Chapter 22
⚠️I don't think any but please tell me if I'm wrong⚠️
"Oh boys~" someone purred into Scorpius's ear...
Scorpius flinched back and twards Albus away from the person.
"What are you two doing over here? I thought you were going to sit with the Griffendors?" Albus asked as he wrapped an arm around Scorpius, pulling him closer.
"Well I wanted to see my favorite cousin Juno and his boyfriend." Rose replied as she looked over at Juno and Lo.
"They are not my boyfriend, we are friends." Juno corrected, not even bothering to look up from his plate of food.
"Also I thought you didn't want us to come anywhere near you Rose?" James added in as Noah rested his head on James's shoulder.
"And who is she?" Noah asked while pointing to a girl he didn't know, aka Delphini.
"This is my girlfriend Delphini, I thought it would be nice for her to meet some of my family as well." Rose replied as Delphini moved to wrapp her arms around Rose's waist, resting her head on Rose's shoulder.
Rose blushed at the action but Delphini was just smiling lightly at Rose's family, Scorpius, and Lo.
Albus choked on the Pumpkin juice he had taken a sip of.
"Girlfriend?" He asked once he gained his breath again.
"Yes? Is there something wrong with that Albus?" Delphini asked, her smile changing into a smirk.
"No, not at all. I just didn't expect it that's all." Albus said as Scorpius moved closer to him not that his coughing fit was over.
"Hmm." Delphini hummed as her eyes scanned across the Ravenclaw table.
"Come on Ro-babe, there aren't any seats over here. Let's go back to either the Slytherin table or Griffendor table. You pick which one." She said into Rose's ear making the slightly shorter girl involuntarily shiver.
"G-Griffendor table." Rose stuttered shocking her family members.
Rose never stutters...ever.
"Then to the Griffendor table we go, see you around people." Delphini said before taking Rose's hand in her own and walking them back to the Griffendor table.
"Sooo what was that reaction for Albus?" Noah asked, drawing everyone's attention to Albus.
"Oh well Delphini said that she would stop at nothing to date me while Rose bacily said the same thing to Scorpius. To see them being together just shocked me for a minute." Albus replied honstly getting nods from the others.
By now they were all done with their lunch but stayed sitting and talking until they were all told lunch is over.
"Well you have the protective boyfriend act down, you seem very protective over Scorpius whenever he seems to be in danger or uncomfortable." James snickered at Albus and Scorpius's blushing faces.
"Yeah well I am a protective person so whenever someone I know is in trouble or uncomfortable then I am going to help them." Albus said getting a nod from everyone but James.
"So that's why you still haven't un-wrapped your arm around Scorpius or?" He asked with a smirk as Albus and Scorpius's blushes grew.
"We are still in public and people think that we are dating so that's why." Albus whispered back so people wouldn't hear him.
"Mhm." James hummed, his smirk not leaving.
"Alright students, back to classes!" Professor McGonagall yelled across the Great Hall to everyone that was still there.
Everyone quickly left for their next class and their group split up to go to their classes.
Juno, Lo, Scorpius, and Albus all went to Care Of Magical Creatures because Slytherins and Ravenclaws had the class together.
"G'mornin everyone. Today we're gon' learn about Unicorns." Hogwarts creature keeper Hagrid said with a grin as he looked down at all of the first years.
"This was now." He said as he led them all over to the edge of the Forbidden Forest.
The students were confused as to why they were all going twards the Forbidden place but didn't say anything.
Thats when they all saw two beautiful unicorns.
Everyone looked in awe at the creatures as Hagrid smiled at their responses.
"Alright, e'reyone two at a time up to 'em. Let 'em come to you. Don't scare 'em." Hagrid said making everyone get into two lines so they could all take turns with the Unicorns.
As students walked up to the Unicorns they got to pet them. The Unicorns liked the affection but only from some people. They wernt so fond of the boys and liked the girls more.
The next two up were Albus and Juno.
"They are so beautiful." Juno commented as they held their hand out for the Unicorn to sniff, kind of like you do with a dog.
"Agreed." Albus commented as one of the Unicorns walked up to him and nudged his hand, the other doing the same to Juno's hand.
After a minute the two had to walk away and alow others to come up.
Scorpius and Lo were the next to come twards the Unicorns.
As they stepped up to the beautiful creatures they also heald up their hands to the Unicorns knew that they wernt threats.
Both Unicorns looked at the boys before stepping up to them.
The Unicorn infront of Scoroius moved so it was next to him and layed down as the other did the same next to Lo.
Both Unicorns looked up expectantly at Scoroius and Lo.
"Um... Hagrid, what's happening?" Lo asked as Scorpius squatted down to pet the Unicorns back.
"Get on their back. That's what they want." Hagrid replied shocking them both.
"U-um...okay." Lo replied as they moved so they had mounted the Unicorn. It stood up and Lo's eyes widened in fear that they would fall off.
Lo suddenly felt two hands on themselves, one on their waist and the other on one of their arms.
They looked up to see who's hands they were and saw Juno standing there.
They then looked over to where Scorpius was and saw that Albus was making sure Scorpius wouldn't fall off of the other Unicorn.
"What now?" Scorpius asked Hagrid as he ran his hands up and down the Unicorn's mane.
"Yer gon have to let the Unicorns tell yer." Hagrid said with a shrug making everyone look at the two Unicorns.
By now the class was watching the four to see what would happen and if anyone would get hurt.
Thats when Lo's Unicorn looked at Juno and tilted its head, silently telling him to get on.
Juno nodded looking unsure before sitting behind Lo on the Unicorn's back, wrapping his arm around Lo's torso.
They both looked over to see Albus getting onto the other Unicorn's back as well, wrapping his arms around Scorpius.
Suddenly both Unicorns ran full speed I the Forest...
1,123 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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