Jill the ripper
Jill the ripper
"Jill"s pov\\\\\\
No one expected a woman, especially one of my upbringing and history. From the farm outskirts of town I worked my way up. I worked everywhere and in everything. Though, I'd have to say the worst job was prostitution. The men were awful. The coworkers were brats, very mean and rude. I hated them. Though my boss hated them more.
"Lillian! I told you to get back to work 3 minutes ago! Stop flirting with our guests." Nicolace says coming out half of the door to look in the alley. I was on my smoke break talking to one of the patrons.
"Yeah yeah okay fine, Charles wanna meet up later?" i trail my hand down his arm slipping away towards the door. He nods. As soon as I step inside my fake smile comes off.
"I told you. If you want your jobs done, don't interrupt me during mine." I open my locker in the back, looking at the list I was given. "I was getting info on one of the targets." Nick shrugs.
"I'm not tellin' boss you will be late." He says standing against the locker next to mine. "Then it will be my neck ripped open." He scoffs. I smack him on the head. He was my close buddy, we've known eachother since we were little, we live in a small house together now. He was the one to check on me, check if my parents had done anything to me. We weren't supposed to be close, to be friends but, no one cared about the drunk old farmer's kid.
I changed out of my working outfit. I dressed as a man most of the time so it was easier to work, because 'women aren't fit for a man's job'.
"He was planning on you doing the job tomorrow night. He said you will have more fun on your first night than any other." Nick laughed at himself. He was in the same business i was in, but he had killed a couple times before. He got paid big money for his third one. He had more of a slow start, his chaperone had to kill the first one for him. His hands were to shakey, and he didnt hit him in the right artery.
"I'm ready now. Getting a relationship is the hard part. I have to meet her first. Talk, gain trust, and learn her time schedule. I already know she doesn't stay in one place for long." I did this for the money but something tells me it will be a lot more fun than my normal jobs.
"Then you better hurry it up." Nicolas says as I close my locker being changed to a regular 'women's' outfit. I needed to head to the district where Polly Nichols usually resided unless she was getting money some other ways. She was constantly on the sideline of a couple of the same streets.
"Okay ill meet with boss really quick then I'll head out to meet this soon to be victim." I place a knife in one of the pockets nicely hidden in the extreme amount of fabric covering my body. Nick points to the boss's office room where he made most trades. I suck in a breath and put on my cocky grin. He likes me the most because I make him the most money.
I shyly open the door. Walking in quietly listening to the conversation and closing the door. He was talking to a tall man, he had a mustache and was nicely dressed. They were sharing a smoke, both had lit cigars and two whiskey glasses were laid on the desk boss sits behind. I strutted over to the boss's chair leaning on it. He looks up at me and smiles.
"Ah, Lily, just the murderous psycho I was looking for. Henry! This is Lily, my best and my favorite employee. This will be the one completing your list." Boss says in excitement. With the room poorly lit i could barely see a smile creep up on 'henry's' face.
"Hello Henry, I'm so glad I got the chance to meet you." I lend my hand out he leans up and shakes my hand. His eyes are blue with brown hair. His shave was nicely cut. His name is not Henry, his name is Aaron Kosminski.
I lean back over to my boss and sit on his arm rest. I dismiss the fact that he's lying and make a note of it in my head.
"I'm sorry to cut this short but, boss i really need to be going. If you want those murders done quickly I need the time to meet them first." Boss looks at me sad like but understands. "What was the reason you wanted me to come here?" He looks up quickly.
"Oh yes. Henry here will be chaperoning you for the first night." I give him a confused face.
"I thought Nick was." I state concern in my voice.
"Was." He points at me. "Now I know that you're good with precise cutting. The torture work you've done for me is phenomenal but all im worried about is you finishing the job. That's why I'm sending Henry over here." He gestures to the man in the chair across his table.
I cross my arms. "Dont look suspicious, don't slow me down, don't be obviously following me, and most of all, don't get caught." I stood up walking to the door I had entered. "I'm going to do recon today, meet me tomorrow night here 9 pm sharp." He nods as i exit closing the door rather harshly.
Nick was sitting on a bench in the locker room. He stands as I walk out.
"How did it go?" I huff and push past him dialing my locker combination again.
"Not what I wanted to hear. You are not going to chaperone me," I use air quotes. ""Henry" is going to watch me work tomorrow. " I grab my older rusty knife for spur of the moment emergencies.
Nick's face turns from worried to bummed. Who knew a mad man could be so emotional.
"I have to head out to her regularly used streets, wish me luck and I'll see you at home tonight unless I have another meeting." I tie up my hair and close my locker again.
"See you tonight." He says as i walk out of the room to the ally.
The whitechapel district wasn't far. We criminals stay closer to town so we don't have to be too close to the murders scenes we create. It helps us zig zag our way around the city throwing police off of any trail they might have picked up.
I walk quietly and quickly to the other part of the city. Everynow and then a man gave me a warm smile as I walked past. It sickens me what I've become. People now recognize me for my "work". Only the criminals I work with and tourture, know me by name. Helping with the shops around town gives me good connections for boss. Plus it makes me good enough money to pay for a apartment in the Whitechapel district.
Nick and I share the place though he doesn't clean much, it doesn't matter much because we keep ourselves busy day in and day out. Working. Working. Working. Working as if I'm driving myself mad but look at me now, a criminal. I feel I'm not mad if I still have a pain grip my very being when I hear another person's sorrow. Screams, cries, muffled whimpers, it all rips through my sanctity, my sanity, my feelings, my grip on reality.
I was brought out of my thoughts when i trip over a sidewalk on hanbury street and at the corner of bakers row. I fall on the ground close to the street.
"Madame are you alright?" A nice woman lends her hands toward me on the ground.
"Im alright miss im sorry for startling you." I say getting up and dusting off my outfit. I quickly realise that this nice woman was my next victim. She seemed a little tipsy, stumbling a little as she spoke. Ah so this is what people had warned me of.
"Iss okay, what's your name?" She slurs a small bit, being only a little drunk.
"Jennie what about you?" I lie instantly as if it was second nature, maybe it is. we start walking down the street towards the direction I came.
After a while I lean against the wall in a alley crossing my arms as we make small talk. The disgusting stories we share of men and their actions. Interestingly enough she knew one of the other people I was supposed to kill. Of course I just got the basics as to not raise any suspicion.
I made up a few lies for a backstory, I work as a midwife and I live with a brother on this side of town. I had recently moved from a workhouse to prostitution because i wasn't making enough money.
"Hey what are you planning on doing tonight?" She asks, taking another swig of her whiskey bottle and handing it to me so i could drink. I take a good amount of it at once on swallow. The burning in my chest was quite familiar.
"I was gonna have a fun night getting drunk at a bar somewhere and maybe finding another customer. What about you?" I was actually planning on killing her but…. I'm not gonna tell her that now am I?
"Oh about the same, do you wanna hang out and charge extra to our patron if we do a double." She says leaning against the wall with me as I hand her the whiskey again.
"Sounds good, i have some things to do right now, would you like to meet up somewhere later tonight?" I ask as my speech slurs a small bit. I needed to sober up before I murder someone. Also, boss would get mad at me if I don't take my chaperone.
"Sure jennie I'll see you tonight, where would you like to meet up?" I think which street is good enough to murder somone on.
"Bucks row around 3am? I'm gonna go get sleep and work early in the morning. Sound good?" I ask since she was drunk I decided to use that to my advantage. Hopefully she will come if not I'll just kill her in one of her other frequented areas some other morning.
"Actually yeah that's what i do usually but instead of sleeping i'll probably will try and get a customer or two since its kinda early in the day now. I'll see you tonight Jennie." She says as she waves walking the southern direction on phillips street. I nod and walk the northern direction so I could make it back to fashion street where me and Nick live.
I hitch a ride by seducing a man in a carriage. He drives me to an apartment building close to mine. I told him it was mine and got out. Once he drives off I walk to my actual building pulling out my key and turning the knob.
I kick off my shoes in the hallway and walk to the kitchen while tieing up my hair. I grab a bottle of whiskey and plop down on the couch.
"Lillian! Are you home?" Nick says from upstairs.
"Yeah, it's me, calm down. How late are you staying home tonight, do you have anything you're doing tonight?" I say, slurs escape into the sentence. I hear him walk downstairs.
"I'm leaving now, I will be out all night. Boss has me running around getting fees from our patrons. Also Henry is here. I was talking to him and he's upstairs." He grabs his coat putting it on over his work outfit, he fluffs up the collar and walks over to me lightly hitting me in the face with a glove. "So look presentable he is actually not that bad of a gentleman." He says slipping his glove on. I put down the bottle and unruffle my dress.
"Fine, I need to sober up and sleep anyway."
I get off the couch and walk towards the stairs. I look back to Nick. "Have fun and don't die." I wave as i turn back and continue walking up the steps.
"How am i supposed to have fun if theres no death involved?" He says jokingly and walks out the door. Id never admit it out loud but I care deeply about Nick.
I walk up to the office to see "henry" sitting and admiring the room.
"Why are you here?" I say my voice was cold and empty, no emotion, just like I was taught. He sits up and looks toward me.
"Hello Lillian." He says calmly taking a long drink of the whiskey in a glass. "Why might I be here? It's is a interesting question for you to ask when we had met only a couple hours prior an-" i cut off his evil man rant, what most villains do.
"You talk too much Kosminski, what I really wanna know is why you want these girls dead. Do you just hate prostitutes? Or is there something more? Something personal perhaps?" He seemed shocked that i knew his name.
"Well someone here gets around town huh?"
He gets up and walks towards me "if you really wanna know, it's something personal but i'd never worry a beauty like you with such worthless things like reasons for murder." He holds my face in his hand and I smack it away from me.
"Aaron, if you want the job done right, let me do it alone. We can both tell the boss you were there." I look up at him with hope.
"I want to see it done…. I need to see her dead. I need all of them dead." He sounds hurt, his voice small and fragile.
"Fine you can come but… you have to stay out of sight. You can't interrupt me." I say defeated by his helpless tone of voice and facial expression.
"Done." He says backing up and sitting in the chair next to us.
"I'm killing her at 3am tonight. She thinks we are meeting up for a drink on bucks row. I gathered all the info I needed." Walk towards the door. "Could you wake me up at 1am. I'm going to go to sleep for a while. My rooms at the end of the hallway." I say walking out of the room and to my room down the hall.
I set out my clothes and my knives that I will need as well as my midwife outfit so I won't look suspicious. I lie down in bed and instantly fall asleep, no dreams flood my brain as my rem cycle runs its course.
I awoke to banging on my door. "Lillian it's time to wake up." I groan and get up from the bed.
"Yes, yes, I know give me a few minutes to freshen up and get dressed." I say leaning to the door as I spoke. I do as I had said I would. Brushing my hair and changing into my midwife gown. I had previously sewn pockets into the ruffles that easily fit a medium cooking knife and one small incision knife that i had gotten from a friend that works in the doctor business. He had taught me a lot of things and from him I gained anatomical knowledge.
I walk out having my hair up in a bow so it wouldn't get in the way. I practiced my emotions turning off and on while i walk down the stairs, Aaron was sitting at the table in the kitchen.
"Are you ready?" I shake my head no as I walk over to the door and grab some of my old ratty shoes. I didn't wish to get blood on my nice shoes.
"Now I am." I say grabbing an old ratty coat as well not wishing to get my midwife outfit too dirty.
We walk out on the streets side by side for a while, until dunkstreet, he leans over and whispers "I'm watching." And walks down the alley. Out of sight. I keep walking on red montague Street till i get to bakers row. It was a surprisingly long walk. I take a right down bakers till i hit the beginning of bucks row. I knew she would be waiting on the other side of the street because she lives on that side and I had told her I lived close by on Brady street.
My shoes were silent as I walked down the alley, as I grew closer, a street lamp emitted some light showing a figure about polly's size and stature. She was facing Brady street.
I gripped my knife in my pocket. Walking closer, closer, closer. Not a sound but the blade being pulled out and blood dripping on the concrete alley way. She had no time to run, fight, or scream. It was too late i had already held her and dug my knife into her neck. I feel as if i had gone mad, i didn't stop when I ripped her neck open and her body laid limp. I ripped out her veins, her liver, and her pancreas. I ripped part of her clothes. Her hair was soaked in blood and her eyes had become lifeless. Her lungs, breathless.
The deed was done, and i had felt nothing, nothing scared me more than the thought of getting caught. I wasn't even concerned that I felt nothing for this lifeless body lying on the ground, cold and seeping blood. There was nothing left in my head besides "don't leave clues." And "no tracks can be found not even a strand of hair."
"Jennie… why?" I heard her say as I walked away. I stopped dead in my tracks, and looked back. He was laying on her back in a bundle, she couldn't have just spoken because there wasn no heart left and connected to beat. I was hallucinating, right? Right?!
I walk quicker back to bakers row. I zig zag on streets till i make it home. Where I can't be caught. I was safe and I was getting my money. There were no emotions and she was dead. That's all that matters.
The next victims will receive worse. That's a promise.
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