Chapter 13
⚠Annoying Rose, semi cussing, talk of kissing, kissing on the head, cuddling, someone being flustered⚠
They where so caught up in cuddling that they didn't realize that they had left their art out and that most anyone that claimed to be Albus's family could now come into their common room...
About an hour later the two heard multiple loud bangs coming from their door.
"What do you want?" Albus yelled as Scorpius hid his face into Albus's chest. The door suddenly opened and in came some flaming red hair.
"Unless your Hugo, go away." Albus said before hearing a gasp from his bed.
"Kitten, you drew me?! Aww! And here I thought you liked Albus!" The person now recognized as Rose squealed.
Scorpius groaned in annoyance at Rose before cuddling closer to Albus. "Don't call me Kitten and I do like Albus, he is my boyfriend Rose. We just drew you so we could have practice of drawing people." Scorpius explained making Rose blush in embarrassment.
Albus smiled down at Scorpius when he was called his boyfriend. Even if it was just a cover up and they weren't actually dating, it still sounded nice coming from him.
"Boyfriend? When did you two get together?" Rose asked while glairing at Albus. She didn't fully believe this but she also didn't not believe it either.
"Three days ago, why do you care?" Albus quipt back as he ran a hand through Scorpius's hair.
"I care because you're my cousin and because I don't believe you." Rose stated matter-of-factly.
"Rose, you just walked in on us cuddling together asleep. What more proof do you need?" Albus asked as Scorpius smiled against his shoulder.
"You two have always been cuddly friends. I need more proof. Kiss and I will believe you." Rose replied with a devilish smirk thinking she had won.
"We just started dating three days ago! We haven't had our first kiss yet and it sure as Hell isn't going to be for proof that we are together. It is going to be special." Scorpius cut in while himself and Albus blushed brightly.
"I didn't say it had to be on the lips." Rose snapped with an eyeroll.
"Oh..." Scorpius trailed off with a darker blush than before as he re-hid his face into Albus's chest.
"It's okay Kitten, Rose didn't specify so it makes sense that you assumed that she meant on the lips. Also that first kiss sounds very romantic~" Albus bacily purred the last bit into Scorpius's ear making Scorpius shiver.
Albus smirked when he saw Scorpius's reaction before kissing the top of his head. "There Rose, I kissed the top of his head, we have been cuddling the entire time, I made him flustered with a single sentence, and we have both already told you we are dating. Now do you believe us?" Albus stated and the asked as he looked at Rose through Scorpius's hair.
"No I don't believe you yet. I will believe you when you tell uncle Harry and Draco." Rose said with another ugly smirk.
"Well then I guess you will just not believe us because we aren't ready to come out yet." Albus snapped back with a glare as Scorpius nodded in agreement.
"That's what I thought. Oh and I came down here to tell you dinner started about *She checked her watch* twenty minutes ago." Rose said with a huff before strutting out of the room and slamming the door behind her.
Both boys let out a breath they didn't know they were holding.
"I am so sorry about her and for kissing you with ought your consent, even if it was just a head kiss. I am also sorry for somehow not making it believable enough for her to believe." Albus semi rambled only to be shut up when Scorpius put one of his hands over his mouth.
"It's okay Albus. I think you were a great actor and that she did believe it and she is just in denial. I am actually impressed with how quick you came up with some of the answers you gave her and how casual you sounded while saying it." Scorpius said with a smile as he moved his hand away from Albus's mouth.
"Thank you and I actually shocked myself for most of those." Albus admitted as he looked into Scorpius's light blue eyes.
Scorpius just chuckled in response as he looked into Albus's bright green eyes.
The two stared into each other's eyes for what seamed like forever, Scorpius started to lean down slowly. Albus glanced down at Scorpius's lips before bringing them back to his eyes.
Before anything could happen there was a loud POP and then a squeak followed by the sound of two trays hitting a bed.
The two pulled away from their close position quickly to find Dobby sitting at the end of Albus's bed with his hands over his eyes.
"Dobby is terribly sorry sir's for ruining your moment. Dobby was only trying to get you two some dinner because I noticed you weren't there in the Great Hall." Dobby quickly apologized as he peeked through his fingers to see both boys on opposite sides of Scorpius's bed with vibrant red blushes on their cheeks.
"It's okay Dobby. Thank you for the dinner, we will be in the Great Hall for all meals tomorrow so you wont have to worry about us." Albus said as he moved to his bed to get the trays of food.
"You are welcome sir, sorry once again. Goodbye for now and goodnight." Dobby said before popping out of their room again.
"He really is one strange House Elf." Scorpius commented as Albus handed hi, his tray of dinner.
"Yeah he is but we love him anyway." Albus said with a chuckle before he started eating his dinner as well.
The two ate rather quickly before taking turns showering and getting changed in the bathroom. Once they were ready for bed they both got into their own beds before saying their goodnights and falling asleep.
Well that's what they tried to do. Sadly neither boy could sleep due to all of the their thoughts swirling in their heads.
Once it was twelve o'clock Albus flopped over onto his side so he was facing Scorpius.
"Hey Scorp, are you awake?" He asked as he silently hoped that Scorpius would reply.
"Yeah why?" Scorpius asked back as he turned so he could face Albus.
Even though it was dark in the room they could still make out the faint outlines of each other.
"Because I can't sleep and was wondering if we could try something to help with that. Only if your okay with it that is." Albus replied with a blush. He was suddenly very happy that the room was so dark.
"Okay... what do you want to try?" Scorpius asked as he raised a brow, not that Albus could see it.
"Cuddling. Supposedly if you cuddle with someone as you try and sleep it will make you fall asleep faster." Albus explained making Scorpius blush as well.
"Oh, okay. I don't want to move though so you get to come over here." Scorpius agreed with a grin as Albus smiled as well.
"Haha okay." Albus laughed as he got up and moved to Scorpius's bed.
When he did so Scorpius moved over so Albus would have room in the bed as well.
Albus quickly got under the covers and pulled Scorpius to his chest.
"Do you think you can fall asleep now?" Scorpius asked as he re-adjusted their cuddling position so Albus was big spooning him.
"Defiantly, goodnight Kitten." Albus said as he smiled against the back of Scorpius's neck making Scorpius smile as well.
"Goodnight." Scorpius replied before letting a peaceful slumber take over him.
"So cute." Albus though before falling asleep as well.
Now lets just hope that Rose didn't go and tell anyone about Albus and Scorpius being 'together'...
1,295 Words! It is currently 12:12am and I am tired af.
Anyway, I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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