"Bye, Juliet! Enjoy your holidays and please at least go outside once, and stop studying!" She said, and I laughed at how much she has gotten to know me and my habits in just under a year.
"I will try!"
Tristan's (un)birthday
First day of Holiday
Today is the first holiday, and also Tristan's birthday, more like his unbirthday.
It's was just a over, because we are too old to call hanging out with your friends, "playdates." And if we tell our mom or dad, they interrogate- I mean, question us like crazy, and then we mostly likely end up not going, and even if we were allowed, they would secretly follow us, then we would accidentally, find out. Yeah, we watch movies, like Cheaper By The Dozen which gives parents ideas like in the second movie when the movie scene happens...
Yeah, we know all our parent's tricks, but we wouldn't want to ruin their fun, would we?
So we just say it's Tristan's birthday as a cover. None of the parents knows this except Tristan's mom.
Tristan's mom is pretty chill! As long as you don't disturb her sleep or annoy before she has had her coffee.
We all had to get "presents", but we asked our parent's for money and then got food and drinks and then paid for it. Once all of us got home, we put the food and drinks in a box and then wrapped it in gift wrapping paper. Typed up a receipt saying we brought him an Avengers toy and wrapping paper, printed, cut it and then showed our parents innocently like there was nothing we were hiding. Not like we are...
Most of the students did that, because they wanted to prove they were 'rebels.' Meanwhile, I did what a sensible person would do and make a better plan by improvising, so while Mom, my aunt, Vicky, but I call her 'V' for short and I where do our weekly shopping- yes, I eat that much in a week but I don't gain a pound, I still don't know how I do that, but back to the topic I was talking about- I secretly added an extra packet of my favourite chips, Ghost Pops and a two point five litre of sparkling watermelon flavoured water, which is my favourite sparkling water flavour, besides strawberry.
We already had tons of gift wrapping so I didn't need to buy any more!
For Tristan's unbirthday, we all decided to bring a snack and a cool drink to share so we all have what we like to eat and drink and there would be enough for everyone to share each other's snack and drink.
"Sweetie pie, go and find a present for Tristan," my aunt said, before she went back to talking Mom, who just handed me some money.
"I already did!" I said, in my normal monotonous voice.
"Really?! What was?! Tell me! Please!" My aunt begged like a little child wanting to know what presents she got for Christmas, in July.
"No, Aunt V! But, if you're lucky I might show you at home!" I said, and winked.
Aunt V finally gave up, knowing that when I don't want to say or tell something I won't, as Aunt V says, I'm Mom's mini-me and then went back to having, most of the time one-sided, conversation with Mom.
As you can see, my mom and Aunt V are close, and you can see they're sisters from the looks, but Aunt V is the more bubbly, talkative, lively and the most funniest person you'll ever meet, and then you get my Mom.
She is the most serious and straightforward person you'll ever meet and lives on a tight, organised schedule. If she doesn't have to talk to you, she won't! Small talk? That's not in her dictionary!
Their personalities are polar opposites, but they look the same, except for the different shade of eye colour, Aunt V has light brown eyes, Mom has dark brown eyes.
We all decided to have the party at 11:00, but we all had to be their at half past ten, the lastest, so then at eleven we can celebrate 24 hours of freedom.
At quarter to ten, we arrived at the venue, which is sports complex, how ironic?
My favourite place!
Hint to sarcasm!
Sports and I don't have good history, besides soccer. Let me explain...
Swimming; I'm a fish out of water in the water.
Rugby; (yes, girls can play) I'm soft natured and gentle so the tackling was... I don't think you would want to know!
Netball; I'm good, but you can't move with the ball, like seriously?!
Cricket; why are there so many hand signals? Is cricket the new term for sign language?
Soccer; the only sport that I'm good at, because it's the sport everyone plays in my family.
At the venue, there's one pool, a field, a verandah, and also a open area where they serve cool drinks and food also.
Of course, I am the first "guest" to arrive, and the only girl between the two of us, Tristan and I.
"Hey babe!" Tristan called out to me.
"Don't call me babe! I am not your babe! And stop being a creep!" I said, aggressively to him.
Sweet home Alabama? I think not, thanks you very much.
"Or would you prefer to call you 'cuz'?" He smirked, and then waved behind me.
Yip, you heard right! Tristan is my cousin, sadly, but we prefer to have it as a secret.
I turned around and saw all eight of the guys in my class. The reason why they all came at the same time, is that Aunt V picked them all up.
I hope they didn't hear!
"Did you hear anything?" I said, secretly hoping that this was one of those moments, that they didn't hear.
"Yeah, and you have some explaining to," said MacKenzie, pointing between Tristan and I.
"Yeah, we are related, sadly," I said and explained how we're related,"My mom's sister is Tristan Mom."
"How can you guys be related? I mean you've got the brains and Tristan, well... He doesn't have a single cell!"
"Ouch! I thought you guys were my friends and would back me up! That hurt right here!" Tristan said, pointing to the right hand side of his chest while pouting.
The truth hurts...
"You're a genius! Your heart is on the left hand side of your chest!" I said, deadpanned.
"Wow! Mind blowing! No one will have ever thought..." Sthembiso said, trailing off at the end, because of not knowing how it end his last comment.
"And no one will! You weren't meant to hear and see what you heard and saw! Don't tell any of the girls! Us being related is a secret! And it must stay like that!" I said, with my most threateningly and intimidating glare.
"Why can't we tell the girls?" Sthembiso or his brother asked, which made me quite mad and I then (mentally) had good (mental) shout.
"Because we, I mean I don't want the whole school knowing! And sometimes the girls can't keep their mouths shut, and when you say 'don't', they hear do! Do you understand?" I said, annoyed, by both the fact that they didn't know which I just told them (which is clearly common sense) and by the fact that most girls just sometimes just can't shut their mouths!
Now, before you say I'm stereotyping, I said most, not all girls, for example I take secrets to grave, I never tell. But I think I should correct myself for my wrong choice in wording. A percentage or number of girls can't keep their mouths shut.
"Yes, Ma'am!" They all said in unison.
"Good! Now you guys did bring the "presents", right?" I said.
Hope they remembered! If they did, I will have some hope in the opposite gender of mine!
"Umm... I don't have them?! Sthembiso?" MacKenzie said, anxiously.
Oh no! My nightmare has come true! There's no hope for the male gender!
"How must I know? I haven't seen the snacks and drinks since we left!" Sthembiso said.
"You guys! I messaged you yesterday! You all replied and said you wouldn't forget the snacks and drinks! I could punch you right now!" I said, trying to keep calm and not give a right hook to anyone next to me.
Then when I thought when all hope was lost, it was suddenly wasn't!
"Just joking, we brought the food!" Sthembiso said, with a wide grin on his face.
"You should of seen your face!" MacKenzie said, laughing like a hyena, (which I think he secretly is) which made Tristan laugh also.
"Tristan, come here! Pasta, here now!" I said in my most commanding voice.
As soon as they came close enough for me, I paced forward two steps, so I just get a tad bit closer and then I sucker punched them in the shoulders, hard enough, that it made them cry in pain. And also it hurt my knuckles, but only for a few minutes.
"Ouch! What the heck you did that for, cuz?" Tristan said.
"First of all, that wasn't funny! Secondly, don't. Call. Me. 'Cuz'." I said, punching him again in the same arm, which made he cry out in pain, once again, in his high pitched voice.
"Geez! I wish puberty would hit some of you, and your voices can break! It sounds like girls giggling when you guys laugh!"
"You know, we heard you?" MacKenzie said, looking at me.
Holy mother of stinky cheese! That was not meant to happen, or in this situation, that wasn't meant to be heard!
Think, Juliet! Think! Ah! I've got it!
"You shouldn't have heard that! And you wouldn't have, if you didn't eavesdrop! Didn't your mother teach you not to eavesdrop? You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should be happy your mother aren't here, would you like me-" I was going to continue my lecture, which made them quite embarassed, so much I think I brought their ego back down to planet earth, and also made them go a little red in the face, who am I kidding, the went a little red, they were really red and I'm not just talking about the cheeks! Their whole face was red! But as I was saying, I was going to continue, but I got interrupted by the sound of a car.
I saw only the head of the guys behind Tristan and MacKenzie who look they want to put me on the spit and braai me, which in my opinion is cannibalism and barbarian, but I was still able to see the guys showing me with hand signals that my cousin and his friend are planning to kill for lecturing them (in front of friends), embarassing them (also in front of friends) and bringing their ego back down to earth and then said," The girls have arrived! You should lucky I can't lecture you further any! Now, I am gonna love and leave you- It's just a figure of speech! Tristan, please! The day I marry you is the day I like cats! Which is will happen on the fourth of January in nineteen- nineteen- never-ever! So don't even think about it!- and be a good hostess, and greet some of my friends."
And with that, I hurriedly left, not wanting to be the pig on the spit, which was what they were most likely planning to do to me if I stayed any longer.
Aunt V picked up the girls as well, because most of the parents were still working like my mom.
"Hey guys!" I said, and greeted everyone. The other girls that I don't usually associated with, glared at me for greeting them with "Hey guys!", but seriously, whether you're a dude or chick, "Hey guys," generalises.
Ugh! Girls nowadays!
"I meant girls. Hey girls!" I said, innocently, although I also dragged the words girls, just to put some emphasis on it.
"Who invited the girls?" Tristan asked.
"I did! But, hey! I wasn't going to be the only girl with you guys!" I said, openly and honestly.
I'm just like Abraham Lincoln! I always tell the truth! It's in my policy!
But, is it wrong to have the phrase," I promise to tell the truth and nothing, but the truth," comes to mind? I need to stop hearing Judge Judy's adverts on the TV.
"So let me get this straight! Tristan invited all of the guys and only one girl, which is Juliet? Isn't that a bit fishy?" Sandile pointed out.
Yeah! It's definitely fishy, and Tristan thinks his Einstein's twin, more like Einstein's stupid non-existant twin.
"Love in the air?" Sana suggested.
"Nope! Wrong! There's nitrogen, oxygen and carbon dioxide are in the air," I said.
"Please tell me you didn't just quote big bang theory?" Nandi said.
"Maybe..." I said, knowing that it was no use saying the real answer, because everyone knew the answer.
Time skip to 10:45
"Guys! I just got my report! And I passed!" Tristan said, gleefully.
"Congratulations!" The guys all said in unison, and then Sthembiso and his brother started singing Congratulations.
Boys will be boys!
Then all of the phones started ringing and ringing with notifications.
I suppose I better look at my report, but I was just getting to the good part in this novel.
I put my book aside, which I was heavily engrossed in, and brought my phone out of my back pocket of my jeans.
"Juliet is that your phone?" Johanika screamed, in her high pitched voice, which made everyone stop scrolling through their Instagram notifications, and look at me, eagerly waiting for my response.
Can you not scream so loud? It's to early in the morning for you to have this much energy and your enthusiasm!
Sometimes being a night owl is a blessing; most people are asleep, you don't have to socialise with people and it's peace and quiet, but other times, like for now for instance, it's a curse; everyone is bright eyed and bushy tailed (except me, most of the time), they're are full for energy like if they had too much energy drinks and caffeine and are bursting with energy but don't know what to do with themselves and you find every single thing they do is annoying.
"Umm... Yes?" I said, a bit unsure at what she was getting at.
This is so embarrassing, with everyone looking at me.
"Juliet Harrison, the infamous bookworm, has a phone?!" She screamed again.
Actually, it's "Juliet Harrison, the famous bookworm, has a phone?!" It's famous, not infamous, know the difference, honey! You should be happy I corrected your wording choice. Tsk, tsk!
"Just because, I'm a bookworm doesn't mean I can't have a phone," I said, pointing out the obvious.
"Is that an ...?" Tristan asked, questioning himself, wondering whether his eyes are betraying him and his knowledge (whatever's left of it).
"Is this an interrogation? Because I'm innocent! Well... At least I think I am? What is my crime or offence?" I said, a bit confused and in return started asking questions.
"No, this isn't an interrogation," Johanika said, and then said in a small voice," But answer this one question, is that an... iPhone?"
"Yes. Now, can I please read my report in peace?" Johanika and Tristan nodded and then, I was able to finally read my report in peace.
I finished reading my report, then put my phone back into my pocket and was about to carry on reading the novel I had put down on the table next to me, but I got interrupted by vibrations coming from the back pocket.
What now?
I checked the notifications, and noticed that there were three new messages from Aunt V.
Aunt V: Juliet! You wouldn't believe the cheek of one of you classmate's teachers!
Aunt V: A mom just messaged me, while I was sleeping, and said she wants a video of you guys enjoying yourselves!
Aunt V: Please think of something! I will do the filming me, but you need to organise something that looks natural!
Me: Okay, fine! I will!
"Juliet? Is everything okay?" Sana asked.
"Nope! Guys? Excuse me?" I said, trying to get their attention, but sadly my quiet voice wouldn't be heard over the rowdy bunch of classmates I have.
"Juliet, I think you need to speak louder," Nandi suggested.
"Thank for stating the obvious, Nandi," I said, sarcastically and added,"But this is the loudest my voice can go!"
Johanika walked away from her group of friends, and came over, like she heard my mental prayers, which was calling someone who had a loud voice so I could get everyone's attention.
"So what's up?" Johanika said.
The sky and taller people, obviously!
I was about to reply with a sarcastic remark, but then I realised I needed to be to be friendly and social, not the anti-social person, I usually am.
"Johanika, I need your help. I need to tell the class, but I need the class' attention. Could you please help me?" I said, in my most sincere voice and made lots of eye contact with Johanika.
"Okay," she shrugged.
That's how you do it! Whoop! Whoop!
"Thank you so much! Thank you!" I said, super happy.
"Guys! Juliet needs to tell you something!" Johanika said, and then all eyes turned to me, all of a sudden.
I blushed a little and waved awkwardly. "Hi! Umm... I just got a message that some of the moms want to have a video taken. So I thought that we shouldn't do anything that comes to mind, I thought we should "sing" happy birthday to Tristan, because that's what you normally do at a birthday party. So, umm, can you all gather around Tristan, around the table?" I said, acting very awkward, because, well, that's me.
"One question though, are we doing the modern happy birthday song or the old one?" I asked.
"Juliet, did you seriously have to ask that? Which do we normally do for a classmate when it's his or her birthday?" MacKenzie asked and then added," That was a theoretical question, Juliet."
"So I guess, it's the modern happy birthday song," I sighed.
I have no clue why I even asked!
If you're wondering why we don't sing the old happy birthday, there are multiple reasons, such as; it's old, it's boring, it's long and it repeats every lyrics at least twice, minimum.
So you're probably wondering how our birthday song, so I will tell the lyrics and the actions that we do with it.
Clap each thigh twice, amd have both hands do it at the same time (in class we use the desks), the clap hands together once and repeat and then stop before 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY.' After 'Oh!', start clapping your hands on your thighs, fast.
I don't know what I've been told,
(I don't know what I've been told,)
But someone here is getting old,
(But someone here is getting old,)
Don't you worry, don't you fear,
(Don't you worry, don't you fear,)
This only happens once a year,
(This only happens once a year,)
Ehhhh! (Ehhhh!)
Ohhhh! (Ohhh!)
The repeated lyric is always done by the alto, and the first lyrics are always by people like Johanika, in other words, people who are loud, and have strong bold vocals.
"Is everyone in position? Okay, it's recording... on three... three two... one..." I then nodded, which was the given signal which was apparently very important.
Three minutes, four attempts to create perfection, five arguments, two agreements and one masterpiece later, we finally got the video perfected.
"Okay, it's sent! Guys, look at the time it's exactly one minute till eleven!" I said, shocked that time flew so quickly, we ended up later that day only goung home at quarter to five. "I think we should have a count down!"
That day we laughed at the stupid things we done, cried at some of the most cringey
I guess, time really does fly when you're having fun!
And I'm not just stating that for today, I'm saying in my opinion, that single thought that just crossed my mind was what I would use to end off my year in a good way, but I know there's a quote from a person we all love or once loved when we were a kid , that would end off my year in a great year.
I mean we had some good moments, that we'll be telling our grandkids, and they would mostly likely either say; "That's so rad!" or "No way! That definitely isn't who's talking to us right now. What happened to those crazy teens?", although the latter is the one we know we're going to have to hear sometime in life and we'll all mutter under our breath and say,"Life happened.We had to grow up, sometime or another." And other times we talked about memories that made some people blush, others hide their faces, out of total humiliation and some, well... they were laughing so badly, that it sounded as though, they needed some water, because they were dying of thirst and whenever they tried to stop laughing and actually tell what was funny, they burst out laughing again. We laughed, we cried, we drank Coke, we fought, we made our just as crazy ancestors proud.
But before we all went home we wrote a poem together, but mostly me doing the writing, because no one else wanted to do that, which we promised to keep and then look at it when we're in matric, after we finished that and all wrote our names down on the back of the paper, which had the poem on. I also wrote a quote on the back of the poem, that no one else knew about until the day we matriculated, which is a story for another time.
The poem was so we could never forget our youth, even though we're destined to grow old, and maybe grow up? And that we would always remember this day and we did.
Peter Pan flew away,
We had to come back from Neverland,
It was sad,
Peter was mad,
And took our youth away.
Now, we're getting cold,
Growing old,
Wishing we could go back to the younger days,
When we would laugh and say;
In the dead of a night,
When we're getting cold,
Growing old,
Let our spirit stay lively
Let our spirit stay lively, young and free.
Let our spirit stay lively,
Like how it used to be.
The poem was never opened until we had our matric dance, which was also called our matric farewell, which was the last day of schooling for us, but as I said, that's a story for another day.
As I was saying when I thought of the saying time flies when you're having fun, and I must agree that is true, and then I thought of the quote that would end this year off perfectly is one of my favourite quotes from one of the most loved man in the world.
"Growing old is mandatory, but growing up is optional."
~ Walt Disney
•π° FIN °π•
The epilogue is up! Whoop whoop! Please remember to vote and comment if you enjoyed this cahpeter! And there is a sequel!
∆Status: Unedited
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