Christmas part 1
An: warning laguage
"Guys come down for the photo" Robin called from the camera this year they were sending out Christmas cards well hopefully if everyone else would come down. Speedy and Star came down in Reindeer costumes "this is the humiliating" Star whined "yeah I agree with Star on that one" Speedy said "come on guys it's all for christmas" Robin said whilst trying to stifle a laugh "I like my costume" Terra said as she walked in an angel costume with BB as the same thing " speak for yourself I hate this" Bb said "well I think you look hot" Terra said "alright guys lets take the photo" Robin said not wanting to see them smooch "I think we look stupid" Cyborg interrupted "I DONT CARE JUST SIT DOWN SO WE CAN LOOK HAPPY" Raven shouted fustrated by everything "wow you look beautiful Rae" Robin said staring at Raven in a Santa suit "Robin stop drooling on the carpet" Raven smirked everyone started chuckling at Robin " right sorry lets go" Robin said embarrassed. Everyone got into their positions Raven sitting on Robins lap (Robin wearing a Santa costume as well) on a big chair Bee and Cyborg standing at the back of the chair Beastboy sitting on the arm of the chair holding Terras hand and Speedy and Star on the other side doing the same pose "cheese" they all said whilst smiling.
~5 minutes later~
"Robin why hasn't it taken the picture yet" Raven screamed tired of smiling "pff just like Robin to forget like that" Terra said "what's that supposed to mean" Robin threatened standing up "well she has got a point you are forgetful" BB said backing his girl up "green bean shut up you forgot to lock your bike and got it stolen" Cyborg said "I just want to leave" Speedy said "well thank you captain obvious" Bee said "do not be rude to boy friend Speedy" Star said.Raven had enough she stood up and left "Raven where are you going" Terra said "Fuck this shit I'm out" Raven said casually everyone stared at Raven as she left leaving an awkward silence behind.
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