Terran Empire navy
here are the ships in the earth fleet
the earth fleet or terran empire fleet use energy weapon along with a few iron cannon to help drain power as the terran empire is made for war not peace mostly after there Interplanetary war 30 years a go they upgrade there ships and fleet and start to clame near by systems in the name of there empire
here are the ship in there order and there key rolls
Super star destoyer/ Star Dreadnought ships ( a new class of ships being made)
Executor-class Star Dreadnought or better known as the Executor-class Super star Destoyer ( there only 1 of them with a two more being made and the 1st one is Kieron flag ship) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Capital ships
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Venator-class Star Destroyer ( is also a carrier)
Vanguard armament spaceship aka andromeda class battleship
Secutor-class Star Destroyer ( there are around 10 of them with more on the way) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Arizona-class space battleship ( there are around 20 of them with more on the way) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Yamato class ( there 6 of them so far 1 is the 2nd ship that belongs to Kieron) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Support ships
Legacy-class Star Destroyer ( there are around 60 of them fresh off the ship yard with more being made) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Gladiator-class Star Destroyer
Gozanti-class cruiser ( they can carry fighters but only 4 of each or around 2 or 4 tanks)
Gozanti-class Assault Carrier ( they can carry fighters but only 4 of each or around 2 or 4 tanks)
Arquitens-class command cruiser
Arquitens-class light cruiser
Consular-class cruiser ( is also a blockaid runner)
CR90 corvette ( is also a blockaid runner)
Free Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster ( is also a blockaid Buster)
Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette ( mostly carry's supplies)
Dreadnought-class Vanguard Spaceship also known as the Main Battleship Dreadnought
Fuyutsuki-class Destroyer
Missile Ships
Victory I-class Star Destroyer
Victory II-class Star Destroyer
DP20_Frigate referred to as the Corellian Gunship ( there are around 40 of them) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Carriers/ troop transport rolls ( each carry fleet is made up of 20 of each ship)
Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier ( mostly carrys Fighters and Bombers )
Venator-class Star Destroyer ( carry troops for space and ground combat it also a old capital ship)
Acclamator-class assault ship ( mostly carrys troops for ground invasion)
Hyuga-class battleship carrier ( mostly carrys Fighters and Bombers)
Asuka-class supply carrier ( mostly carry's supplies and cargo)
Valiant Class Star Destroyer ( there are around 60 of them fresh off the ship yard with more being made) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
prototype ship
Interdictor-class Star Destroyer ( there are around 8 of them with more on the way) ( is add on the Terran new ships)
Helicarriers/ sky carrier ( there info is in the Terran Empire Air force chapter and they only work in atmosphere)
Helicarriers ( there are over 156 of them)
Tricarrier ( there are over a 100 of them)
here the fleet
Venator-class Star Destroyer
Crew it has 7,400 crew and over 2,000 troopers solders on board
Length 1,137 meters
Width 548 meters
Height/depth 268 meters (in flight)
Weapons: Dual DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets (8), Medium dual turbolaser cannons (2), Point-defense laser cannons (52-64), Tractor beam projectors (6), Heavy proton torpedo tubes (4) with 16 torpedoes each, deck guns (6+)
it also carry fighters, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well as land/ float in water
Imperial I-class Star Destroyer
Length 1,600.52 meters (5,251 ft 1 in)
Width 985.17 meters (3,232 ft 2 in )
Height/depth 455.40 meters (1,461 ft 3 in)
Crew 47,060 crew and over 9,700 troops
Armament XX-9 heavy turbolaser batteries (60), NK-7 ion cannons (60), Dual heavy turbolaser turrets (6), Dual heavy ion cannon turrets (2), Quad heavy turbolasers (2), Medium turbolasers (2), Triple medium turbolasers (3) and heavy Q7 tractor beam projectors (10)
it also carry fighters, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Other: it can not land on a planet but can go in atmosphere
Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Length 1,600 meters
Crew 37,085 with over 9,700 troopers
Armament Turbolaser batteries (60), Heavy ion cannon emplacements (60), Octuple turbolaser barbettes (8), Dual concussion missile turrets ( and Heavy Tractor beam projectors (10)
it also carry fighters, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can not land on a planet but can go in atmosphere
Gladiator-class Star Destroyer
length 600 meters
Crew1,255 with over 800 troopers
Armament Turret-mounted dual light turbolasers (12), Turret-mounted medium laser cannons (10), Assault concussion missile launchers (10), Medium tractor beam projectors (8)
it also carry fighters, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Victory -class Star Destroyer ( mostly a missile crusier)
Length 900 meters
Crew 6,107 officers, pilots, and enlisted crew with over 1,600 troopers
Weapons: it has two class of armaments the original 1st class and the new upgrade meaning there two kinds of ships the Victory I-class and Victory II-class but both look the same
Victory I-class armament: 128 turbolasers, Concussion missile launchers, 10 tractor beam projectors
Victory II-class armament: 40 medium turbolasers, 40 light turbolasers, 20 assault concussion missile launchers, or ion cannons and 10 heavy tractor beam projectors
it also carry mostly bombers but a few fighters but not many
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can not land on a planet but can go in atmosphere
Acclamator-class assault ship
crew: it has a crew of 700 and over 16,000 troopers and support personnel
Length 752 meters
Width 460 meters
Height/depth 200 meters (with landing gear), 183 meters (in flight)
Weapons: 12 quad turbolaser turrets, 24 point-defense light laser cannons, Heavy missile/torpedo launch tubes, selective, 20 Assault concussion missiles each
it also carry fighters, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well as land/ float in water
Quasar Fire-class cruiser-carrier
Length: 340 meters
Crew: 250 officers, pilots, and enlisted crew with 150 troopers
Weapons: Forward-mounted light turbolaser batteries (2) and Hull-mounted medium tractor beam emitters (2)
Other: they cant land on a planet and have to dock with station in orbit or hover in space/ atmosphere
it also carry fighters, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can not land on a planet but can go in atmosphere
Arquitens-class command cruiser ( look like the light cruiser but is diffrent and carrys Fighters/ bombers)
Length 230 meters
Crew 750 officers, enlisted crew and pilots and 100 troopers
Armament Turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (4), Quad laser batteries (8), Concussion missile launchers (4), Medium tractor beam projector (1) and it carry up to 1 shuttle, 4 fighters and 2 Bombers
it also carry a few ships aka up to 1 shuttle, 4 fighters and 2 Bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Arquitens-class light cruiser
it has a crew of over 100 officers, enlisted crew and pilots and over 100 passengers to that it can carry
Length 325 meters
Width 135 meters
Height/depth 56 meters
weapons: Turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (4), Heavy port and starboard quad laser cannon batteries (4), Missile/torpedo launchers (4)
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Consular-class cruiser
it has 9 crew and can carry up to 16 if not 20 passengers
Length 115 meters
weapons: 4 turbolasers; 2 concussion missile launchers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
CR90 corvette ( blockade runner)
Length 150 meters
Width 48.6 meters
Height/depth 32.6 meters (including upper communications antenna)
Crew: can have up to 46 or 165 crew along with 39 diplomats and hundred passengers
weapons: Configuration 1: Dorsal and ventral dual turbolaser turrets (2) Turbolaser cannons (4)
Configuration 2: Dual turbolasers (6)
Configuration 3: Dorsal quad laser cannon turret (1), entral dual turbolaser turret (1), Port and starboard laser cannon (2) and Turbolaser cannons (4)
Configuration 4: Dorsal and ventral dual turbolaser turrets (3) and Turbolaser cannons (6)
other: there are a few models that have a built in hanger attach to them to carry a small fighter group time to time
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: they can also land on the planet as well
Virgillia-class Bunkerbuster, also known as the Bunker Buster cruiser
Length 316.05 meters
Width 242.53 meters
Height/depth 88.69 meters
crew: 23
weapons: 2 Dual heavy turbolaser turrets, 4 Point-defense laser cannon turrets, 3 Heavy plasma bombs and 8 Heavy ordnance pods
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: they can also land on the planet as well
Gozanti-class cruiser
Length 63.8 meters
Width 32 meters
Height/depth 14.7 meters
Crew: 12 but can carry up to 50 people or troopers
weapons: Laser cannons (4), Proton torpedo launcher (1) and Quad laser cannons (2)
it can carry up to 4 fighter or bombers docked under it or two to four walkers ( like AT AT or AT TE or 4 AT ST/ AT DP)
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Gozanti-class Assault Carrier
Length 210 ft
Width 114 ft
Height/depth 42 ft
crew: can have up to 12 crew and carry more passengers or troops
Weapons: it has two configuration
configuration 1: Dorsal twin laser cannon turret (1) and Ventral heavy laser cannon turret (1)
configuration 2: Forward dorsal twin laser cannon turret (1), Rear dorsal twin laser cannon turret (1), Forward ventral twin laser cannon turret (1)
it can carry up to 4 fighter or bombers docked under it or two to four walkers ( like AT AT or AT TE or 4 AT ST/ AT DP)
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Sphyrna-class Hammerhead corvette
Length 116.7 meters
crew: it has 46 crew and 36 diplomats and can have up to 125 passengers
weapons: Heavy forward-mounted laser cannons (2), Dorsal turret-mounted twin light turbolaser battery (1), Module-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (4) (upgraded)
roll: can be used in fast attack, hit and runs and more but also acts as a supply ship
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Other: it can land on a planet as well
Dreadnought-class Vanguard Spaceship also known as the Main Battleship Dreadnought ( there no wave motion gun)
Length 242 m
Width 45.8 m
Height 99 m
crew 900
weapons: 3 triple-barreled 30.5cm positron turrets, 6-tube large energy cannon, 8 anti-battleship grenade launchers, 4 subspace torpedo launchers, 8 small torpedo launch tubes, 8 missile launch tubes. 12 small torpedo launch tubes, 16 multiple interlocked missile launchers, 3 shock field cannons around conning tower, 2 rows of 6 point defense beam cannons, 4 anti-aircraft pulse laser turrets, 3 diffusion type anti-aircraft pulse laser turrets, Anti-aircraft missile launcher
it can go in atmosphere but can land on and land in water under water for short amount of time
Vanguard armament spaceship aka andromeda class battleship ( there no wave motion gun)
Length :444m
Main machine: Fusion reactor
Auxiliary machine: Kelvin impulse engine x 4
crew 900
Prime weapon: 40.6 cm triple-barrel convergent compression type shock cannon x 4, Quick firing torpedo launch tube x 4, Graviton launcher x 4, Four barrel anti-battleship grenade launcher x 2, Sub-space torpedo launcher x 4, Conning tower protection shock field cannon x 3, Six-barrel multi-launch lateral beam cannons for close combat x 2
it has a complement of fighters/ Bombers and drop ships
it can go in atmosphere but can land on and land in water and under water for short amount of time
Hyuga-class battleship carrier ( there no wave motion gun)
crew 1000
weapons 2 triple - barreled 30.5cm positron Shock cannon, 6-tube large energy cannon
also carry's Fighters wings
Main machine: Fusion reactor
it has a complement of fighters/ Bombers and drop ships
it can go in atmosphere but can land on and land in water
Asuka-class supply carrier ( there no wave motion gun)
crew 1000
weapons 2 triple-barreled 30.5cm positron Shock cannon, 6-tube large energy cannon and 6 Multi-purpose launchers
also carry's Fighters wings
Main machine: Fusion reactor
it can go in atmosphere but can land on and land in water
Fuyutsuki-class Destroyer
Length 220m
Width 23,2m
Crew: 400
Armaments 1 twin-barrel 40.6 cm positron shock cannon turret, 8 heavy torpedo tubes (4 fore, 4 aft) and 6- missile launcher Tubes
it can go in atmosphere but can land on and land in water
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