Jungkook paced back and forth the hallway with the small bundle of flowers he had picked out from the garden.
His underarms were sweating, his hair was a sticky mess now. Why was his heart racing this much? Especially because of an immortal?
Suddenly, the bedroom door opened and an annoyed Taehyung walked out. "Stop pacing around." He instructed in a slow deep voice.
Jungkook flinched, freezing in his action. It took him a few seconds to finally turn around and face Taehyung who kept eye contact.
"The sound of your khakis rubbing against your legs is irksome."
Jungkook hadn't noticed it, but then again he didn't have heightened hearing. He quickly bowed while shoving the flowers towards Taehyung.
"I apologize sir. I've come to...to ask you to forgive me. I was impulsive. I shouldn't have touched your hair without permission. I truly didn't mean to upset you. Please accept these flowers as a token of my sincere apology."
Taehyung's face felt like it could explode. He suddenly felt queasy and as Jungkook slowly straightened up it didn't make it any better.
Jungkook was tall, as tall as him. He was slender, but quite muscular. You could visibly see his toned muscles through his neatly tucked in shirt. The size of his waist was unbelievable. Those khakis and that belt only enhanced it more.
"Why are you giving me flowers?"
"I...I...uhh...I thought they'd look pretty on your hair." He admitted flustered.
"On my hair?" Taehyung repeated confused at his words.
Jungkook timidly nodded, "Yes sir."
Taehyung took the bundle of colorful flowers and walked in his room. Jungkook peeked inside observing the blank white four walls. His bed wasn't done, the blanket was a wine red color while the pillow cases were green. It annoyed Jungkook to see it not match.
Taehyung wasn't one to match either way. Today he wore a black long sleeve shirt, which was untucked of course, a navy suit jacket, a different shade of black khakis that looked more brown than black and lastly an old pair of grey boots. His tie wasn't fixed right and his hair was in a low messy bun. How could he never look presentable when he worked for the king?
Jungkook watched as Taehyung stood in front of a long mirror that was on the wall. He took the flowers and put them on top of his head.
A soft giggle escaped Jungkook's lips and Taehyung quickly removed the flowers from his head and turned to look at him. Jungkook was slightly scared for a moment until he realized that he wasn't angry at him for laughing.
He was embarrassed.
"I'm sorry. I should've elaborated. Can I show you what I mean?"
Taehyung nodded and Jungkook stepped in the room. He walked slowly towards him, feeling his heart race as he got closer.
When he felt a cold breeze hit him, he noticed that it was Taehyung and he had closed the door. Jungkook's heart raced even more.
"I—I don't want someone to walk by and think that..." Taehyung couldn't even finish his sentence. "I will not hurt you." He reassured a nervous Jungkook.
Jungkook nodded though he wasn't so sure of this. When Taehyung walked back to him, he did it at a normal speed.
"Have a seat here." Jungkook said pointing to the bed. Taehyung did as instructed and he got behind him.
"Can I touch your hair?"
He nodded, keeping quiet. Jungkook removed the hair tie from his hair and ran his fingers through it. It was so long, silly, and smooth. Taehyung kept quiet although his fingers felt good against his scalp.
Jungkook started braiding his hair quickly into a French braid. He made sure to leave the strand of hair covering his eye untouched. He didn't want to upset him again.
Once he was done, he started picking out some flowers and put them in between the braid. Cosmos had never looked prettier.
He carefully put the braid to the side so he could see it. His hair was long enough that his braid went down his chest.
Taehyung got up from the bed and walked towards the mirror looking at himself. He picked up his neatly braided hair and stared at it.
"That's what I meant. They look so pretty and vibrant against your dark hair."
"What is it that you want from me? I can't imagine that you came all the way over here to braid my hair and make it all pretty"
Jungkook looked down at his feet, embarrassed. It was true. He desperately wanted something from Taehyung. It had been a few weeks since Jimin and the king had gone out.
Since that day, Jimin hadn't stopped talking about it. And something was telling him that his friend wasn't only obsessed with getting immortality, but with Yoongi himself. That was terrifying. He would be alone again and he couldn't bear it.
"I want you to make me immortal." He whispered.
Taehyung looked at Jungkook who kept his head down. It was hard for him to believe that he truly wanted to be immortal. Everything about his posture and his voice said otherwise.
"Why should I make you immortal? Tell me why do you want to turn?"
"Because I want to be immortal. Isn't that reason enough?" He asked, finally looking up. Though his voice sounded louder, the fear was still in his eyes. He was not good at disguising it.
"Do you know the price you have to pay to be an immortal?"
"No, but I don't care. I will pay you with money if that's what you want."
"It's not money. When you're turned into an immortal by another vampire or hybrid that's not the king himself, you have to pay a price." He slowly moved the strand of hair covering his left eye. Jungkook tried to not look at his clouded, almost white eye, but couldn't help it.
"I am a hybrid. To become one I had to sacrifice two things. To become a vampire my eyes lost the ability to see color and to become a hybrid I became blind on my left eye. When I was human I was a lover of art and color. Seeing my mother wear red was my favorite thing in the whole entire world. Red was my favorite color too and in order to become this, immortality took that from me. Because I loved it. It will not take something that is meaningless. Vernon lost his empathy. That's why he's so nonchalant now. Hoseok was lucky because he was turned by the previous king but everyone else? We all had to lose something. So tell me, is it really worth it?"
Jungkook felt his eyes fill with tears. He wasn't sure if he felt like crying because of Taehyung's story or because he was willing to risk it all either way.
"I don't want to be alone. Jimin will gain immortality soon and if I don't become immortal myself he will leave me behind. If I don't have him I have no one. I don't want to be alone." He repeated, closing his eyes.
Taehyung felt bad for Jungkook because he related to him. He too had made himself immortal for someone. Except it didn't turn out the way he had expected.
"Think about this. Don't rush into it because I did. Nothing is worth more than being human and feeling it all because even if you feel alone and sad at least it won't be eternal."
Jimin knocked on the door quietly. He pressed his ear against it trying to hear if Yoongi had moved. Except it was all silent.
He sighed knocking again. Only this time it was obnoxiously loud, "I know you hear me—!"
Before he could continue knocking, the door opened up and Yoongi was holding his wrist midair. And fuck, he looked breathtaking.
"Shut up brat. I am trying to work."
Jimin felt butterflies at his touch. Lately, he had found the necessity to be close to Yoongi all the time. Eating short meals with him and sometimes seeing him before he fell asleep wasn't enough.
At first he tried to tell himself it was because he wanted to convince Yoongi to make him immortal. Although that was still the case, this wasn't his only reason for wanting to be close to him.
Yoongi made him feel warm and fuzzy inside. A feeling he had never felt before. Not even with his past two-day-boyfriends. This was different.
"Really now?"
Yoongi let go of his wrist and sighed, "Yes Jimin. I am planning something. Now if you excuse me—"
"Maybe I can help!" Jimin interrupted as he walked in through the door. He had never been in Yoongi's office but this was where he was ninety percent of the time.
It was spacious and quite cold. There was a big glass window that showed the beautiful forest. Although it was mid November now, the pine trees were beautiful like always.
The weather was cold now, but Jimin didn't mind it. On the other hand, Jungkook wasn't too happy about the time change. His favorite seasons were spring and summer. It made since, a person so sweet and warm had to like spring and summer.
"Why aren't you with your friend?"
Jimin took a seat on a black couch that was in the middle. There were two of them actually and a coffee table between the two. Then there was a bigger table with six chairs on the other side. As mentioned, every room in the castle was enormous.
"No. He had to go out to town and get stuff. Of course I couldn't go with him because I can't even though I've already been to town with you."
"Exactly, you said it yourself. With me. If you go out without me and something happens to you then I am held responsible." He murmured, taking a seat on the couch in front of him.
"Ahh. So you care what happens to me?"
Yoongi was writing something so he wasn't looking at Jimin so he couldn't see his teasing smirk. He enjoyed playing with him.
"Of course. You're my husband."
Jimin's smile faded and was replaced with a pink blush. He looked down at his own ring finger and noticed how wearing the black band didn't feel as heavy anymore.
It had been roughly over two months since they had gotten married. Sometimes he did forget to wear the band, but lately he had gotten into the habit of not forgetting. Yoongi on the other hand never took his off.
Jimin knew it was because it had been his father's, but it still made him fuzzy inside. Warm. Happy. Very, very happy.
"What are you writing?" He asked, trying to change the subject. If he didn't, he'd keep blushing and then his heart would start racing making it awkward.
"Invitations for what?"
"Christmas party."
"You're hosting a Christmas party?"
"Uh huh." He responded as he finished writing. Jimin noted how beautiful and fancy his letters were. Nothing compared to his.
"Why, if I may ask? No one in town knows who you are and you don't want them to know so—"
"It's not for the town people. As the king of Caaia I have to keep peace with important men within our country. Every now and then we host a Christmas dinner here to keep things friendly. My father did them before, this would be my second time hosting it as king."
"Oh. Okay. Will...will I be there?"
Yoongi poured himself a full glass of whiskey. It was pointless because in an instant he swallowed it all. Eventually he gave up and just drank out of the bottle.
"Yeah. You're my husband now. You have to be there."
When Jimin heard this he couldn't help feeling nauseous. He wasn't precisely 'kingdom' material. At times he was so awkward that it was embarrassing. He quickly shook those horrible thoughts out of his head because the party was weeks away anyways. Why torment himself now?
"That's all you're working on?"
"That and my leave."
"Leave? Where?" He asked a little too panicked.
"After the Christmas dinner, I have to travel. In order to keep peace with other countries that are our Allie's I have to pay them a visit every now and then."
"Will I go too?"
"No. Not for that."
"But why? I'm your husband. Didn't you say that?"
"Yes, but not for this. I have to do this alone."
"How long will you be gone?"
"Three weeks."
Jimin's heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. Three weeks? That seemed eternal. Just thinking about it made him sick and hungry. Hungry for his touch, for his attention, for him.
He got up from the couch and walked over to Yoongi, slowly kneeling on the floor next to him. Yoongi looked down at him slightly confused.
"What are you doing?"
Jimin cleared his throat as he slowly got closer towards Yoongi. Having his hands near his knees made him so flustered, but he needed this.
"You know it's been a while since you've fed on me." He whispered in a shaky breath. This was the only way to have him close. "I can tell you're trying to hold yourself from feeding on me by drinking all that whiskey."
Yoongi's eyes were that bright red color that was unmistakable. He was hungry, painfully hungry. And Jimin wanted to feel close to him. He wanted Yoongi's lips on his skin.
As Yoongi leaned closer toward him, Jimin held his breath. He closed his eyes briefly fantasizing about his lips against his neck once again. Yoongi was so, so close he could almost feel him—
"I have a lot of work to do Jimin. Please go back to the room." He said against his ear.
Jimin finally released his breath and opened his eyes, extremely disappointed. "Yes your majesty." He blandly replied as he got up from the floor. He walked out the door not even close to how enthusiastic he felt in the beginning.
Yoongi had been so close but just not enough.
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