Chapter 12
⚠️Fear of heights, panic, cuddles, fluff⚠️
Albus took the broom as he nodded as a thanks.
"Okay so first you mount the broom like this *Scorpius mounted the broom making Albus do the same to his broom* then you push off of the ground like this." Scorpius said as he pushed off of the ground, allowing himself to hover above it.
Albus attempted to mirror Scorpius's movements but ended up flying forward instead of up. In a small panic Albus rolled off of the broom and fell to the ground, the broom stopping as he did so.
Scorpius flew down to the ground and ran over to Albus.
"Are you alright?" He asked clearly concerned for his friend.
"Yeah, my arse hurts a little but other than that I'm fine." Albus said with a chuckle as he got up off the ground with the help of Scorpius's hand.
"How about we try flying on the same broom? I will steer the broom and you will keep hold of me while you pay attention to what I do." Scorpius suggested.
"Sounds better than me potentially harming myself." Albus laughed as they walked towards Scorpius's broom.
The two mounted the broom, Scorpius in the front as Albus sat behind him and wrapped his arms around Scorpius's torso.
"See how I don't push off to hard from the ground? That's so we don't go full speed into the....." Scorpius's voice was drowned out by Albus's thoughts.
"Scorpius is so nice, he is teaching me how to fly a broom when he didn't have to."
"I wonder if he is only doing this so he gets a training partner for Quidditch or not?"
"He wouldn't do that to u- OH MY MERLIN WE ARE HIGH IN THE AIR!"
With that last thought in mind Albus tightened his grip on Scorpius.
"Scorpius could you let me down? Please?" Albus asked as he hid his face into Scorpius's shoulder.
"Wh-? Oh yeah, sorry." Scorpius said as he started to land the broom quickly but not quick enough to frighten Albus more.
When they hit the ground Scorpius got off of the broom and helped Albus off who instantly clutched into him like a life line.
"Who knew I am scared of heights?" Albus asked with a humorless chuckle as he put his head back into Scorpius's shoulder.
"I'm sorry Albus, if I had known then I would have stayed closer to the ground or just convinced you not to try and ride a broom in the first place." Scorpius apologized as he hugged Albus back.
"It's okay Scorp, I'm the one that suggested that you teach me. Nether of us knew about my new fear until just now so don't blame yourself." Albus reassured as he pulled away slightly from the hug.
"How about we go inside and check up on Juno or Hugo, James and Noah are probably already busy." Albus asked as Scorpius nodded.
"Sounds good to me." He agreed making Albus smile at him before turning to Rose.
"Rose! We are going inside! You can go hang out with your friends now!" Albus yelled before turning back to Scorpius.
"Let's go shall we?" he asked as he held out his hand.
"We shall." Scorpius giggled as he took Albus's hand and intertwined their fingers together.
They both headed towards the Ravenclaw common room where they knew that Juno would most likely be.
They came across the portrait of Rowena Ravenclaw and she asked them a riddle.
"What is black when you bye me, red when you use me, and grey when you throw me away? What am I?" She asked making the boys think for a minute.
"Coal. It is black when you bye it, red when it is in embers, and grey when it is ash." Scorpius answered making her smile down at him.
"That is correct, you may come in." She said before opening up, allowing the two boys inside the blue and grey looking common room.
"How did you know that?" Albus asked finding it rather impressive that he got the answer so quickly.
"I don't know, it just seamed to be the only logical answer." Scorpius answered with a shrug of his shoulders.
"That was pretty impressive." Albus commented making Scorpius blush lightly.
"Albus? Scorpius? What are you two doing here?" Juno asked as he came down one fo the stair cases.
"Well we where looking for you! We wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us?" Albus replied with a smile.
"Well normally I would love to but my friend Jane and I have plans already." Juno said looking sorry.
"No problem, go have fun. We still have three other people to bug until we are out of options." Albus said as Juno smiled back at him and Scorpius.
"Have fun." Juno said before hugging both Scorpius and Albus bye.
The two left the Ravenclaw common room as Albus seong their hands together imbetween them.
"You know, we could just go to our common room and do something together?" Scorpius suggested as he looked down at the ground.
"We can if you want us to." Albus agreed with a smile when he saw Scorpius's blush.
"I mean we don't have to, it's just a suggestion." Scorpius said hoping that he hadn't come across as bossy.
"Well I think it's a great suggestion considering the Slytherin dorms are closer than the Griffendor ones." Albus said as they went up a flight of stairs.
Scorpius just smiled in responce.
When they reached the Slytherin common room they said the password and quickly went inside to their room.
"So what do you wanna do?" Albus asked as he flopped onto his bed after letting go of Scorpius's hand.
"Well we could draw? You said that you do draw right?" Scorpius asked as he sat down onto his own bed.
"Yep! I need to work on drawing people better anyway. Are you okay if we draw someone we know?" Albus replied getting a nod out of Scorpius.
"Who are all of the people that we both know?" Scorpius asked as he got out his drawing supplies.
"Well we know all of the professors, James, Noah, Hugo, Juno, Rose and each other. There are some other students that we have both seen before but we didn't really talk to them." Albus said as he too got his art supplies out.
"Well I definitely don't want to draw myself and I need to work on female drawings so that leaves Rose, McGonagall, Trelawney, and Umbitch if we are going back to old professors." Scorpius said making Albus chuckle.
"Well I can't draw older people very well so I guess Rose is the option we are going with. Just don't let her see it or she might think your in love with her." Albus laughed making Scorpius blush.
"If she does then I will just tell her that you and I are dating, you said that I could right?" Scorpius said making Albus blush once again.
"Oh, yeah I forgot about that. Yeah you can. Like I said last time, I'm a great actor." Albus said with a wink making Scorpius laugh.
They started their drawings and after about an hour and a half they where done.
"Okay, I'm done." Albus said as he looked at his artwork.
"Same." Scorpius said with a smile as he looked at Albus.
"On three we show each other?" Albus asked getting a nod in responce.
"One... two... three!" Albus said before they both flipped their papers so the other could see.
Scorpius's drawing^(A/N Irl this would take many more hours than just one)
Albus's drawing^(A/N This one would probably take about 2 hours)
"Oh my Merlin, that's so good!" Albus exclaimed as he looked in awe at Scorpius's drawing.
"So is yours!" Scorpius said with a smile making Albus chuckle.
"Thanks but yours looks like you had Rose here posing for you!" Albus said as he put his sketchbook down onto his bed and moved to sit next to Scorpius.
"I have a photographic memory when it comes to people." Scorpius said with a blush, he wasn't used to the instant compliments on his art work. Mostly because he never showed anyone his artwork.
"Thats so cool!" Albus said as he looked over the art that Scorpius had drawn.
"Yeah, it's a trait I got from my father." Scorpius said "father" somewhat bitterly.
"Well its still cool. Now, what do you want to do? We still have two hours until dinner." Albus asked as he wrapped an arm around Scorpius's shoulders.
"I don't care what we do." Scorpius said as he cuddled into Albus's side.
"How about we just chill out in here and cuddle until dinner time?" Albus asked making Scorpius smile.
"Sounds good to me." He said as he wrapped his arms around Albus's torso.
Albus smiled at the action as he moved them so they where laying down on Scorpius's bed, Scorpius bacily laying ontop of him while they had their arms wrapped around each other.
They where so caught up in cuddling that they didn't realize that they had left their art out and that most anyone that claimed to be Albus's family could now come into their common room...
1,558 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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