Chapter 7
안녕하세요! 잘 지냈어요? Hey y'all! Here's another chapter. This is more of a casual chapter, so hope y'all enjoy. Please comment and vote!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Natsu's P.O.V.
After we finish changing out of our training uniforms and into our regular ones, the bell rings and students start to scurry out of the building.
I wait for Lucy by the front entrance so we can walk home together like usual. After a couple of minutes she finally gets out of the building and walks towards me.
"Hey Luce!" I say while grinning. "Ready to go?"
She doesn't say anything and just nods her head 'yes'. With that, we start heading towards our neighborhood.
We walk in silence, passing by shops and homes along the way. As we make it halfway there, we race each other the rest of the way. She attempts to trip me this time but fails and, as usual, ends up tripping herself, continuing the daily pattern.
We then say goodbye as we head toward our own homes. While walking towards the entrance, I'm greeted right away by one of the butlers.
"Good afternoon sir." He says as he then opens the large doors for me.
I thank him and walk in. One of the maids takes my school bag as I enter the mansion. I then walk into one of the living rooms to greet my parents.
"Hello mother, father." I say, forcefully talking in a formal way.
"Ah, hello dear! How was school today?" My mother, Grandine, says, as she takes a sip of tea.
"You look quite beaten up." My dad, Igneel, says.
"It was okay. We just went through some tests, that's all." I say in reply.
"I see. Well, you should take care of your errands in the time before dinner." Grandine says as she hands me a list of errands.
"Yes Mother."
"Have they chosen the students for the FMR yet?" Igneel asks.
"Not yet, but they're announcing them tomorrow, Father."
"Okay, well you better make us proud. I expect you to be chosen, Natsu."
"Yes Father." I bow then head towards my room. It takes a minute though since the mansion is so big.
I sit on my bed and look at the errands for today. There's always something new, as well as daily ones.
'Homework, Suit and Tuxedo fitting, cello lesson, attend business meeting with Father......' I roll my eyes from reading the list.
"Guess I better get started then." I say to no one in particular.
Lucy's P.O.V.
After coming home from school and doing other errands, father and I attended a business meeting. I was so relieved when the business meeting was over though. We go to these meetings a couple times a week and since our family is partnered with the Dragneels, we have to sit next to each other and Natsu never takes it seriously. The only good thing about it is that I get to see Levy, Erza and Juvia.
When the meeting had ended, we got into our limo and made it to the mansion. After being greeted by one of our butlers, Capricorn, at the front entrance as usual, we walk in and greet mother who is talking to Virgo and two other maids.
"Have Virgo get me when dinner is ready, Mother. I am going to take a quick bath." I say while already making my way to my room.
I walk into my room and change out of my clothes and into a small towel. I then walk into my bathroom and start a bath. I hear shuffling in my room but decide to ignore it as I put soap in the bath. Realizing that I forgot to grab clothes I walk back into my room to what should've been expected.
"NATSU!" I yell with anger.
"Hey Luce, what's up?" He says with a casual smile.
"I was just about to take a bath so you can leave now!"
"I can wait."
"I could join you."
"NO! Just leave!!"
He starts laughing as I blush. "Okay okay, I'm leaving, dang." He then jumps out the window completely ignoring the door.
After calming down from what just happened, I grab my clothes and walk back into the bathroom to take a bath. As I finish my bath and eat dinner, I head back to my room and change into my sleeping attire, a black tank top and panties.
Lazily, I crawl into bed after turning off the lights. An arm then snakes up my shirt reaching for my chest, causing me to quickly sit up in fear. I look over to see the pink haired idiot again, smirking.
"Natsu you perv!" I yell as I start hitting him with my pillow, blushing furiously. "Get out!"
"Aw man, I was so close." He says with a pout.
"Yeah, so close to getting punched in the face!! And get your hand out of my shirt already!!" I say, as my face reddens even more. 'Why does this always happen.' (ಠ︵ಠ)
"Oh, heh, sorry." He takes back his hand and starts to get up. "Wait, before I leave, I gotta tell you something." He says in a serious tone.
"Oh what is it?" I say with curiosity.
His face inches closer to mine and he then whispers, "Nice panties." A smirk creeps up on his face.
My face turns red as a tomato. "Errrgh, Natsu! Just go, it's getting late!" I yell while smacking him with a pillow.
He starts laughing as I pout with my arms folded. "You're face is so red!" He finally stops laughing and turns towards the window. "Okay, see ya' tomorrow Luce."
After he leaves, I shut the window, making sure he doesn't come back. 'Geez, can't a girl get some sleep?' I think to myself as I drift off.
Timeskip to the next day at school
As Natsu and I walk towards the school entrance, we notice Gajeel, Gray and Jellal and decided to head towards them, starting conversation.
"Lu-chan~!" I hear Levy yell as she, Juvia and Erza walk up to us.
(A/N: Sorry. I probably should've mentioned this earlier but Gajeel and Levy, Erza and Jellal, and Gray and Juvia are already dating.....okay continue.)
"Hey." I say tiredly.
"What's with the dull greeting? You sound tired." Erza says.
"Probably 'cuz I kept her up last night!" Natsu says with a stupid grin. All the girls' faces redden at his words.
"Natsu! Don't say stupid things like that!" I yell at him with anger.
"So, you were with each other late last night..." Juvia says while smirking.
"It's not what you think!" I start waving my hands in defense.
"Yeah, at first we were in bed together but then-" Natsu starts but Jellal, Gray and Gajeel cut him off by cheering and patting him on the back.
"Is he serious. That's the worst way to start an explanation." I think to myself.
"You guys finally decided to get it on!" Jellal says while giving Natsu a high five.
"Niiice!" Gray yells, hitting Natsu in the arm.
Elfman hears our conversation from afar and yells, "Natsu's a real man!" Mira then eavesdrops as well and mumbles something about Nalu babies.
"So you and bunny girl finally did it." Gajeel says while smirking.
Natsu just stands there, not knowing what to say.
"I knew it would happen, but I didn't expect it so soon." Levy says while giggling.
"Errrrghhh! It's not like that! We didn't do anything!" I yell with anger while blushing furiously.
Everybody changes their cheerful expressions to disappointment.
"Damn, you guys make it sound like we're the only ones that haven't done that yet." Natsu questions as he crosses his arms.
An awkward silence fills the scene as everybody stops talking. "Wait don't tell me you guys-" I start to say but Gray cuts me off.
"Uhh...I gotta go, see ya later." He says as he quickly walks away.
"Y-yeah, I have to get to class now..." Levy says nervously as she rushes away as well. Everybody else makes up a quick excuse leaving me and Natsu standing there, dumbfounded.
"Uh...Natsu........I think there's a lot we don't know about our friends...." I say, still in shock.
"Yeah........" He says as we both stand there, confused. He then shakes his head, as if he's trying to pretend like that didn't just happen.
"Anyways, we better get to homeroom or we'll miss the announcing of the FMR contestants."
"R-right" I mutter. 'Okay, I need to get it together. The only thing that should be on my mind is hoping that I make it in the FMR.'
Natsu and I start walking inside towards homeroom, anxious to hear the announcements.
Hey y'all! So this chapter was kinda to get away from most of the action for a bit 'cuz there hasn't been a lot of out-of-school moments. I mean, they have lives outside of school y'know😂. Well I hope you enjoyed reading, I'll try to update a lot sooner next time! Please comment and vote!! 💩
(ง •̀ゝ•́)ง
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