Chapter 11
⚠️Cussing, annoying Rose, fluff⚠️
The next morning Scorpius and Albus woke up around the same time.
"G'morning Kitten." Albus said sleeply as he got up and moved twards the dresser.
"Goodmorning Al." Scorpius said with a blush as Albus smiled at the nickname.
"What do you wanna do today?" Albus asked as he changed into some muggle clothes.
He was pulling off the "bad boy" vibe because he had gotten Sirius's hand-me-downs from when he went to Hogwarts.
"I don't care, whatever you wanna do is fine with me." Scorpius said as he looked in his dresser for any comfortable clothes. All he could find where robes.
"Um Albus...could I borrow some muggle clothes?" Scorpius asked with an embarrassed blush as he looked over twards Albus.
"Of course you can, do you want something warmer or colder?" Albus asked already knowing the answer from how much they cuddled.
"Warmer please." Scorpius said making Albus nod and hand him a pair of ripped jeans and an oversized sweater.
"Thank you." Scorpius smiled before walking into their bathroom to change.
When he came back out Albus had finnished adding his accessories to his outfit.
"Oh my Merlin..." Albus started when he saw Scorpius.
"What? Do I look bad? Do you want it bac-" Scorpius's nervous ramble was cut short by Albus.
"You look adorable!!!" He squealed making Scorpius blush brightly.
"Shut up." Scorpius mumbled as he hid his face into his hands causing his sweater paws to flop around slightly.
"You're too cute!" Albus squealed making Scorpius blush darker.
"We need to get to breakfast." Scorpius said trying to avert the attention from himself.
"Alright, let's go!" Albus said with a smile as he grabbed Scorpius's hand and walked twards the Great Hall.
Scorpius's outfit (but add sweater paws)^
Albus's outfit (but add some rings)^
When they reached the Great Hall they instantly went over to the Slytherin table.
"So what do you want to do?" Scorpius asked Albus as he started to fix himself a bagel.
"Well I was wondering if you would be willing to teach me how to ride a broom?" Albus asked as he got himself some fruit.
Scorpius stopped for a second before looking over at Albus.
"You really trust me with that?" He asked sounding shocked.
"Of course I do! We could get someone else to watch over us to make sure nobody gets hurt." Albus said with a smile before he started to eat his breakfast.
"I think that will be fun! Who would come with us though?" Scorpius said before starting to eat his now finnished bagel.
"Well there is James, Noah, Hugo, Juno, or if we are really desperate then Ros-" Albus was cut off by Rose appearing seemingly out of nowhere.
"What about me?" She asked as she sat down on the other side of Scorpius.
"Nothing." Albus said as Scorpius slid closer to him and further from Rose.
"Well if you said my name then it obviously includes me." Rose said with an eye roll.
"We where just talking about people we know." Scorpius said attempting to get her to drop the subject.
"Oh really? What where you saying about me?" Rose asked as she twirled her bright red hair.
"Not that type of talk you twit. I was going to see if Scorp here would teach me how to ride a broom and he agreed. We wanted someone else to some so if someone got injured then we would have someone to go and get Madam Pomfrey." Albus explained with a slight glare at the beginning.
"Oh... well I'll come. Even though I don't really like you at the moment your still family and I don't want you getting hurt. And I of course couldn't let Scorp here getting hurt either." Rose said shocking Albus slightly.
"Oh and you look adorable today." Rose told Scorpius making him blush.
"I know right! He looks amazing in my clothes. I mean they are a little bit bih but I think they are comfortable. They are comfortable right Kitten?" Albus asked making Scorpius's blush darken as Rose glared at Albus.
"Yeah, they are pretty comfortable." Scorpius replied as he subconsciously snuggled into the sweater.
"They are Albus's clothes? Kitten you can do so much better than him." Rose said making Scorpius visibly cringe at the nickname coming from her.
"Only Albus can call me that." Was Scorpius's only responce as he scooted closer to Albus, now on the edge of his seat.
Albus smirked as Rose glared.
"Well I'm done with breakfast what about you two?" Albus asked as he stood up.
"Me too, lets go." Scorpius said while quickly getting up as well.
He grabbed Albus's hand and bacily grabbed him twards the Quiddich pitch.
"Are you alright?" Albus asked once they got there and where near the broom closet.
"No. I mean yes." Scorpius said trying to fix his "mistake" quickly so maybe Albus wouldn't have knoticed it.
"Whats wrong?" Albus asked as he moved closer to Scorpius, resting his hand on Scorpius's shoulder.
"Rose... I think she means well but her flirting is really annoying and I kind of feel like she is trying to force herself on me. If that makes any sense." Scorpius said as he used Albus's open arm as an advantage and hugged him.
"I can try my best to convince her to stop if it bugs you that much. If she knew that it bothers you that much then I know that she would stop. She does mean well, she just doesn't know how to flirt worth a damn." Albus said as he hugged Scorpius back.
"As long as your around I think it will be fine. Maybe if we lied and we told her we where together she would stop on her own?" Scorpius thought aloud making Albus blush.
"I would be okay with that. I've been told that I'm a good actor." Albus said making Scorpius smile into his shoulder.
"I bet you are." Scorpius said making Albus chuckle.
Before their moment could continue Rose came onto the field and made her way over to them.
"Alright, we get it. You two are cute and cuddly. Now grab your brooms and get to work. I have friends to met in a few hours and I don't want to be here all day." Rose said making the two break away from their hug.
"You put yourself into this situation. You could be with your friends now and we could have gotten someone else to come. Don't blame us for something you did." Albus snapped as Scorpius went to grab both his and Albus's brooms.
Rose blushed in embarrassment and anger before huffing and marching over to one of the stands where she sat down and pulled out a book.
While she was here she might as well read and learn some new things.
Just then Scorpius returned with their brooms.
"Lets fly." Scorpius said with a grin as he handed Albus a broom...
1,176 Words! I hope you all have an amazing day/night! Love you all!! Stay safe!!!💖💖💖
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