Chapter 20
Delphini according to the play^^^
⚠️Talk of the last chapter, verbal sexual harassment, Delphini, drama, someone being protective, "coming out", cussing⚠️
"I can get us out of trouble, McGonagall and my father Harry were close-ish when he went here so she would come to our flat often. Albus and all of us managed to get on her good side." James explained calming Noah.
"We should still get going, it is only our first day and so if we make a bad impression then she won't trust us for the rest of the year! Or at least she won't trust me if she already knows you." Noah said as he started to stand up, James reluctantly allowing him to do so.
"Your right. I don't want her to think anything bad of you when your just a little innocent bean." James chuckled as they started to walk to Transfiguration class.
"I am not innocent and you of all people should know that." Noah quipt back making James laugh.
*Once they get to the class room*
The two intered the classroom holding hands as everyone's eyes landed on them.
"Mr.Potter, Mr.Noah, you are late." Professor McGonagall stated the obvious. She, along with all of the other professors knew that Noah hated his last name so they just called him Mr.Noah.
"We know Professor, it's my fault. We just came back from Defense Against the Dark Arts class and we were working with Boggarts. My boggart turned into Noah after someone had used the Sectumsempra curse on him so I had to take a few minutes to hug him and remind myself that it was just a Boggart and not the real Noah." James explained as he tightened his grip on Noah's hand slightly.
Noah moved their hands so James had his arm around Noah's shoulders but their hands were still intertwined.
James smiled down at Noah before returning his gaze to Professor McGonagall.
"Alright, you are excused for today but try not to let it happen again." McGonagall said with a sigh before shooing the boys to their seats.
So James and Noah left to their seats to attempt to transfigure a rock into a frog and then back again.
*Focusing on Scorpius and Albus*
Currently the boys were on their way to Herboligy class with their fellow Slytherins.
"Good morning Slytherins! Today we will be re-potting Mandrake plants so everyone get your earmuffs on." Professor Sprout said as she put on her own earmuffs.
Everyone followed suit and put on their earmuffs.
"Now you are going to pull from the stem and place them into the larger pot. Then cover them with a little dirt and you are done." She explained before doing exactly what she said.
Everyone flinched at the shreaks coming from the annoying plant before doing as she said and moving the plants over.
"Very good job everyone, I need five students to help me clean up while the rest of you may talk until the end of the class period." Professor Sprout said with her normal smile as five students moved to her to help her clean up.
Albus looked over and saw two girls and a boy looking at Scorpius before looking back at each other giggling.
He wrapped an arm around the unexpecting boy's shoulders and leaned down to whisper "What do you want to do after classes today?" In his ear.
Scorpius jumped at the sudden contact and blushed when he figured out it was Albus.
"I don't mind, whatever you want to do I'm fine with." Scorpius replied as he turned so he could wrapp his arm around Albus's back, making them now be in a side hug.
"I always pick what we do you should pic-" Albus cut himself off when he felt someone behind him pull at the sleeve of his shirt.
He turned around, making Scorpius do so as well and looked down to see a girl with brown hair with teal streaks in it. She also had on winged eyeliner and dark blue eyeshadow.
"Can I help you?" Albus asked trying to be polite.
"Well its not me who would be helped, it would be you. *she looked down at Albus's pants before looking back up at his eyes* And we couldn't do anything here anyway, too many people." The girl said confusing the Hell out of both Albus and Scoroius.
"So what do you say we get out of here and I can help you?" She asked with a wink making Albus hold back a gag.
"Okay there is so much wrong with what you just said so no." Albus said as he looked her in the eye.
"What do you mean?" She asked with a confused face.
"First off we are 11 years old, second I am gay, third this is my boyfriend *he pointed to Scorpius*, and fourth I have no secual desires at all and even if I did then they sure as Hell wouldn't be with you." Albus said getting a huff of annoyance from the girl.
"Your not gay, you just haven't met the right girl yet. I'm Delphini and I'm sure that I can be the right girl for you." The girl now known as Delphini said as she took a step twards Albus.
"Look here bitch, he's gay, he's mine, and he sure as Hell doesn't like you so face the facts and fuck off." Scorpius snapped as he stepped inbetween the two shocking both Albus and Delphini.
"Ugh, fine for now but I'm not giving up! I always get what I want!" Delphini said before storming out of the classroom.
"Thank you Kitten." Albus said as he pulled Scorpius's back into his chest into a hug.
Scorpius blushed when he realized what he had done and that everyone was now looking at them.
"Your welcome." He said as he turned around in Albus's arms so he could hide his blushing face in Albus's chest.
"Class dismissed." Professor Sprout said as she came back from the cleaning closet where she keeps all of her cleaning supplies.
Everyone quickly grabbed their things and moved to their next class.
Albus laced his and Scorpius's hands together and swung them between them gently.
"Thank you for putting that creep in her place. If she had gotten closer to me then I would have pulled out my wand and used a spell my grandfather Sirius taught me for creeps like her." Albus said as they neared the Divination classroom.
"I know you would have done the same for me." Scorpius shrugged but he looked like he had something else on his mind.
"Oh if she looked you up and down like she did me then she would have my wand to her throat or chest in a matter of seconds." Albus said casually shocking Scorpius.
"Really?" He asked not really knowing how to respond. Normally people didn't care what happened to him... well at least his parents didn't really care.
"Most definitely, I can tell when your uncomfortable and you probably would have been in that situation so I would have fixed it." Albus said making Scorpius smile lightly.
"Thank you." He said making Albus smile back at him.
"Of course Kitten." Albus said before they walked into the classroom, instantly being hit with the smell of different insents burning.
"Today we will be reading our partners tea leaves. Everyone take the cup of tea infront of you and drink almost all of it before giving it to your table partner." Professor Trelawney said before she started to walk around the classroom.
Everyone did as she said before they started to attempt to read each other's tea leaves.
"Well according to this you will find great love soon but you will also have a constant burden on your side as well." Scorpius said as he compares the tea leaves to the chart they were all given.
"Yours says that you will also find great love soon but danger is also in your future." Albus said before looking up at Scorpius who looked a mix between happy and nervous.
"Nothing's gonna harm you, not while I'm around." (A/n Sweeny Todd reference anyone?) Albus said getting a smile and blush from Scorpius.
Before Scorpius could thank Albus, Professor Trelawney gasped loudly making everyone look at her in high alert...
1,396 Words! I am so sorry for the slow update! I had major writing block so I had no clue what I would write. Luckily the slump is over so I will try to update more frequently now!
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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