1. "Bugs" and "Drugs"
Half way through editing might not make complete sense!
Everyone is tired from the weekend and hated yesterday's lessons, but who can blame them? Monday's are bad enough since they're the start of a long week, but then add hour long lessons, the day has just gone from bad to worse!
"Good morning class," Sir said, walking into the classroom, putting his phone away that he was so engrossed in a minute ago.
Most likely Facebook. . .
I looked at the teacher for a minute and studied him. He was tall, yet very skinny, walked with a slight slouch and had a limp, as though he has had a serious injury that occured to his right leg. His skin was very dark colour as if the Sun had been very harsh to him when he lived in Nigeria, in Western Africa, before he moved South to South Africa, his skin looked nearly the same colour as dark chocolate. His curly black hair was neat and styled: not a hair out of place, and his friendly brown eyes look across the class, you could see he was secretly hoping that the boys wouldn't be noisy today. Like that's going to happen!
Our environment teacher is one of the very few male teachers in our school. Though that is quite expected, not many males, let alone people in general want to go back to school and become a teacher. Anyway, who run the world? Obviously, the only answer for that is 'girls'. Beyoncé was so right about that.
"Good morning sir," my class and I replied in a monotone, none of us like Environment, but our teacher always corrects us and says, and I can quote, (everyone can because we've heard it so many times) "It's not 'Environment'," making speech marks with his hands and then continues," it's Environmental Issues. "
I don't really see the difference, but we just have to go with the flow.
Struggling against the current will get you nowhere, except for the fact that you're burning yourself out, so just go with the flow.
Sir said we must draw a tree with life (bugs, plants and other living creatures) and label.
I had forgotten what bugs you get on the trees so I had to ask Sir. It's honestly is terrible that I'm so forgetful!
I walked up to our environment teacher and asked, "What bugs do you get from trees?"
The boys were sitting next to him because they were in trouble, but then, again boys will be boys, when weren't they in trouble? The boys were eavesdropping on my brief conversation with the environment teacher, since they always seem to find my conversations interesting.
"Drugs?" said one of the boys shocked.
"Well, you get heroin and cocaine, those are just the basics, but there are many more," the other boy said shamelessly, sitting in the group.
"Drugs? I didn't say anything about drugs! Boys are so deaf!" I thought to myself alarmed.
"I'm surprised with that you have this sudden interest in drugs, Juliet. And I thought you were the innocent one?!" Tristan replied.
Ahh Tristan! Tristan, Tristan! Tsk! Tsk! Have you ever heard not to but in?! I don't need your two cents comment!
I mentally roll my eyes at his useless, and waste-of-breath comment.
"How do you get bugs out of drugs?" I asked deadpanned. The boys silence was all that I could hear. No snarky, cocky or self centered, arrogantly, sarcastic remark.
For a change. I could get used to this silence!
"I said bugs, not drugs" I explained to them, slowly, as if this group of thirteen year old boys -in some cases fourteen year olds- are four year olds that cannot grasp a simple concept, like why is the sky blue, and making special emphasis for the words, 'bugs' and 'drugs'. Trust me, I love the guys (in a platonic way, obviously!) and I have a good relationship (once again, a platonic relationship) with all of them, but sometimes they are slow to catch on. On occasion it can very difficult to be on the same page when the male species' brain works completely different from females'. Is it a good time to say, "Men are from Mars. Women are from Venus."?
Silence. That's all that could be heard from the table besides the occasional tapping of the foot, clicking of the pen, and so forth.
So peaceful, so-
Just I was about to use another adjective to describe the joyful noise I'm hearing, it was interrupted by none other than Tristan, who can be a real pain in the neck, at times, and now would be a great example.
"Sure you did Juliet." Tristan replied sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Whatever you say Tristan, keep rolling your eyes back there and you might find your brain. But that is highly unlikely, because your brain is about the same size of a Tyrannosaurus Rex's brain, maybe even smaller. And just for your information Tristan, a Tyrannosaurus Rex's brain is the size of a peanut!
I would have said this, but instead, since the teacher was there and also, because I wasn't in the mood to roast him, I just rolled my eyes and turned to face the teacher. . . who was on Facebook.
What is it with old people and Facebook? Hashtag this is ridiculous. Hashtag Facebook should be banned from old people. Hashtag Instagram is better than Facebook.
Sometimes I think my mind is like Instagram since I say 'Hashtag this' or 'Hashtag that', a lot, but then I reconsider how my brain works, it works more like Chrome. Nineteen tabs are open, five are frozen and there's music playing but I don't know where it's coming from...
Our teacher gave me what type of insects there are, which inspired me to go and sit down to continue my work, note the sarcasm.
unknown words
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Judy Harris
( Judyharris1414)
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