Final Goodbyes- 5th & 7th Block
Now, finally, for Mrs.Barn and Study Hall. This is it. The last day of school. Let's get this over with.
So, we all walked into Mrs.Barn's room and watched the final morning show of the year. As we watched, I got people to sign her card. Then exams started and she gave us all candy. The exam was easy! Wait...didn't I say that for all the other exams? Oh well! We all waited for a long time for the others to finish. I was extremely bored, especially since I was the FIRST one done. Later, Mrs.Barn assigned me to gather baby wipes from Ms.Waltz's room to clean her board. I walked in there and compared to all the other classrooms, her class was quiet. Someone was playing a little music box. I got the baby wipes and the spray she gave me and left. I ended up helping Mrs.Barn clean her board along with Simon. Then, we gave her the card and she loved it. She said she would read it and cry.
Soon, exams ended and it was time to go to 7th block. Now, in Study Hall, I don't give a duck about it but Kylie and I had a going away party to Laila since she wasn't coming back next year. We got slushies and told stories. It was hilarious! At the last few moments of the school day, everyone in the school was saying: "Summer! Summer! Summer! Summer!" Then the announcements came on and some started singing high school musical. Kylie and I ran into the 300 hallway to say one final goodbye to our teachers. I said "Bye" to Mrs.dieDeutschLehrerin in her classroom, we skipped Mr.Elchicoespañol's classroom (WHY KYLIE WHY??) and saw that a majority of the other teachers were gone. However, Ms.Waltz was still in her classroom and we said "bye" to her. Then, we ran outside. I reminded Kylie about Mr.Sonic and we quickly ran to his room. I knocked on his door and he said "COME IN!" I opened the door and we peeked our heads in. "Bye, Mr.Sonic!"I said. "Bye, Mr.Soonic!" Kylie exclaimed. He said "bye" and I asked him if he read the card. He said he read it and loved it. Then, we left. That's when we saw the missing teachers outside! (Why...why does this always happen to me :( ) and I took pictures with them (except for Mrs.Gason. She had left earlier.)
Well, after that, I was just waiting around when I experienced watching a fight for the first time. It was between my friend Donovan and this other boy. I saw Donovan's shirt ripped up and I began to panic. A teacher, thankfully, broke it up. Then, our bus came and we left school for the last time this year.
And that's it. Now the few times I will update will be if my friends tell me anymore stories.
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