15. Getting Sappy with the Teachers
Register time
till Home time
It's the last day of school, finally!
Most of us have been waiting for this since the school year started! But if you're the class "geek", like me than you'll most likely enjoy the school year, but there's one function that we love the most, it's our farewell parties, we have one at the end of every term, but our Term 4 farewell party is always the best, because it's the last party of the year, the last time we get to see each other as a grade 7 class, and the we love to end the year with a bang!
I'm normally the first girl from my class that gets to school and is organised, well prepared (well...most of the time) and is prepared for the day ahead of me.
So of course, I start preparing the class for the farewell party and after that I had to do the most boring job ever, and that is to wait, and wait, and yeah, I'm still waiting!
The probelm with parties is that after setting up, you have to wait for the other people to come!
So after waiting about ten minutes, I think it was about ten minutes, who am I kidding? It was actually eleven minutes and fifty-nine seconds, not I was counting...
Anyway, my friends, who are organising the party, finally came!
Finally! I nearly died of boredom!
"Did you bring your stuff?" I asked all my friends and they nodded in reply.
"Great! Let's get to work then!" I said, thrilled.
Our class parties have the girls run it. Why? Because boys are irresponsible, have a short memory span, and are deaf. Are we being unfair? No! We tried once and told the boys everything they needed to do, and all those facts went from the one ear to the the other ear, straight out! It was a massive fail!
So that's why the girls do the organising. The things the guys need to do so bring whatever they said they'd bring and attend, and the most important thing is not eat everything and leave nothing for the girls to eat, because their appetite is too big, hey, I should speak for myself, but at least I eat breakfast unlike most of the boys!
After setting up, we all gathered inside, but sadly our registration teacher came, not that we don't like her, but we didn't like what she had to say next, because Mrs. Trailer came bearing bad news!
"Hi kiddos! It looks good, but..." Mrs. Trailer said railing off.
Of course! There's a "but."
"But, Ma'am?" Sana asked.
"But...you have to take the party outside, because they want to put the new art chairs in here, because this is going to be the new Art room. So can you girls do that?"
"Yes, Mam!" we all said in unison.
Did I tell you about how awesome Mrs. Trailer is? And how lucky we are to have her as our register teacher and Afrikaans teacher?
Mrs. Trailer is just the coolest teacher EVER! At first, you would think Mrs. Trailer is a strict teacher that gives you holdings, which is now illegal, and is called "corporal punishment", because she's so tall and she still wears two inches heels! Mrs. Trailer is the most prettiest teacher in her forties at our school and has the most sensible fashion taste in the whole school except the young interns. And Mrs. Trailer is such a good teacher, has a wicked sense of humour, which I enjoy.
We've had Mrs. Trailer since the end of the third term and the whole of this term, one and a half terms of knowing Mrs. Trailer and we've gotten quite attached to her and will miss her a lot next year, but at least the students that do Afrikaans, will get to have Mam as the Afrikaams teacher.
I could go on and on about her, but that would be weird if I told you more than one paragraph and a sentence about her, you just need to know the basics, she's like your favourite and the most fun teacher in the school.
I guess I just broke the forth wall...
Well... not really, not the if nobody knows what "breaking the forth wall" means.
"Where are we going to go now?" Nandi asked.
"Move it outside!" Sandile said, repeating what Mam half just said.
"Where exactly, Sandile? I'm asking exactly where!" Nandi said, deadpanned.
"You didn't say so the first time!" Sandile muttered under her breathe, loud enough so Nandi can hear and so can the rest of us.
"I heard that! You're talking out loud, again!" Nandi said, starting to get irrated.
Oh no! I better cut the cake, before their fight becomes more than just a few retorts, sassy comebacks and teasing, and a whole lot more physical!
When Sandile and Nandi fight, you have to break it up, before it gets really nasty, although Sandile and Nandi aren't sisters, or related in anyway, they still fight like cats and dogs, they act like siblings; sometimes they fight, other times they like each other and then sometimes it's just a mutual feeling, no hate, no love.
"Okay, okay! Calm down you too!" I said, in a calm and reassuring voice and added," We can have our party at the tables outside, and then we can use the tables to put the drinks and also the food."
Improvise, people! You guys need to get organised!
After that problem was sorted, and everything was sorted and in its place, we called everyone to let them party get started.
Let's get this party started!
Yes, I mostly likely got that off the internet...
"So first of all, I would like to start by saying thank you for attending and without your distribution, this party wouldn't as great and lastly, thank you making this a special year! So without, a further ado, a few speeches of the people who organised this very party and a few thank yous to our awesome teacher, Mrs. Trailer! I would like to call up Nandi, who is going to say a short and sweet speech! Nandi, please come up!" Sandile said.
See, even Sandile whose approval is hard to get, just said that Mam is awesome!
Nandi walked towards Sandile, and gave her a curt nod, which in Sandile's and Nando's relationship was like a hug, a fist bump or a high five, which the last two options both of them prefer compared to a hug.
"Hello everyone! I would like thank you for all making my year a very special! We laughed, we cried, both tears of joy and only a little of sadness, we bribed the teachers, we got homework, we passed some tests and others... we don't want to mention those... So thank you for making this year so special for me!" Nandi said, like she had revised with us, at every break time and took a deep breath, and continued to the second part of the speech.
"And Mrs. Trailer, thank you for being the best teacher we've had this year, since you're like our... third, I think, teacher that we been through this year... Thank you for teaching us important life lessons like..." Nandi trailed off, because her nerves were starting to catch up with her, so being the good friend I was, I piped up and said;
"Like don't get married." Mam chuckled at my statement.
"And, never ever have children!" Sthembiso said, and Mam nodded in agreement and said:
"It's like spending have to pay for something for 18 years, but you can't get a refund," Mrs. Trailer said chuckling, and we all nodded.
"That's all I've got to say, thank you for listening to my speech, but before I go, I would like ask, Mam, can you do a speech for us?" Nandi said, regaining posture after Sandile and I gave her a thumbs up.
Mam arched her eyebrow, at that moment we knew we had to give her a bit of boost of encouragement, so she could do a speech.
"SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH! SPEECH! SPE-" the boys started chanting, which definitely made Mam change her mind and agreed, but silenced the boys by raising her hands.
Is it wrong that the reference, "silence, you fools!" comes to mind?
"Forgive me for I haven't prepared, but you want it so, here goes nothing... Your third teacher, huh? Well, I surely enjoyed teaching you guys!" Mam said, with a smile on her face and continued.
"You guys are quite a funny bunch! You're the best with the most..." Mam trailed off, her face deep in thought as though she was trying to find a word to describe all 19 of us, and yet it still suited each of our polar opposite personalities.
Which would be quite hard! I mean,look at the maths more than a thousand, and then 19 students and 19 different personalities and that equals up to impossible!
"The most well behaved?" The boys snickered at that and Mam definitely shook her head at that.
"The most smartest class?" Mam once again shook her head and the boys snickered.
"Ah! I've got the word!" Mam said, pleased with herself that she found a word to describe us.
Finally! Or else, we might of had to go through every single adjective and Mam can shake her head and the boys can keep on snickering! By then, I would die of anticipantion, and I would most likely smack the boys if they kept on snickering like Regina George in Mean Girls!
"You guys, have got a lot of character!"
Yeah! We know! But your speech is so empowering, it's so sappy, it's gonna make me cry! Wahh! Can someone pass me some tissues?
No, seriously can someone pass me some tissues?
Last Day of School
"Alright guys, time to go home! Is everything cleared and there's no mess?" Mam asked and we all said yes.
"You guys are dismissed. Juliet? Your mom's here!" Mam said, shooing us.
I waved to my mom and went after my teacher so I could her thank for the wonderful year, and she was such a good teacher.
Eventually, I found her and was able to speak to her.
"Thank you Mam, for being such a great teacher and..." I said, and continued and when I was finished she thanked me and complimented me and what not, then we hugged and then I left.
The next teacher I went to find was Mrs. Waterloo, but as I was walking, I was stopped by the principal and she asked if she could have a word with me, and I agreed politely, not like I had a choice...
What have I done now?! Or, what haven't I done?
"I just wanted to thank you for the chocolates that you gave me. I've been meaning to thank you the past days, but I got sidetracked." Mrs. Marsh said, and added gleefully,"But this morning, I wrote it down and remembered."
"It's my pleasure, Mam," I said and hugged her, she hugged me back and it looked like Mam had more to say.
"Mr. Marsh did give me the presents and told me it's from you," she said and went off in the opposite direction that I was walking in, before politely excusing herself.
Last Friday
"Sir?" I said, trying to get sir's attention, but that wasn't working because I had such a soft voice, so I had to use a little help from my friend.
"Sir!" Madeleine said, much more louder than me and made Mr. Marsh look up and then, Madeleine pointed towards me and then I asked if I could go to my locker, sir agreed and then I took my key and went out of the classroom to the lockers.
Afterwards, I came back into the class, holding a Christmas gift box and handed it to him, Mr. Marsh looked confused, because I already had given him his present, this morning.
"For Mrs. Marsh! I tried this morning, but I couldn't get to her because she was in a meeting. May you please give it to her?" I said to Mr. Marsh.
"Yes, I will give it to her this afternoon," he replied.
"Thank you sir!" I then went back to working.
End of Flashback
Present day
Let me carry on, I need to find Mrs. Waterloo!
I carried on walking and then bumped into another teacher, literally.
"Oops! Sorry! Are you okay... Mrs. Waterloo?!" I said in suprise.
"I was just looking for you!" I said.
"Really?! Is everything okay?" She asked, concerned.
"Yes! Fine, thanks! No! I'm GREAT! Thanks for asking. But I'm going home now, so I just want to thank you for everything that you done this year, and for your help!" I said.
"Aww! It's a pleasure, my girl! And reminder, you can always come to ask me anything!" Mrs. Waterloo said, while hugging me.
"I will, thanks Mam. Oh- Before I forget! Here's something for you!" I said, giving Mam her a box of chocolates that was wrapped in Christmas wrapping paper.
"Oh! You didn't have to!"
"I hope you enjoy them, Mam!" I said, hugged her before I started to turn to leave.
"Thank you! Give me a hug!" Mrs. Waterloo said, before pulling me into a hug, which I gladly accepted and then left.
"Bye, Juliet! Enjoy your holidays and please at least go outside once, and stop studying!" She said, and I laughed at how much she has gotten to know me and my habits in just under a year.
"I will try!"
2296 words
Longest chapter! Lol! 😱😂
The last chapter before the epilogue! Then the bonus chapters, then achievements/accolades/Awards, and then meet the author. Then sadly, the book had ended. But there is a SEQUEL! So don't worry your pretty little minds! There is more to come!
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