Chapter 19
⚠Boggarts, someone being nervous, mentions of abusive parents, death image, talk of death, talk of killing themself, fake bl**d, people being scared, crying cussing, kissing, cuddles⚠ (I swear it's not as bad as it sounds)
*Focusing on Noah and James*
James and Noah were waiting in DADA (Defense Against the Dark Arts) class for their teacher to arrive.
"Good morning students! Sorry for the long wait, I was held up by helping a student to her class. Anyway, my name is Professor Green, no relation to the Greengrass family." The professor stated as he walked into the classroom.
He had dark green long robes that looked kind of like Professor McGonigal's robes.
"Now I know this is just your first day but I though why not kick the year off with something scary but fun?" Professor Green asked with a half evil glint in his eyes.
"What do you mean by that professor?" a third year Ravenclaw asked making him smile.
"I'm glad you asked! Today we will be starting to learn and defeat Boggarts!" Professor Green said causing alarm in most students while others were confused.
"Now, can anyone tell me what a Boggart is?" He asked as his eyes scanned the room.
Both James and Noah raised their hands. They both excelled in DADA and Noah was quite amazing in most of this other classes as well. He was one of the smartest wizards of their age (following his remodels footsteps).
"You with the brow hair." Professor Green said while pointing to James.
"A Boggart is bacily a thick-fog like creature hat turns into the person it see's worst fear. It lives off of others fear so whatever it can do to scare you is what it is going to do. To get rid of the creature is say "Riddikulus" and waving your wand like this *he showed the correct wand motion for the spell before putting his wand back down onto his desk*.
"Very good! Fifteen points to Gryffindor for the correct answer and correct wand motion." the Professor said before turning to the rest of the class.
"Now we have a Boggart here in the class, it was hiding in the back of Professor McGonigal's drawer so it isn't very large but it will do. Now I want everyone to repeat after me. Riddikulus!" Professor Green said while doing the wand motion, everyone mirroring him and saying the word back.
"Very good, now everyone get into a line and you will all take turns with the Boggart. Just remember your word, hand motion and to stay calm." he said causing everyone to move so they were in a line in front of a chest that contained the creature.
The first person in line was a girl named Kenna Holly. When the Boggart saw her it quickly changed into a man that looked similar to her. Was that her dad?
"RIDDIKULUS!" She yelled as the man/boggart attempted to take a step twards her.
The creature changed into a Monkey doing the Hula causing many kids to laugh and her smile.
"Very impressive! Now you can go and wait over there until class is dismissed." Professor Green said getting a nod from the girl before she moved back over to her seat to pack up.
Person after person, fear after fear, it went on until it was Noah's turn up front.
"James I don't want to do this." Noah whispered as he looked at his boyfriend, the Boggart temporally inside of the chest. "I already know that it's going to be my parents and I don't need the entire class knowing that they are abusive and my worst fear." He added looking nervous.
Before James could say anything however, Professor Green opened the chest and the Boggart flew at Noah.
"Fuck." James mumbled before pushing Noah behind him, not wanting Noah's private life to be exposed.
The Boggart changed into Noah...but this Noah looked like he had just been hit by the Sectumsempra curse, blood was pooling out of his sides, mouth, and eyes.
"Riddikulus!" James said as the real Noah hugged him from behind.
The Boggart Noah changed into Noah in a female muggle cheerleading outfit, including the pompoms.
"Alright that is the end for today's class. Don't worry if you didn't get a chance to go against the Boggart today, we have all week for you all to get a chance. Class dismissed." Professor Green said causing everyone to get out of his classroom as quick as possible.
James had grabbed Noah's hand and pulled him into a secret corridor he saw off of the Marauders map, not saying a word until they were inside of the corridor.
"Stupid fucking Boggart." He muttered as he pulled Noah into a tight hug.
Noah quickly returned the hug as James nuzzled his head into the crook of Noah's neck, inhaling his sent. He smelled like lavender and parchment, a weird yet calming sent.
"I love you." Noah said after a while of the two just hugging.
James lifted his head from Noah's neck and kissed him on the lips. The kiss was passionate but nothing heated because they are only thirteen.
"I love you so much and I swear to everything that if what that Boggart turned into ever came true I would kill the person that did it to you and then probably myself." James said before hiding in Noah's neck again.
"Well it's a good thing that isn't ever going to come true then." Noah said before kissing James's cheek and moving them so they were sitting. James sitting on the ground as Noah sat in his lap.
James hummed in agreement as he slightly tightened his grip on Noah.
The two continued to hug each other for a while until Noah cast a tempus (the time telling charm).
"Oh shi- James we are late to Transfiguration!"
987 Words! I am sorry that this is shorter than normal!
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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