(Author's Note - Written for Wattpad Sci-Fi s competition Number 10 - Romantic Interlude - 300 word exactly, not counting this note. This story was accepted last year for an anthology of LGBT Sci-Fi Flash fiction - Whoo Hoo! The 12 months is now up so I can re-publish here)
Andrej sat at the table, watching the latest holo-news dance across the surface, waiting for Luciano. He had a golden Star Burst in front of him, fizzing, as he swirled it absentmindedly between his fingers. Where was Luciano? He'd promised faithfully to be on time—but he wasn't.
It was Valentine's Day and Luciano had invited Andrej to join him for lunch at their favourite restaurant. Andrej couldn't help hoping it might be more, after all, they'd been lovers for almost a year now.
"Breaking News!" The announcement flashed across the table. "Mark 4 Androids win battle to be classified as full Citizens!" An interview followed with a jubilant Andrew Smith, leader of the Androids Are People campaign. "This is a breakthrough for Androids everywhere," he was saying. "Today the government has finally acknowledged our place in modern society. Our right to be treated as equals."
Andrej couldn't help thinking it would take more than a law to make that happen. Prejudices ran deep.
He looked up as Luciano sat down opposite, smilingly apologetic. "Sorry! Traffic." He leant over to kiss Andrej on the cheek. "Have you ordered yet?"
"No, I was waiting for you."
They gave their orders to the waitdroid and then Luciano leant forward, taking Andrej's hand in his. He smiled.
"I've got a proposal for you. How would you like to move in with me?"
Andrej swallowed. "Really?"
Luciano nodded. "We've been together long enough to know we suit each other pretty well, don't you think?"
Andrej hesitated. That was hardly the passionate declaration of love he'd been hoping for. He hated to push, but he had to know. "Luciano, do you love me?"
Luciano flushed awkwardly and looked down.
Andrej felt cold. "We might be citizens but we can't expect to be loved. Right?"
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