October 28, 2015. Wednesday. 09:30 am.
• • •
I should have known that Lois wouldn't let me do the interview my way. I sat at my desk angry at what Perry had just told me in his office. I've been preparing for this for weeks, and now I had to give it back to Lois. Perry had allowed her to sit with me while I interviewed, but she butted in saying that it was her piece all along and that she should be allowed to continue now that she had better and more pressing questions to ask.
At that point, I was too angry to argue and handed her my notes and walked out. Hasn't she done a dozen of her interviews with Superman? Why did she need to do another?
I sighed heavily. This day couldn't get any worse, could it?
"Hey, Annie,"
Clark's voice pulled me from my thoughts, and I swiveled in my chair, smiling up at him. He returned my smile with one of his own, but it didn't reach his eyes.
"Is everything alright?"
"Yeah, well no," He sighed, "I can't make our date on Sunday,"
"Oh?" Was all I managed.
"It's not that I don't want to, I do, it's just that Perry has me going to an event. A Benefit for the Library of Metropolis. I had forgotten about it," Clark explained quickly.
"Walk and talk?" He nodded and followed as I made my way to the kitchen. A fishy aroma greeted us, and I gagged, "It should be illegal to microwave fish in the workplace," I laughed reaching into the fridge for my salad turning back to Clark once I had my Panera leftovers.
"Those events are hard to get into, who'd you flirt with to get in?" I joked, "Can I go with you? I've always wanted to go; it'll honestly be the fanciest party I've ever been to in my life. I can help you with your piece, and then we can spend the rest of the time enjoying the party?" I asked Clark who had leaned against the doorframe his brow raised.
"Bad idea?" I asked mixing my salad around with my fork. Suddenly, I was nervous about suggesting it. He probably thought I was moving too fast. The second date at a Benefit?
"The exact opposite," he flashed me a smile, "I'd love to take you as my date,"
"I thought I was taking you?" I joked.
"Taking who where?" Lois asked as she maneuvered around Clark, who muttered an excuse me.
"How did you like my notes, Lois?" I asked, quickly changing the subject, "I hope they'll be of help to you for your interview with Superman,"
"You're not interviewing him?" Clark spoke up. His voice seemed angry.
"No, Lois here is doing it since she's better and haven't you heard, she's the only one who can interview, Superman," I took an angry chomp out of my salad and walked past Lois who was staring at Clark.
I slid the plastic bowl onto my desk and slumped in my chair, swiveling in my chair I looked over at the two people still in the kitchen. They were talking intimately and my heart sank for just a moment when Lois reached out to Clark. He stepped back, said something and walked away. I quickly turned my attention to my salad flipping a crouton in my mouth.
"I'll pick you up at 6:30 Tuesday night," Clark placed a warm hand on my back as he passed me.
• • •
October 28, Wednesday. 3:55 pm.
• • •
Perry had decided to let me go home early after the whole fiasco with Lois. He apologized but had finished with 'she is the senior reporter.' I was happy to be going home, didn't need her rubbing it in my face, and I could get a jump start on what to wear for Tuesday night.
I didn't know much about this Luthor guy except that he had come into a large sum of money after his father had died and was now the owner of LexCorp, and Clark said he was hosting the Benefit at his house.
I made my way to the elevator my notes had been returned to my desk, and I decided not to be angry anymore. There was no point. I had better things to look forward to than interviewing The Man of Steel. Sighing, I pushed the button for the ground floor and watched the doors close. Checking my watch, I knew that the interview had already started. They had set up in the meeting room over an hour ago.
As the elevator descended past the fifteenth floor, the lights blinked in and out and the elevator came to a shuddering halt.
"Oh, God no," I clicked the button again, "Come on, come on,"
The elevator service light flashed, and I clicked the call button.
"Ma'am, are you alright?" A voice crackled through the speakers.
"Yes, I'm fine. Just peachy," I rolled my eyes, now was not the time for sarcasm," when will you be getting the elevator moving?"
"In a few moments, just hold tight,"
I rolled my eyes. Where else am I going to go? I leaned against the wall and pulled out my phone, but the elevator lurched, and I lost my footing banging into the wall.
"Hey! What's happening? The elevator lurched!" My voice was strained with panic. I did not want to die in an elevator.
"Ma'am, I need you to remain calm-,"
"Remain calm? How about we switch places and I tell you to remain calm?!"
"I'm sorry ma'am, but I do need you to stop moving around, just sit down and stay still,"
"You can see me?" I gasped checking for cameras.
"Yes, now sit down," after a moment he asked my name.
"I'm Annie," I mumbled sitting down on the floor.
"I'm Roger, the Police and Fire Department are on their way, just hang tight," The static behind his voice shut off and I turned my attention back to my phone, dialing my mom's number.
"Hey, sweetie are you excited for your interview today?"
She chirped.
"Mom, I'm stuck in the elevator at work. I might be here for a few hours. Don't freak, ok?"
"Oh my god!" She shrieked, I pulled the phone away wincing, "Are you alright? What did the elevator service people say?"
"To hold tight and to remain calm. If I'm going to be here for a while, I'm going to conserve my battery. I'll call you when I'm out,"
"I love you,"
"I love you too, Mom," I set my phone in my purse and threw my crossbody over my shoulder. She was calmer than I had expected, I, on the other hand, was freaking out. I wouldn't even be in the elevator if I was still the one interviewing Superman.
Suddenly the lights shut off and I shot to my feet reaching for the call button, but Roger was already talking.
"The Fire Department just arrived. There was a power outage that shorted the wiring, and we'll have you out soon, Annie,"
"Are you sure? The lights just went out and-," I was cut off by a loud bang from above me. The hatch above pulled open, and a familiar smile greeted me.
"I was in the neighborhood, thought I'd lend a hand," He offered his hand, and I looked at it.
"It's only a power outage, I'm only here for a few more minutes," I rambled.
"You want to get out of the elevator, don't you?" I nodded, "Then take my hand,"
He leaned down and grasped my wrist tightly, "You have everything?"
"Yes," I responded looking up at him as he let go of the elevator and slowly began to rise. My feet dangled in the air for a few moments before he pulled me up to his chest, his large grip tight around my waist, and flew us out of the elevator shaft.
• • •
October 28, Wednesday. 4:15 pm.
• • •
I was expecting him to fly me home, but we landed on the balcony outside my office.
"Hope that didn't make you queasy," He offered once we were on solid ground, "One woman puked on me once,"
"Oh no! It was pretty calming, thank you," He smiled down at me.
"Annie?!" Lois and Perry came through the wide doors their expressions confused.
"I was wondering where you went," Lois directed at Superman.
"Annie, is everything alright?" Perry asked.
Behind him, I could see a crowd of colleagues and Jimmy snapping photos.
"I'm sorry for walking out of our interview. I heard she was stuck in the elevator, so I offered to help," Superman spoke to the crowd a few murmurs, and awws were heard. I even heard one woman say 'that is so sweet.'
"It was just a power outage, nothing too crazy. I have so many questions to ask," My voice trailed off and I glanced at Lois whose jaw was tight. Her lips were forcing a smile.
"Would you like to ask them?" He turned to Perry and Lois, "I'd like Annie to interview me,"
A hush fell across the small crowd, and I smiled awkwardly, a comforting hand laid on my lower back, and I looked up at Superman.
"This way, Annie,"
I followed Superman's hulking figure into the office. All eyes were on the both of us as he led us through the shocked and in awe faces of The Daily Planet's most excellent reporters. He was a sight to see. The dark red and blues of his suit were bright under the fluorescent lights, and his combed back hair was slick.
He looked back and smiled at me. I tried my best to return his enthusiasm, but I had taken the seat across from Superman that only Lois had sat in and the tension and whispers were in the air. I had a feeling in my chest that this interview was just the beginning.
• • •
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