I'm assuming you know how to begin a conversation like this! Good luck." He gave you the paper with questions and opened the chamber door.
You walked in and the door behind you closed.
The mask already sat onto the chair and waited for you to sit down.
"Hello..", he said.
"Hello.", you also said.
You sat down and looked him in the eyes.
You didn't showed any sign of fear.
"So scp-035! My name is (Y/N). I'm going to ask you some questions if it's fine to you." You said.
"Yes.., it's fine.", he said with an annoyed voice, but also he tried to be a little careful.
"The first question.., are you able to feel any kind of emotions?", you asked him.
"Well.., i think i do, except the feeling 'love'..", he mumbled.
"Oh.., do you want to tell me why?", you asked calmly. You tried to give him the feeling like he can trust you. As Dr. Lockwood already said before, you were a psychologist before this job. You learned how to manipulate people with their own emotions, so they can tell what's wrong by their own. And that was what you tried with the mask. But you knew he would notice.., so you had to get into a friendship. But how..?
"Well.., i don't really have a reason.", he said.
"You are very charming.., i don't think you can't fall in love. It's just because you didn't had a relationship! Don't worry.., your true love will come one day..!", you tried to cheer him up somehow.
"I guess you're right.", he said.
You smiled.
"Well then..-"
You took a look at the whole questions.
"..why am I supposed to ask this..?", you mumbled.
You knew what you would do next was wrong. But it was for its own best.
You placed the paper to the end of the table.
"I'm sorry.., I just don't see the point of asking you those questions. I think I have better ways.", you said.
"Well, what do you think about yourself?", you smiled at him.
"Oh well.., I think I am trustworthy.., even if I am really manipulative, I can also be trustful enough. I guess I am good at listening. The point is, that i'm thinking different..", he told you.
"Interesting..", you said with a small smile, as you wrote everything down.
"Are you trusting someone?"
He was a little confused.
"Well.., i think i don't need to trust anyone..", he said.
"In need more questions...", you thought to yourself with a slight of panic.
"I have a better question. Do you want to tell me anything of your past? Some good memories? Memories that cheer you up?", you asked.
He was surprised.
He could see the positivity in you.
To your luck, you managed to catch his whole interest and attention.
"Oh well.., I do have some memories that cheer me up. But this memories are very messed up to you.." He rolled his eyes
"Oh I see.. Do you want to tell me a good memory?"
"Sure. I manipulated someone so much, that they began to think they are worthless.."
"Hmm.. Is it right that you are slightly sadistic?"
"How do you know?"he asked.
"Well, i was a psychologist before, I had to talk to criminals often. Many of them were sadistic!", you explained.
"Also, Don't get me wrong. It's completely fine what you did."
He was confused.
The doctor behind the window was shocked.
You had a very risky idea.
You were really curious why the doctors said people were not allowed to touch him..
"Can i ask you something?", you said.
"Of course.", he replied with interest.
"Why are we not allowed to touch you?..", you asked curiously.
"..I don't really know why people say this.", he said.
He was definitely lying.
You knew when people were lying.
You could feel it.
But why was he lying?
He had no point..
No reason to lie at all..
"Oh please.., i know you're lying.. but it's fine..", you said.
"Can I?" You asked.
"What do you mean?", he asked confused.
"...Can i really trust you?", you asked. You looked him in the eyes. Your pupils went bigger.
"Well.. it's your choice..., but I guess you can..", he said.
You placed your hand onto his hand.
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