656 Autobot legion flag ships
ship name: RSS ( Republic Star ship) pillar of autumn
ship captain: Admiral Jacob Keyes and Captain Thrawn
ship class: Legacy-class Star Destroyer
Length 1,400 meters
Crew 7,600 sailors and 2,648 solder with 30 ODST
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
Weapons 12 Quad Heavy Turbolaser Turret, 2 Heavy Ion Cannon batteries, 10 Double Turbolaser Cannons, 10 Ion Cannons, 60 Point Defense Laser Cannons 10 Heavy Proton Torpedo Tubes
it also carry fighters, drop pods, drop ships, tanks and bombers
ship name RSS Forward Unto Dawn
ship captain: captain miranda keyes
ship class Arquitens-class light cruiser
it has a crew of over 100 officers, enlisted crew and pilots[ and over 100 passengers to that it can carry
Length 325 meters
Width 135 meters
Height/depth 56 meters
weapons: Turret-mounted twin light turbolaser batteries (4), Heavy port and starboard quad laser cannon batteries (4), Missile/torpedo launchers (4)
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
roll: one of the 3 flag ships in kieron fleet as if any thing happen to the autumn it would take command if need be and it is also used for solo mission and more
Ship name RSS Chimaera
Ship captain: Thrawn
Ship class Venator-class Star Destroyer
Crew it has 7,400 crew and over 2,000 clone troopers solders on board
Length 1,137 meters
Width 548 meters
Height/depth 268 meters (in flight)
Weapons: Dual DBY-827 heavy turbolaser turrets (8), Medium dual turbolaser cannons (2), Point-defense laser cannons (52-64), Tractor beam projectors (6), Heavy proton torpedo tubes (4) with 16 torpedoes each, deck guns (6+)
it also carry fighters, drop pods, drop ships, tanks and bombers
Shields: yes it has shields
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyperdrive
roll: this is thrawn ship but he mostly works on the flag ship under keyes command but when on other mission or not with keyes then thrawn be on his ship the Chimaera
ship name RSS In Amber Clad ( is docked in pillar of autumn lower hanger or on supply runs)
Ship captain: can be any one but some time will be captain miranda keyes
ship class CR90 corvette
Length 150 meters
Hyperdrive: yes it has a hyper drive
Shields: yes it has shields
weapons: it has Dorsal quad laser cannon turret (1), Ventral dual turbolaser turret (1), Port and starboard laser cannon (2), Turbolaser cannons (4)
Crew: can have up to 46 or 165 crew along with 39 diplomats and hundred passengers
roll: it is mostly use as a diplomat or mission that do not need combat or some time a supply ship
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