memorial day
*Scott, Mitch and the kids are in Florida to celebrate Memorial Day with their families for a three day vacay! Send suggestions on what you wanna see! Love • Bree 🇺🇸*
The Grassi-Hoying family are now in Florida for the three day holiday weekend!
The Grassi-Hoying's left California late last night and arrived in Florida later in the night! They are all very excited to have a very fun weekend with their extended family!
Right now, Scott, Mitch and the kids are currently all getting dressed and ready to see their families and have a fun filled Memorial Day cook out with all of them today!
The kids haven't seen their grandparents, uncles, aunts and cousins since Liam's thirteenth birthday party, so the kids are all very excited to see everyone again and to spend much needed time with them!
The kids are all patiently waiting for Mitch and Scott to finish up getting ready in their shared bedroom.
Mitch finishes up his makeup look and then sprays his favorite cologne on himself.
Mitch fixes his top in the mirror and rubs his baby bump, smiling at Joel kicking around in his belly.
"Scotty, are you almost ready to go, babe?" Mitch asks Scott as Scott walks back into the master bedroom from the master bathroom.
"I am all ready to go, love! And you look so freaking adorable! Oh my gosh, that jumpsuit looks absolutely amazing on you!" Scott says to Mitch, making Mitch's cheeks blush bright pink.
*Scott and Mitch's outfits*
"Aww! Thank you, love! I really love this jumper too! It makes me look good and it is very comfy!" Mitch says, making Scott laugh loudly.
"You always look good, Mitchy. You always look amazing in anything you wear!" Scott says to Mitch.
"Awww! So do you, Scotty! You look so handsome in just about everything you wear." Mitch says as he kisses Scott twice.
"Thank you! And are the kids all ready to go?" Scott asks Mitch as he softly kisses Mitch's baby bump and pats it, feeling Joel move around.
"Yes, the kids are all ready to go! They are in their bedroom patiently waiting for us to get ready. Hopefully they aren't arguing over the TV." Mitch says, making Scott chuckle.
"I'm sure they aren't arguing, love. We would have heard them arguing and fighting by now." Scott says giggling, making Mitch giggle.
"That's true. And well, let's go get the kids and load up in the car! We have a long drive ahead." Mitch says to Scott.
"It is only an hour drive, Mitch. That is not really a long drive. But Florida traffic is so annoying so that will make an hour drive two hours." Scott says, making Mitch laugh.
Scott and Mitch walk into the kid's shared bedroom and they see the kids all sitting together, watching YouTube videos.
*Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia's outfits*
"Hi, Daddy and Papa!" Amelia, Sawyer, Isabella, Sophia and Hudson say in unison to Mitch and Scott as they wave at them.
"Hey, Dad and Papa." Liam says as he waves at Scott and Mitch and fixes his hair.
"Hey guys!" Mitch says happily to the kids.
"Hey! I love the red, white and blue outfits! Daddy and I are matching with you guys!" Scott says to the kids.
"Papa! Your shirt isn't red!" Isabella says with sass, making Mitch and Scott both laugh.
"Your shirt is maroon, Papa!" Sawyer says with a cheeky giggle.
"It's actually burgundy, Sawyer! An ICONIC color and one of my FAVES!" Hudson says to his younger brother.
"Well, I didn't have a red shirt and all of my white shirts were dirty and I didn't wanna wear blue like Daddy is." Scott explains to the kids.
"Maroon is close enough to red! Papa is still patriotic!" Sophia says, making Scott, Mitch and her siblings all laugh and smile.
"Are you all ready to go to the Memorial Day cookout?" Mitch says to the kids.
"YES!" Amelia, Sawyer and Isabella say in unison with big cheeky smiles.
"I am so ready!" Sophia says to Mitch and Scott happily.
"Me too! I can't wait to see everybody and have so much fun!" Hudson says with a cheeky grin.
"Me too! It is going to be a lot of fun!" Sophia says agreeing with Hudson.
"It is going to be nice to see everybody before summer break starts. We probably won't see them until after Joel is born." Liam says with a slight frown.
"They are all coming to see us for Isabella's birthday and the baby sprinkle! And then Nana, Grampy, Mom Mom and Poppy will fly in when Joel is born to help Daddy and I out. They are staying for two weeks I think." Scott explains to the kids.
"YAY!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia say in unison.
"That's awesome." Liam says with a big smile.
"Who is ready to go and have some fun?" Mitch asks the kids out loud.
"MEEEEE!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia say in unison with big smiles.
"I've been ready. You two are slow." Liam says making Scott playfully gasp and Mitch laugh.
"That's what happens when you are pregnant. You are slow and you are tired all of the time." Mitch says with a chuckle.
"I'm not slow! I just wanna make sure I look nice." Scott playfully says to Liam.
"I wanna look nice too but I get ready fast." Liam says with sass, making Mitch and Scott both chuckle.
"Let's get out shoes on and let's get in the car! We have a little bit of a drive to get to Nana and Grampy's vacation house!" Mitch says to the kids.
"YAY!" Amelia, Sawyer and Isabella say happily.
"YES!" Sophia and Hudson says in unison in excitement.
"Woohoo!" Liam says with sarcasm, making Scott and Mitch both giggle.
Amelia, Sawyer, Isabella, Sophia, Hudson, Liam, Mitch and Scott all get their shoes on and all load up in the car!
Scott begins to drive to the family's first destination of the day.
"Where are we going to first, Daddy and Papa?" Sophia asks both Mitch and Scott.
"Yeah! Where are we going first?" Hudson asks in curiosity.
"We are going to visit great grandpa and great grandma's grave at the cemetery before we go to Nana and Grampy's vacation house for the Memorial Day cookout." Scott says to the kids.
"Is great grandpa in a veteran's cemetery?" Liam asks Scott and Mitch.
"Yes, he is! We haven't been here in a few years actually. The last time we came out here was when it was his funeral service." Scott says to Liam.
"Oh yeah, I remember that. It is a pretty cemetery that I can remember." Liam says to Mitch and Scott.
"It is a beautiful cemetery. Very peaceful as well." Mitch says, holding Scott's hand and kisses it.
"That's nice that great grandpa is in a veteran's cemetery. He deserves it." Liam says to Scott and Mitch.
"He does deserves it. He did a lot of things and helped so many." Scott says to Liam.
"Do you all know what a veteran is?" Mitch asks Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia.
"Somebody who was in the military!" Sophia says to Mitch and Scott.
"A veteran is a person who has been in the military like Sophia said! And they did a lot of things and they are retired now." Hudson says to Scott and Mitch.
"Somebody that wears a pretty uniform and nice hat!" Isabella says to Mitch and Scott making them smile.
"A really nice person!" Sawyer says to Mitch and Scott as he plays with the velcro in his shoe.
"Do you know what a veteran is, Amelia?" Scott asks his and Mitch's youngest daughter.
"No!" Amelia says as she giggles.
"A veteran is somebody who either joined the Air Force, the Army, the Coast Guard, the Marine Corps and the Navy. They did their duty and service. Whether they went to another country, another state or stayed in the state they were raised in. Some people in the military fight in big wars or some stay on base and work that way. Military people do a lot of things, but they mainly fight for our freedoms. They make sure we are all safe and sound here in the United States." Mitch explains to the kids.
"Oh!" Amelia, Sawyer and Isabella say in unison.
"Great Grandpa Anthony was in the Navy and he fought in World War II. You will all learn about World War II in school. Liam is actually learning about it. Right, Liam?" Scott says to the kids.
"Yeah, we are! It is really interesting!" Liam says to Scott.
"Great Grandpa Anthony was a very important man and he helped this country out a lot by fighting in World War II. He saved and helped a lot of people." Mitch says to the kids.
"Here is a picture of Great Grandpa Anthony in his uniform! Do you see him?" Mitch says to the kids as he shows them the picture of Great Grandpa Anthony.
"That looks like Grampy!" Isabella says as Sophia and Amelia agree with her.
"Yeah! Is that Grampy, Daddy?" Sawyer asks Mitch.
"No Sawyer, this is Great Grandpa Anthony! And he does look like Grampy! Grampy looks just like his dad. Great Grandpa Anthony is Grampy's Daddy!" Mitch says to the kids.
"Ohhh!" Amelia, Sawyer, Isabella, Sophia and
Hudson says, putting two and two together.
"Papa looks just like Nana." Liam says, making the the kids, Scott and Mitch all laugh.
"I see Grampy in Papa! But you are right Liam, Papa looks like Nana." Mitch says playfully pinching Scott's cheek.
Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia enjoy the drive to the cemetery.
After an half hour drive, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia have arrived at Florida National Cemetery and are looking for Scott's grandfather's grave.
"Do you see his grave, Mitchy?" Scott asks Mitch softly,
"I think he is over there, babe." Mitch says pointing out the window.
"Pretty trees!" Amelia says, looking out the window.
"Yeah, they are a lot of pretty trees here, Amelia!" Scott says to Amelia.
"Look at all of the gravestones. There's so many." Liam says as he looks out the window.
"Yeah, there is a lot of people here. It's sad. A lot of these people died during combat, fighting for our freedom here. That's why Memorial Day is so important." Scott says to the kids.
"All of the people in this cemetery fought in a lot of wars in the Air Force, Army, Coast Guard, Marine Corps, and the Navy." Mitch says to the kids.
"Why are their head stones stones the same?" Sophia asks Scott and Mitch.
"Because it has to be in a Veteran cemetery. It makes it look nicer and formal. It's kinda like a uniform." Scott explains to Sophia.
"Oh! That makes sense." Sophia says to Scott and Mitch.
"Daddy! Papa! Where's Great Grandpa?" Amelia asks Mitch and Scott.
Scott looks at Mitch, unsure on what to say to Amelia.
"He is in heaven! Remember we talked about it last night?" Mitch says to Amelia helping Scott out.
"Uh huh!" Amelia says with a smile at Mitch and Scott.
"Great grandpa went to heaven when you were an itty bitty baby, Amelia. You weren't a month old yet." Scott says to Amelia.
"Why?" Amelia asks Scott and Mitch.
"Great Grandpa Anthony was very sick, Amelia. Remember Liam, Huddy and Soph?" Mitch says.
"Yeah, he was really sick and frail." Hudson says with a slight frown.
"He couldn't talk or walk. I remember he used a wheel chair." Sophia says.
"He was so happy to hold baby Amelia though. I remember he smiled when he held her." Liam says making everybody in the car smile.
"I remember that too. He loved all of you so so much. He just couldn't communicate at the end and was very sick." Mitch says holding Scott's hands tightly.
"I don't remember meeting great grandma!" Hudson says to Mitch and Scott.
"Me either!" Sophia and Isabella say in unison.
"Great grandma went to heaven before any of you were born. She was an amazing lady." Scott says to the kids.
Scott pulls up to his grandparents grave and parks the car.
"Here's great grandpa and great grandma, guys." Mitch says to the kids.
Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia all get out of the car and visit with Scott's grandparents.
"Can we put flowers on their grave?" Isabella asks Scott and Mitch.
"I don't think we can here. But we can visit with them." Scott says to the kids.
"HIII!" Amelia says waving at the gravestone.
"HIII!" Sawyer says with a big smile.
"Shhh, Amelia. Shhh, Sawyer. We can't yell here, okay?" Mitch says to his and Scott's little ones.
"Hi, Great Grandpa Anthony! Hi, Great Grandma Mary!" Isabella and Sophia say in unison.
"Hi, Great Grandpa Anthony and Great Grandma Mary!" Hudson says out loud.
"Great grandpa was ninety one years old when he died? That's really old." Liam says to Mitch and Scott.
"He lived a long and amazing life. And that's a good thing." Mitch says to Liam and the kids.
"A lot of people don't make it to be that age. Great Grandpa was healthy until the end." Scott says to the kids.
"You feel okay, Papa?" Hudson asks Scott as he hugs him.
"I'm okay, I'm just a little sad. But it's okay to be sad. It's okay to grieve. Grieving is different for everybody." Scott says to the kids.
Mitch hugs Scott and kisses his cheek tenderly.
"Pop, Grammy, we are having another baby. And he is going to be named after you. I hope you love that. He is kicking Mitch right now." Scott says out loud as he rubs Mitch's baby bump.
"His name is going to be Joel Anthony." Mitch says, making Scott smile and rubs his baby bump happily.
After fifteen minutes, Scott, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia get ready to leave the cemetery.
"Let's tell Great Grandpa and Great Grandma goodbye. We are getting ready to leave." Mitch says to the kids.
"Bye!" Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia say in unison as they walk over to the car.
"Bye, Great Grandpa and Great Grandma." Liam says as he also walks over to the car.
"Bye, Mrs. Mary and Mr. Anthony." Mitch says softly as he holds Scott's hand.
"Bye, Pop. Bye, Grammy." Scott says as he walks into the car with Mitch.
After leaving the cemetery, Scott, Mitch and the kids meet up with Rick, Connie, Nel, Mike, Lindsay, Ryan, Zach, Archer, Lauren, Robert, Landon, Beckham, Jessa, Jared, Ady, Asa and Kiya for a Memorial Day cookout!
Scott, Mitch and the kids had a wonderful Memorial Day with their family! :)
Scott posts a picture of himself, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia standing around Scott's grandfather's grave. He writes the caption as: "Visiting with my Pop today 💙 @mitchgrassi and I taught the kids all about veterans and the importance of Memorial Day 🇺🇸"
Scott posts a picture of himself, Mitch, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia with Lindsay, Ryan, Zach, Archer, Lauren, Robert, Landon, Beckham, Jessa, Jared, Ady, Asa and Kiya. He writes the caption as: "Memorial Day cookout! 🇺🇸🌭🍔 I am so happy to be in the beautiful sunshine state with our family and enjoying Memorial Day together ❤️"
Mitch posts a picture of himself, Liam, Hudson, Sophia, Isabella, Sawyer and Amelia. Mitch is holding his baby bump. He writes the caption as: "Visiting Scott's grandfather and Joel's namesake ❤️ Joel kicked a lot while we were visiting with Mr. Tony 💙
Mitch posts a picture of Ady, Liam, Asa, Hudson, Sophia, Zach, Isabella, Sawyer, Landon, Kiya, Amelia, Archer and Beckham all sitting together. He writes the caption as: "Happy Memorial Day! 🇺🇸 It is amazing to have all of the kids together and have a nice group picture! In a few months Joel will be joining them and that makes my heart happy ❤️☺️"
Liam posts a picture of himself sitting by his great grandfather's grave. He writes the caption as: "Happy Memorial Day to all of the veterans and people who are still serving 🇺🇸"
Liam posts a picture of himself with Ady, Asa, Kiya, Archer and Beckham. Liam is holding Beckham. He writes the caption as: "Family Time ☺️"
Hudson posts a picture of himself sitting by his great grandfather's grave. He writes the caption as: "Great Grandpa and Great Grandma's grave ❤️ Thank you for serving Great Grandpa 🇺🇸"
Hudson posts a picture of himself with Asa, Ady, Kiya and Archer. They are all doing duck faces. He writes the caption as: "I love spending time with my cousins! 😍"
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