"I don't think this is a good idea." Hoseok butted in.
"Come on dad, I don't need your permission to go out."
"Dad? I'm no longer daddy?" He asked, offended.
"This is the least of the concerns. If I may say your majesty, you've never been out of this castle. You don't even know what it's like to be out there. If someone were to recognize you, you'd be put in danger." Taehyung argued.
"Exactly, that's why Taehyung and I should go with you just to verify that you're safe."
"If I have bodyguards it will point out the obvious." Yoongi said back.
"But if you need us then we can't be there if we don't go with—"
"Why do you want to go to town either way?" Hoseok asked.
"Because I was told that if I didn't go I'd be a little bitch and I am not a little bitch."
"Who said that?"
"Can I say something?" Jimin asked, raising his hand.
Six pairs of red eyes turned to face Jimin. For a split second they forgot that he was even present. Jimin cleared his throat now that the attention was on him.
"We will be dressed in regular clothes. Not a three piece fancy suit. If people notice he's the king what can they possibly do? Would they really try to hurt the most powerful hybrid in the world?"
Yoongi smiled, raising his eyebrows as he looked at his two employees. Both were unable to argue with that logic because who would ever go against Min Fucking Yoongi?
"I thought you said casual." Yoongi said, shaking his head.
"This is casual." He argued looking down at his outfit.
It consisted of a bright yellow short sleeve shirt and khakis. Yoongi wore a short sleeve black shirt and black khakis.
Jimin had removed all of his jewelry, including his ring but Yoongi kept his. Considering Jimin's was very flashy and would definitely be noticed. Something about Yoongi keeping his ring on made Jimin feel all jittery and he couldn't really explain why.
They had snuck out through the back of the castle and were walking through the forest to get to town. According to Yoongi, this was a short cut so no one would see them walk out of the castle.
Although his employees had opposed him leaving the safe place, he had done it either way because he could.
"Everyone will look at your dumb yellow shirt and notice me."
Jimin huffed offended, "Take that back! My shirt is not dumb!"
"It's a hideous color." He said wrinkling his nose.
"No it's not! It's my favorite color in the whole entire world."
Yoongi scoffed, "Ahh. Of course it is. I can see why."
"You take that shit ba—" Jimin nearly tripped over a branch and Yoongi caught him before he did.
"Watch your step please. We want you to make it alive downtown."
Jimin blushed, "Take it back. I could care less if I make it alive."
Yoongi smiled, "You're so funny."
"Why don't you like yellow? It's the best color in the world. It's the color of the sun, daffodils and by the way daffodils are my favorite. Yellow means freshness, happiness, clarity and—"
"Okay, okay, I take it back."
"Are you just saying this so I shut up?" He asked while wiping his sweaty forehead. Looking at Yoongi was slightly frustrating. He was as cool as ever, not shedding a drop of sweat.
"Well, at least you're honest."
"And it's not working."
"Come on, talking to me can't be that dreadful. Is it my voice? Do I have a squeaky voice?"
"No, it's not your voice. Your voice is actually—" hot. "Okay."
"Yeah? Well I—I think that your voice is—" hot. "Okay too."
Yoongi kept quiet as they walked down the dirt path. He knew the way by heart because he had walked plenty of times down here but never made it far enough.
He was scared of leaving the castle because as a child he never did. When he was small, he was human and the one who would inherit the throne. He was always overprotected and over sheltered for good reasons of course.
But that made him antisocial. That made him fear the world that didn't revolve around his walls. He kept a decent job as a king, brought good reimbursement to the country and had plenty of allies.
The town and country as a whole thought the king, his father, never passed away. That he had just kept himself in the shadows for whatever reason.
While others thought that the king, his father, did pass away but that his son never became ruler and was replaced by an employee.
All of these assumptions didn't make Yoongi feel better about revealing his identity. He didn't think he looked like a king, he was only eighteen.
However, thinking back to his father who was the same age for centuries he realized what a good ruler he had been. Well respected and admired. While Yoongi was a mystery to them all and he wanted to keep it that way.
"Do you ever sweat?"
"Huh?" Yoongi asked, turning to face him.
"I mean you're not even bothered by the weather. I know it's getting cooler, but the sun and walking for twenty minutes straight have started to make me hot."
Yoongi then noticed his flushed cheeks and sweat dripping from his forehead, "No. I don't feel hot nor cold. My body is always at the perfect temperature."
Jimin took a deep breath, "That's got to be fucking amazing."
"Yeah, it is."
"See if you could turn me immoral then I wouldn't be sweating next to you like a maniac. If I start smelling weird, because I probably will just ignore it yeah? Turn off your witchy senses and ignore my musk." Jimin stopped babbling as he looked at Yoongi who was quiet and had stopped talking.
As Jimin peaked he then noticed that they were about to enter the town. He approached Yoongi's side and cleared his throat.
"You've never been into town huh?"
Yoongi kept an unreadable expression, "That's correct."
"Why is that?"
"I never felt the need to. My father was a friendly social being, whereas I find comfort in what I know. The only place I know like the back of my hand is my castle."
"It's not so bad. Trust me. You'll enjoy it. I want you to try this ramen shop that's cheap and delicious."
He nodded his head acting like he was going to move, but didn't. Jimin nervously took a breath as he reached over to hold his hand.
"It will be okay." He murmured with a red face. Holding Yoongi's hand was nerve wrecking for several reasons. One, he was the king. Two, he could look into his past. Three, he was a walking sex god.
Yoongi glanced at Jimin's hand wrapped around his. It was sweaty and warm, but felt somehow comforting. Maybe it was because he had spent so much time with Jimin that he was the closest thing he had to a safe zone.
They started walking closer to the town and soon after a ton of people started walking by. They were heading down to the marketplace. Some of them walked while others traveled in cars but that was a luxury.
Yoongi had tensed up as the people walked by occasionally glancing at him. At one point he tightened Jimin's hand to the point he grunted.
"Sorry." He apologized, relaxing.
"It's okay." Jimin responded through gritted teeth. He had almost cut the circulation off his fingers.
"They know I am immortal. They know by my eyes." He whispered slightly horrified. Everyone looked in his direction or at least that's what it felt like to him. He felt like a weird mythical creature being exposed in the middle of the stage while everyone judged him.
"Yoongi." Jimin called snapping him out of his intrusive thoughts.
"I know that they know—"
"Yoongi." He repeated and this time he did look at him. "Look around you, there's hundreds of red eyes. You blend right in."
At that moment Yoongi finally realized what Jimin was saying. Everywhere he looked there was an immortal. There were even some that were talking and hanging out with humans.
He had heard of this and knew that humans and immortals coexisted. He had just never seen it this close or this variety of it. When he saw humans, it was in the castle and for a brief moment while he fed on them. Other than that he didn't have much contact with them.
Jimin was observing Yoongi's body language. Although he still had this mystery aura surrounding him he looked lost. Almost scared. So he decided to change the topic and distract him a little.
"Look, there's the ramen shop! You'll love it!" Jimin gushed running towards the building while pulling him behind.
Forty minutes later, they had finished eating and were waiting in line to pay. When the person told them the total, Yoongi pulled out a stack of bills.
Jimin's eyes widened as he handed it to the man who was startled. "Sir, I don't have change I—"
"That's for you. The ramen was delicious."
"I can't accept it."
"I am your—"
"Please take it. He's very...giving." Jimin interrupted.
The man debated but finally accepted it. Quickly after, Jimin pulled Yoongi out. "What is wrong with you? Were you going to tell him that you're his king? What happened to keeping a low profile?"
"It came to me naturally. I've been saying that for one hundred and eighty-five years. I forgot, okay?"
"I can't believe you were getting on me for wearing yellow when you don't mind blabbing about your status. Oh look at me. I am your king." He exaggerated.
"It's not a big deal. Didn't you say that? Stop mimicking me. You know that's against the rules."
Jimin stopped walking and looked back at him. A smirk was plastered on Yoongi's face and he rolled his eyes, relaxing. Of course he was kidding.
"Yeah it's not a big deal, but if you would've said that and they would've started giving you attention you would've felt nervous or something. I don't know."
Jimin suddenly noticed that he was holding Yoongi's wrist pretty tight. He let go and quickly apologized, "I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Yoongi chuckled, "Your balloon hands could never."
"Sheesh. You only say that because you're immortal. I will have you know I'm pretty strong for a human. I look tiny, but I can fight."
"Really now? Who did you fight?" He asked mockingly while crossing his arms over his chest.
"In the orphanage I had to defend Jungkook though he's always been the strongest. Even though we're not blood related we grew up as brothers. Some of the kids there were cruel. As we got older, it only got worse. I got beat up a few times, but trust me I won about half of the fights."
Yoongi uncrossed his hands, unable to make a joke out of that. He was reminded that Jimin grew up an orphan and that made him remember his own tragedy. His mother died while giving birth to him while he had to kill his father on his eighteenth birthday. What a tragic birthday present.
"Don't do that." Jimin said as he started walking away.
"Do what?" He asked, following him behind.
The sun was already setting as the days were now getting shorter due to the time change. It was getting chillier and Yoongi could tell because Jimin had goosebumps all over his arms.
"Give me that sad 'I-am-so-sorry-you're an orphan' look. I've had a pretty great life actually. Aside from losing my parents. I have Jungkook and I am married to the king of Caaia. What else can I ask for?"
Yoongi kept quiet. Hearing Jimin say that saddened him because he too felt the same way. He was immortal and was the king of the country. What else could he ask for?
Jimin stopped walking and stopped in the middle of a back alley. The buildings surrounding them were abandoned. Yoongi couldn't hear anyone close by.
"Why are you wearing your band? I thought this was a beneficial marriage."
"It is. I wear it because it's my father's ring. He left it to me and it's the only thing that makes me feel like I'm close to him."
Jimin tilted his head a little. Whenever he saw Yoongi's ring the day they got married he wondered why he had a scratched old band. Now he knew why. It wasn't a simple ancient object. It was valuable to him and he would've never known unless he asked.
"It just occurred to me that I know nothing about you."
"There's nothing about me that's worth knowing." Yoongi shrugged.
Jimin felt a slight sting spreading across his chest. Why was Yoongi so hard on himself? Why was his self esteem so low?
"Try me." He said with a smile. If he acted all sad and soppy it would only push him away more. He had already tried to distance himself from him.
"Not a chance." He murmured, continuing to walk.
Jimin chased after him like a little kid running towards a candy store. "What's your favorite color?"
He shrugged and kept on walking as Jimin struggled to keep behind. Sometimes he subconsciously walked inhumanly fast.
"When is your birthday? Have you ever seen a dog in person? They're the cutest things in the world! Do breathe like a normal being? Do you even have to breathe? I mean technically you're dead and don't need oxygen. That's so crazy to think about. Wow! How did you discover your abilities? Have you ever...been in love?" The last question came out as a whisper.
Jimin's face was red before the words escaped his lips. His heart was beating so fast that he could hear it thumping loudly against his eardrums. Why couldn't he control his body?
Yoongi had been tuning him out, but when he heard his heartbeat change rhythm he finally looked towards his direction. Now he wished that he had been listening because Jimin seemed apprehensive.
Jimin released a shaky breath. Good. He hadn't heard a thing. "Looks like you're a tough book to read."
"I don't know much about you either, you know."
"You know more than I know of you. You know my favorite color, my birthday, basically my childhood."
"No. I don't know you completely. Knowing half of the story isn't the same as knowing it all. You can't possibly make an assumption of a person if you don't know them fully. With all flaws and all the bad stuff."
Jimin's face was still slightly flushed. He raised his hand with a teasing smile. "Why don't you get to know me then? I can be more than your walking blood bag. I can be your friend."
Yoongi was now the one who got that jittery sensation. He looked at Jimin who was equally as nervous as himself and then at his shaky sweaty hand midair.
For a brief second he thought about taking it. Taking his hand and knowing everything about him, but that would only open up a door he wouldn't ever be able to close. So he didn't take his hand. He left Jimin hanging as he turned his back on him.
"Come on, let's go back. It's getting late."
And even though he couldn't see Jimin's face, he could hear his saddened slow breaths.
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