Jimin came across a hallway he'd never seen before. Jungkook was out buying supplies for the garden and of course being Yoongi's husband meant he couldn't leave the castle.
Well, he could but he had to take a guard with him. When he spoke to Jungkook he wanted to be alone, not with an immortal spy that would let Yoongi know everything they'd talked about.
Technically, that could still happen when being in the castle but at least he couldn't physically see them spying.
As soon as he walked into the unknown room he gasped admiring the beauty. He took a few steps down the short staircase and got closer to the indoor lagoon.
He'd been living here for almost a month and he hadn't ever seen this beauty. Jimin wondered if it was a prohibited area and that's why he wasn't aware of its existence.
He looked around to make sure no one was around and then proceeded to walk towards it. On the far right end there was a glass door that led you to the garden. In the middle of the room was where the small lagoon was located.
The water was crystal clear, but there were a lot of lily pads making it seem like it was green and dirty. On the walls and ceilings the familiar plants were growing all around.
It seemed that the king didn't really care how the castle looked. The ancient angel paintings, gloomy colors and plants growing on the walls was probably something most people would consider ugly, but not Jimin.
He removed his shoes and stuck his foot in the water. It was chilly as expected since it was an indoor lagoon with minimal sun exposure.
He started getting in not caring about how soaked his clothes would be. It was deeper than expected since the water got to his chin. There was a slight anxiety within him since he didn't know how to swim, but that didn't stop him continuing to stay in the water.
His body started shaking violently, not used to the cold temperature. Without thinking about it twice he held his breath and sank his whole body.
The water was excruciatingly cold. To the point his body contracted in a painful way to attempt to give him warmth. He mentally told himself his body would eventually get used to the temperature.
All of the sudden, he heard a big splash. Opening his eyes in the water was a mistake, but he needed to know where all the commotion was coming from.
As soon as he did he saw a blurry face that looked awfully familiar to Yoongi. He opened his mouth to scream but instead swallowed and inhaled water.
In a matter of seconds he was snatched out of the water. His body was still cold and numb. His eyes were closed and he was trying to breathe but it felt like something was in his throat preventing him from taking that gasp of air.
When he felt Yoongi's lips around his own, he felt himself panic. Not because he didn't want to, but because this is not how he envisioned their first kiss.
Yoongi was then pushing on his stomach and that made Jimin spit out the water he had accidentally inhaled. He sat up with Yoongi's help who was harshly patting him on the back.
"I—I'm okay." He said holding his hand up, but his throat was raw from the excessive coughing. His nose burned from the water entering and leaving. To top it all off his body was so cold that the uncontrollably shaking got worse.
Before Jimin could protest, Yoongi grabbed him and threw him over his shoulder. "I—I am okay! I can walk on my—
"Hush brat."
Jimin's face was bright red and on fire as Yoongi walked through the hallway dripping wet with him over his shoulder.
He could feel the guards and employees stare at him as he walked by. His eyes were squeezed shut because the embarrassment was too much for him.
He would've probably rather drowned in a not so deep indoor lagoon than experience everyone staring. When he finally opened his eyes because Yoongi had stopped walking, he realized he was in their room now.
Yoongi carefully let him down in their bathroom. His clothes were drenched in water dripping all over the floor.
"I will get someone to fix you a warm bath. I don't want you to get sick."
"I can do it—" Jimin sighed once Yoongi was out the door. "Myself." He murmured, embarrassed and annoyed.
Jimin turned around when he heard the bedroom door open. Yoongi had a new change of clothes. Though he was left to rest the whole afternoon and was even brought dinner to bed, he felt everything but relaxed.
All he had thought of was the fact that Yoongi kissed him. Technically, it had been mouth to mouth resuscitation, but their mouths still touched.
"Your majesty—"
"Why're you still up? It's past midnight. You do know humans need sleep to survive right?" He sighed, taking a seat on the couch.
Jimin immediately dropped the respectful tone, he had to remind himself he didn't need to walk in eggshells around him.
"You kissed me."
Yoongi opened his eyes and looked at him confused, "What?"
"You kissed me." He repeated a bit flustered.
"I didn't kiss you, you dumb brat. I gave you mouth to mouth to bring you back to life. You nearly drowned. Why were you under the water either way? What's wrong with you?"
"I was okay. I wasn't trying to drown myself. I was perfectly okay." Jimin argued and got up from the bed.
"Sure you were."
"You startled me. That's why I opened my eyes and when I saw you I swallowed water by accident."
Yoongi crossed his arms across his chest, "Are you blaming me?"
"I mean if the shoe fits then—"
"What was I supposed to think? You were submerged under water fully clothed." He argued back, getting up to face him.
"I was not trying to drown myself. I assure you of that. It was an accident. I was bored!"
"Tch, whatever."
"How did you know I was there anyways?"
Yoongi didn't know how to respond. How could he say it without sounding creepy? But finally, he figured that he didn't really care what Jimin thought of him.
"I heard you. I have heightened senses."
"You were spying on me?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No. I was not spying on you little brat. I haven't even heard you say thank you for saving your life."
"Well, you did make me drown in the first place. It was only fair for you to save me."
"You've got a big mouth don't you?" He asked, leaning closer.
Jimin's stomach turned at the sound of his voice getting deeper. His eyes were now this piercing bright red and the expression on his face wasn't friendly.
At times, he forgot Yoongi was immortal and a million times stronger than him. Still, he did not back down. He stood his ground no matter how intimidated and scared he was.
"I do. So what?"
Yoongi looked at him for a brief second before turning away. "Shut up brat. Go to bed."
Jimin smiled childishly. Sure, the pet name 'brat' wasn't a sweet one, but at least he wasn't completely ignoring him now.
"Fine what—" Jimin's sentence was interrupted by the gush of blood that dripped from his nostrils.
He held his breath quickly pinching the bridge of his nose while tilting forward. Yoongi didn't have to see him to know what was happening.
He could smell it. Hear it drip.
The familiar knot in his throat started enlarging and the burning desire to taste him was uncontrollable. How could he be so damn weak for a human?
He heard Jimin walk to the bathroom to clean himself up. He was there for a few minutes. Finally, Yoongi turned around and looked at the floor where there were a few drops of his blood.
He bent over and put his finger in it. As he started fantasizing about trying his blood once more, he heard Jimin grab the door knob.
So he quickly got up and wiped his finger on his black suit. Jimin was still dabbing the remaining blood with a tissue.
"Sorry I—"
"You're doing this on purpose." He accused.
Jimin brought the tissue down from his nose and furrowed his eyebrows. "Doing what on purpose? Bleed? I can't control them."
"Sure you can't. How convenient that you always start bleeding when I'm around."
"I am not doing it on purpose! I can't control when they happen. I told you when I get a little nervous I either throw up or have nosebleed—"
"You're lying. Stop lying!" He argued, approaching him. He did it so quickly that it startled Jimin, making him fall back on the bed.
That's when he realized that Yoongi wasn't angry at him. He was angry at himself. The hunger was painted all over his face like a beautiful picture.
The impotence in his eyes was indescribable. He looked in pain, scared even, if that was even possible. Jimin wondered how a man as powerful as him could feel that way.
So, he slowly got up and kept eye contact. Yoongi didn't move away and when he felt him grab his hand he still didn't move.
Jimin pressed Yoongi's cold hand against his neck. His touch automatically made his heart race and Yoongi could feel it.
"You want my blood. There's no shame in that." Jimin quietly said.
Yoongi was a little confused at his calm tone. How was he not scared? He had fed on plenty of humans before, but even though they all did it willingly they had slight fear in their eyes.
Jimin didn't. He looked calm, collected and a bit thrilled. Was he truly a masochist? Did he truly enjoy the pain?
"I won't—"
"I will let you have it." He said, pulling away from his touch.
Not feeling Jimin's thick pulse left Yoongi with a wanting sensation he couldn't explain. He watched as he sat on the bed and simply stared at him.
The shirt he was wearing was easily twice the size he was. It was loose around his chest area exposing his pretty collarbones.
"It's like your body is getting ready for me." Yoongi said out loud. "Why else would you bleed every time I'm around?"
Yoongi's eyes scanned his body all the way down to his forearm. Jimin quickly shook his head no protesting what he was about to say.
"If you want my blood you have to claim me as yours. I want to be the only one you feed from."
Yoongi felt himself drawn toward Jimin. He wanted to say no because claiming him as his would mean they'd be tied forever. Sure, they technically already were but this was a different type of bond.
A bond that couldn't be broken and yet, he couldn't resist the temptation. He leaned closer towards Jimin until he was basically on top of him.
Jimin's heart started racing as his back pressed against the bed frame. He slowly pulled down his shirt and exposed his neck. He didn't know if Yoongi would accept his offer, but he still wanted to try.
Yoongi pressed his nose against his neck sending shivers down Jimin's spine. Just when he thought he couldn't get any more nervous, Yoongi opened his mouth and licked him.
Jimin thought his heart couldn't take it. It was racing too fast to keep count. Too loud that he couldn't quite hear Yoongi's words or maybe he was talking so fast that he couldn't comprehend.
He could tell that Yoongi was debating whether he should sink his teeth into him or not, but finally he lost his own battle.
Yoongi bit into the side of his neck fast and hard. Jimin was used to being bit, but never in the neck so this sensation was unfamiliar. His neck stung badly, taking his breath away.
But nothing compared to the feeling of knowing Yoongi had claimed him as his own.
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