Chapter 11
안녕하세요! HEYYY GUYS! Please comment your thoughts and vote, hehe! Anyways enjoy the chapter! ♪┌(ಠ‿ಠ)┘
Chapter dedicated to: Dragneel-sensei 사랑해 !
Three months full of hard core training have passed by ever so quickly. Natsu and Lucy have gained strength and wisdom during these times, as well as keeping their top ranks in all classes.
Their traditions of bickering and competing every chance they get have not changed. They may be the strongest compared to most in school, however, they're lacking in teamwork.
The FMR is in just a week, and teamwork is much needed. You could say they're........
working on it? (ಥ﹏ಥ)
"GIVE THEM BACK, NATSU," Yells the celestial Mage, chasing the salmon haired idiot. Everyone's parents are on the same business trip at the moment, and won't be back for two more days. All mansion staff were needed on the trip as well, meaning the poor blonde, (like Gajeel, Gray, Levy, Juvia and Natsu), is here to fend for herself.
"You're gonna have to catch me first!" Natsu childishly yells back at the blonde while running down the long hallways of her mansion. Lucy clutches onto the small bath towel wrapped around her, hoping it won't fall off while she runs.
With Lucy's school uniform in one hand and Bra and panties in the other, Natsu slides down the massive stair railing. He keeps running and looks back over his shoulder. "Hah, must've lost her already."
Lucy, on the other hand, decides to take a different set of stairs, knowing that she'll catch up to him faster this way. "Ugh." Lucy says, under her breath. "Why is it always like this?!" Retrieving her clothes is the only thing on her mind, however, Natsu's head contains only inappropriate thoughts at the moment.
The mages get closer to a hallway intersection with each sprint. With Natsu coming in from the left and Lucy heading straight, the two crash into each other.
From this collision came the uncomfortable situation of Natsu trapping Lucy under him, faces only two inches apart.
"Errrgh, Natsuuu" Lucy whines, blushing like crazy. "Let go of my wrists, and give me back my clothes!" She squirms underneath the fire mage, feeling uncomfortable at the closeness of them.
Natsu just lets out a small laugh before smirking. "Not until you agree to make me breakfast."
"Wow," Lucy huffs in annoyance. "I almost forgot. Pinky can't eat without his chefs being here to cook his every meal."
"Sh-shut up." Natsu glances away, pouting.
He then goes back to torturing the blonde, inching closer to her face. "Well, you can't get your clothes back til you agree, sooo." He smirks. "Or we could just stay like this~."
Lucy squeaks, innocently shutting her eyes and looking away. "Okay, okay! I'll make you breakfast! Just, please get off me!"
Laughing at her shyness, the fire Mage finally lets go of her wrists and gets off the blonde. Lucy quickly grabs her clothes.
"You're terrible." She pouts before giving Natsu a death glare, then stomping off in the direction of her room.
"Hey I was only messin' around like usual." Natsu reaches up to Lucy, walking back with her.
It always ends this way during business meeting days. The one thing Lucy can do that Natsu can't is cook like a pro chef, causing Natsu to depend on her when the staff is gone.
An hour later at school, training with Erza and Laxus.
"Soo, you guys have come a long way through training. Everyone already thought you guys were strong before, but..." The redhead chuckles. "You guys are truly something else."
Laxus nods at her words. "Can you guys guess what the focus is today? It's a duo day."
Each day of training has a focus. Whether it's a mental ability or a physical technique. There are solo days, where the two mages train alone, concentrating intensely on their own type of magic, as well as duo days where the two can train under the same lesson.
Natsu childishly yells. "Ooh! Is it flame blade throwing? Oh wait no, it's gotta be fire b-"
"Idiot." Lucy cuts him off. "It's not a solo day!" The blonde mage turns back to Erza and Laxus. "Please tell me it's celestial arrow bending!"
"Wow, and she yells at me for yelling solo options." Natsu says under his breath, annoyed. Lucy just glares at him.
"No. Both guesses were off." Laxus states sternly. "Today's focus is teamwork."
The celestial mage and fire mage stand there with blank expressions, almost as if they're confused.
"Teamwork?" They question simultaneously.
"Duh. You guys are definitely lacking in it, and seeing it's been this way since kindergarten...this is gonna take a lot of training." Laxus explains.
Erza explains even further. "Natsu. You're always violating Lucy and making her feel uncomfortable. You are also too rough with her when you aren't even battling. You need to understand she's not like Gray or Gajeel, where you can just trip and fight all the time."
"What?! I'm not that rough!" Natsu protests.
"And Lucy. You can never take it when Natsu gets a higher rank than you, making everything a competition. This leads to a creation of opponents rather than teammates."
Natsu and Lucy stand there, arms crossed in a protesting manner. "There have been plenty of times where we've helped each other!" Natsu claims. "Right, Luce?"
"Yeah! Like all those times where.....uhh...." Lucy stands there thinking for a second. "Oh! Whenever you trip me, you always help me get back up before tripping me again!"
Everyone sweatdrops at her statement. "Luce...that doesn't help the situation at all," Natsu says.
"Guys, stay on task!" Erza yells. Everyone jumps at her seriousness. "Now then. You guys will start by retrieving that flag up there."
Everyone looks up at the flag, sitting on top of a training mountain-like wall. It's ridiculously high, being 300ft. up there.
"As soon as you guys start climbing, one of you will lose all magic power and you're body will go into a deathly state. This means that the healthy one will have to hold onto the other. After climbing 20ft. higher, the roles will suddenly switch."
"Things we better not see: Fighting and turning it into a competition. If it happens, then you start over."
After 3 redos of climbing...
"Errgh Natsu, why are you so heavy!" Lucy holds onto Natsu's hand, getting themselves higher up the wall. "And stop looking up my shorts!"
"Hey, I can't help it if your ass is right there! And It's not my fault I'm taller and I have more muscle than you." He says, barely able to talk from the magic drainage.
"Yeah yeah, whatever Pinky."
The roles suddenly switch as Natsu quickly grabs Lucy from falling. "Now, I wouldn't be calling me names if I were you, shortstacks." Natsu smirks. "After all, your life is in my hands at this very moment."
Lucy glares daggers at Natsu. "Why you little-" She's then interrupted as Natsu pretends to let go of her hand slightly, scaring her, and then quickly grabbing her again.
"Haha. You should've seen you're face!"
"Hey I could've died, you idiot!" Lucy then kicks Natsu....where the sun don't shine...with the little strength she has. Natsu let's out a tiny yelp.
"Hey! Remember no fighting guys!" Erza screams. She then groans and turns back towards Laxus. "This could take all day."
"Yup." Laxus says as both of them sweatdrop.
"Haha. This kind of reminds me of a time back in 2nd grade, when I met the two of them for the first time." Erza says with nostalgia. "I would help the art teacher with the 1st grade class and..."
Flashback to 10 years ago....
"Here you go Mr.Jonah" 7 year old Erza says, handing some extra paintbrushes to the art teacher.
"Thank you." Reedus, or as they call him, Mr.Jonah says, grabbing the brushes. "How kind-" He was interrupted as two students began to yell.
"What did you just call me?" A pink haired little boy says angrily glaring at the little 6 year old celestial mage that stood before him.
A little girl with spiky blue hair, wrapped by an orange headband, sweatdrops nervously. "Okay Natsu and Lucy, that's enough-"
"What are you gonna do about it.....Pinky pie?" Lucy says, completely ignoring Levy.
"First of all,'s salmon." Natsu says as he grabs a handful of pink paint, setting it on fire with magic. "Second of all..." He suddenly throws the firey paint at Lucy, causing her to fall over. "Who's the pinky pie now?" He smirks as Lucy angrily gets up, wiping off the pink mess from her little uniform.
Without saying a word she runs towards Natsu with gold paint slapping it right on his head. "Hah, and now you're blonde!"
The two go at it, throwing paint back and forth as they end up wrestling.
"ENOUGH!" Reedus fumes with anger.
"He/She started it!" The 1st graders say simultaneously.
"This is the 7th paint fight you guys had in my room this year and that's not counting last year! You both are going to have to stay after and clean this room! The two of you are also on feeding duty for the training demons for the rest of the month!" He then angrily walks away as the bell suddenly rings.
Erza stands there shocked at what she just heard. 'These kids are crazy. How can a rivalry be this strong?' She thinks to herself. The little redhead then walks up to the two bickering 1st graders.
"You heard the man. Go wash up." Erza smirks.
"Who the heck are you?" Natsu asks.
"Natsu! Be more polite!" Lucy says.
"I'm Erza......a.k.a. your worst nightmare if you don't go and clean up right now." Her death glare sends the two kids running away.
Flashback ends...
"Ahh, we were adorable." Erza smiles.
"Adorable? Yeah...okay...." Laxus sweatdrops.
Erza and Laxus end up spending the rest of the day training with Lucy and Natsu. They worked on their teamwork, which hasn't really changed that much. Though, they did learn advantages of using fire and celestial magic together.
Meanwhile, at Sabertooth...
The air is tense with rain clouds forming above. A group of Sabertooth students argue in the courtyard of the school. It's a free period, as some students wander here and there.
"We have to do this, no exceptions." The top ranked female of Sabertooth states coldly.
"B-but Minerva-san, e-even though there are no rules that go against's still inhumane." Yukino looks down at her feet, not wanting to make eye contact with the scary woman. "And-,"
Rouge cuts her off with a quiet tone. "Enough. I know it goes against humanity, but it's victory and representation that matters here."
"Nah, man. I'm with Yukino on this one- taking lives away is just cruel." Stings keeps his cool, hands in pockets with a chill look. Minerva shoots death glares at Sting and Yukino, sending chills down their spines.
Sting gets a bit shaky. "On second sounds like great plan...right Yukino?"
With her hands on her hips and her head held high, Minerva evilly smirks at her fellow classmates. "Now that's what I like to hear." She starts to walk away grabbing Sting along with her. "Well, we've got a week left. Let's make it count."
Rouge and Yukino watch as the two mages walk away, sharing the same worried look. Sting can only sweatdrop at Minerva's villainous behavior.
Heyy! I know you're probably thinking "Hurry up and start the FMR"....well it's only a week away so...hehe. Well, I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter. Please comment your thoughts and don't forget to vote! 사랑해!
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