Tori pov
I woke up to kisses going to down my collar bone and it made me shiver in a good way
Me: mmmmm derek
Derek: morning
I can practically feel him smirking into my backside with every little kiss
Me: derek went just finished round I actually forgot what round
My phone rang
Me: heyyyyyy
Damn I moaned a bit into it
Me: derek
I heard him chuckle... ass
Scott: tori
Me: sorry I was eating vanilla ice cream
Scott: you and your Icecream anyway I need you too come to the school Lydia called us its the same thing as the pool
Me: you sure
Scott: positive
Me: bye I'll be there soon as possible
Scott: bye tori
I hung up and looked at derek
Me: derek I have to go shower
Derek: aww come on maybe one more
Me: I'm expected to be there...
Derek: fine let's shower
I smirked and kissed him and he dragged me too the shower.
After the long shower I went to the school and caught up with Scott and stiles
Me: hey guys
Stiles: hey tori
Scott: hey...
He looked at me weirdly
Scott: tori why do you smell like derek
Me: because we slept together let's go
I left a gaping stiles and Scott there and walked in I waited for them by the lockers near the entrance of the school
Stiles: you and derek huh
Me: yeah hes stubborn
Scott: you just figured that out
I chuckled
Me: let's go
We walked all around the school looking for Lydia and this is taking forever maybe I should've just stayed with derek
Stiles: Where is she
We spot ally
Ally: Over here
Stiles: Lydia
Me: you okay Lyds you look really freaked out
Lydia: It's the same thing Same thing as the pool I got into the car heading somewhere totally different and ended up here And you told me to call you if there's a dead body
Stiles: You found a dead body
I smack him over the head is he serious its hard enough for her as it is
Lydia: Not yet
Stiles: Not yet What do you mean not yet Lydia you're supposed to call us after you find the dead body
Another smack in the head
Me: stiles shut up
Lydia: Oh no I'm not doing that again You find the dead body from now on
Stiles: How are we supposed to find the dead body You're always the one finding the dead body
Me: hello I can find a dead body
Stiles: other than tori
Scott: Guys I found the dead body
Me: hahaha suck shit
Stiles glared at me
We walked over to the dead body and its Tara
Me: oh my god Tara
Stiles: I'm calling my dad like now
Me: I'm gonna go I haven't drank blood in a while soo
Scott: its okay and its better if you go people still don't know your back yet
I nod and vamp back to the house and into the library and pour me a glass of blood and quickly downed it. I sighed in relief
Derek: tori did you forget to drink
Me: yeah I did
I stopped breathing heavily
Me: doesn't help when you see a dead body either
Derek come from behind and kissed my neck not in a sexual manner just in a kind manner we finally let go of all that sexual tension in the last day
Me: we have to get back to that darach business it killed another person tonight it needs to be stopped
Derek: your right
I turned to face him
Me: well also need to talk about Jenifer
Derek: I love you not her
Me: yes but she doesn't know that know does she
We sit on the new couch don't ask.
Derek: I'll go talk to her let her down
Me: gently not the hale way
Derek looked at me with a raised eyebrow
Derek: the hale way
Me: she needs to be let down gently no a freaking sledgehammer to the heart and it being stomped on....
Derek: okay okay I get it
He was laughing
Me: so let's go tomorrow
When we woke up I dragged derek to the motorcycle
Me: come on you agreed to this
I plopped onto my bike but he just stood there
Me: get on inborn I'll drink your blood
He looked genuily scared on plopped behind Me
Me: good boy
I chuckled and started driving towards the school where Jennifer was
Me: go she's coming
He goes in front of her and she gets startled
Me: great move derek.. Not
Jennifer: Where the hell have you been And don't say that you needed to be alone for a while because that is the single worst excuse ever... Oh God I'm sorry You really did need to be alone didn't you
Derek: I wasn't alone And you were safe Trust me
Jennifer: I haven't felt safe partially because the evil twins are walking around school like nothing happened
Derek: They're not gonna hurt you
The bell rang
Jennifer: Some days I just wanna take a sledgehammer to that bell
I started laughing
Me: ohhh I like her
Derek: I can't be with you I'm in love with someone else
Me: are you serious I said gently not a frigging hammer in the frigging face
Jennifer: ohh then why did you..
Derek: she kept saying she wasn't right for me and wanted me to have a normal life but recently
Jennifer: she's back and you've got her back.. Well whoever she is she's lucky and I'm glad that you've got her back
Derek: thank you
Me: see the wonders of gentleness
She goes back back into the school and derek comes over to Me
Derek: you know your little commentary wasn't very helpful
Me: you know I said gentleness
He sighed and got onto the motorcycle
Me: let's get back
Half way to my house my phone started ringing
Me: derek
He pulled it out of my back pocket and put it of speaker
Stiles: tori we need derek
Me: why
Stiles: cauz in going to tell me dad everything
He hung up
Derek: let's go to the loft to loft to get cora
Me: already on my way
He slipped the phone back into my back pocket a little to slowly if you ask me. We finally arrived
She ran outside
Cora: yeah
Me: we need you to come to stiles house
Cora: but I'm not going...
Me: I know that that's why
I got off the bike and pushed cora to where I was sitting sitting before
Me: your going to ride the bike and I'm going to vamp there toodles
I vamp to stiles house which was actually quite fast and knock onto the door
Me: stiles
Stiles ran down the staircase
Stiles: where's....
Derek and cora just arrived
Me: there
They got off and walked towards the house
Me: maybe give a little faster
When they finally got inside me and stiles pushed them to stiles room and they took a seat on this bed while I took a seat on Derek lap. My Stokowski came into the room
Me: hey
Sheriff: tori your back
Me: yea
Stiles got into explaining everything to his dad
Sheriff: Scott and Derek are werewolves
Stiles: Yes
Sheriff: And Kate Argent was a werewolf
I groan
Stiles: Hunter That's... purple's hunter
Cora: Along with Allison and her father
Sheriff: Yeah and... and my friend Deaton, the veterinarian is a Kanima
Stiles: Well, no, no, no, no, no He's a druid okay Well we think
Me: we know hes a druid
Sheriff: So who's the Kanima
Stiles: Jackson
Sheriff: No Jackson's a werewolf
Me: derek
Derek: yeah this is getting kinda boring
Cora: you two have connected minds or something
Me: I dunno
Stiles: Jackson was the Kanima first and then Peter and Derek killed him and he came back to life as a werewolf Now he's in London
Sheriff: Who's the Darack
Stiles: It's da-rock
Cora: We don't know yet
Stiles: We don't know yet
Sheriff: But he was killed by werewolves
Stiles: Slashed up and left for dead
Cora: We think
Stiles: We think
Sheriff: Yeah and tori is a vampire
Stiles: vampire assassin
Me: and proud
Cora and derek chuckled
Sheriff:Why was Jackson the Kanim?
Stiles: 'Cause sometimes, the shape that you take reflects the person that you are
Sheriff: And what shape would an increasingly confused and angrier-by-the-second father take
Stiles: Uh that would be more of an expression like the one you're currently wearing
Sheriff: Yeah
Stiles: Dad... Dad, would you... I can prove it okay Look, she's one of them A werewolf
Sheriff: Stiles Stiles That's enough
Stiles: Dad can you please just hold on You ready All right dad just watch this okay
He points to cora to hey up but she faints
Sheriff: Call an ambulance
I dial 911
911: hello what's your emergency
Me: we need an ambulance at the sheriffs house
911: on our way
Me and derek were sitting next to cora with waiting for her to wake up
Cora: Derek.. Tori
She tries to sit up so me and derek grab her hand
Derek: Hey Hey I'm here were here
Cora: What's happening to me
Me: I don't know But were not leaving okay
Derek: Not again
PA: Doctor Travis, you have a visitor in the main lobby
I got this odd feeling but cora is more important so it can wait
Hoped you liked this chapter
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