"Do you not like it sir?" Nayeon asked, a little concerned.
Jimin looked at himself in the mirror, unable to recognize the reflection his eyes were seeing. The suit fitted him well and his hair had been perfectly combed.
He thought that they'd cut it since his messy mullet was not considered "in style", but they left it untouched.
As his eyes scanned the beautiful expensive suit with the various details his heart started racing. He was really getting married to the king on his best friend's birthday and there was no turning back.
"No, it's perfect. Thank you."
"Are you sure? I made another suit just in case." She worriedly said. The last thing she needed was for him to be unsatisfied with the suit because if he was that meant the king would be too.
"Yes, I'm absolutely sure. I just don't feel too good." He murmured unsure if he'd be able to contain his nausea any longer.
"I will let you be then. I hope you enjoy yourself and feel better."
Jimin smiled awkwardly as she excused herself. As soon as the door closed behind him, he felt the vomit going up his throat. He put his hand on his mouth sprinting towards the bathroom.
He barely made it to the toilet before the vomit came out. He had barely had food in the morning and the little that he did eat was now down the toilet. It burned to the point his eyes blurry or was that just tears?
After he was finished, he shut the toilet seat and flushed it down, closing his eyes. The smell and sight of it would only make it worse.
He wondered what Nayeon would think if she saw him on his knees with the perfect suit she designed. Just when he was about to get up and compose himself, the nausea returned along with vertigo.
Jimin wondered if Yoongi felt the same way.
"Your majesty?" Hoseok asked.
Yoongi had been staring at himself for the longest. He had an uneasy weird sensation in the pit of his stomach that he could not describe.
It had been a century since he had turned immortal so experiencing certain human sensations was strange to him.
"Are you okay?"
"Of course I am." He responded, finally looking away from his reflection. "The real question is are you okay?"
"Me? Yes, why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know, you're losing your favorite blood giver and you're one of our witnesses."
Hoseok smiled, "I beg to pardon your majesty, but the day I found out he's going to be your future husband he's off limits to me. And it's an honor to be your witness."
"Huh. Good, you're loyal." Yoongi responded.
"Of course I am. If I may ask, why him?"
"Why not? He's a delicious thing. Not only his smell, but his looks too."
Hoseok nodded, "Of course. Excuse my nosiness. I will go ahead and go downstairs." He bowed, excusing himself.
Yoongi glanced at the clock. It was close to three pm which was when the ceremony would take place. He had decided to have it done in the forest.
Not because he thought it'd be romantic to get married around trees and flowers, but because he needed fresh air. It was already tormenting enough to be in the same room with him.
Part of him knew this was a terrible idea. That his deep desire for Jimin's blood would end up bad, but he still couldn't bring himself to leave him alone.
He wanted him close, so, so close. He wanted to press his nose against his neck and inhale that sweet scent of his.
"Your majesty?" Taehyung asked, peeking through the door.
"I'm sorry for intruding, I knocked on the door and you did not reply."
Yoongi raised his eyebrows, "Oh." He responded a bit perplexed. Had he been so indulged in his fantasies that he did not hear him?
"Are you ready? It's time to go."
Yoongi nodded, grabbing the two small ring boxes on the counter. He walked next to Taehyung who was quiet like usual.
"It's okay to feel nervous, you know." Taehyung said once they had made it downstairs.
"Who says I am nervous?"
"I don't know. I figured you were. It's an important day and I honestly think that no matter how many years we've been vampires, nervousness is one feeling we will forever experience."
Yoongi then heard Jimin wipe his nose upstairs with a tissue. He was having a nose bleed again. This whole morning he had heard him throw up and constantly blow his nose. He quickly exited the castle before he engaged in his kinky blood fantasies again.
In the meantime, Jungkook had just arrived at Jimin's door. He was extremely surprised that he had this much liberty around the castle despite being a stranger.
He had managed to talk to Jimin on a regular basis although he was pretty busy with the garden. Living here for free was something he was not comfortable with.
Jimin was getting married to the king therefore he had no reason to work. So for Jungkook to be living here for free just because his best friend was one of the future kings was uncomfortable.
So far, he had not had to cut anyones hair. For that he was extremely thankful. Being around immortals made him so nervous, especially the long haired one.
"Jimin?" Jungkook called as he knocked on the door.
A panicked Jimin opened the door. He hugged Jungkook tightly, "Happy birthday. I am so sorry I did not get you—"
"Are you kidding me? My birthday is the least of my concerns right now. You're getting married." He said returning the hug.
"I know but we always celebrate—"
"Jimin," he said, holding his face. "It's okay. I am seriously not worried about that. I'm worried about you. Are you sure you want to get married to him? Did you not tell me the king has given you the option? It's not too late to turn back. This is a huge step that you're taking. Marriage is supposed to be about love. You don't even know the king enough to be his acquaintance."
"Kook, this marriage was never out of love. I am doing this because it's my way to immortality. If I can be immortal then I can make you immortal." He whispered quietly.
Jungkook gulped down nervously. "Don't you think you're too young to make that decision? Don't you want to live a little longer before you make yourself immortal?"
"Yoongi turned immortal at eighteen. How old do you think all these vampires and hybrids are? I don't think they're past twenty-five."
Jungkook wanted to argue, but Vernon showed up. "Sir, it's time." He announced. Jimin nodded and they started following him behind.
Vernon occasionally glanced at Jungkook who kept his eyes focused on the ground. He was the first and only vampire that he'd allow to get his blood.
Not because he had some sort of bonding relationship with Vernon, but because it hurt. The scar was barely fading and it simply terrified him too much.
So, instead of thinking about that unpleasant memory. He looked at Jimin who was as pale as a ghost.
There was some dried blood under his nostril so he reached over to wipe it. He could tell that Jimin was beyond nervous. He was sweating through his suit.
"Jimin." Jungkook whispered as the started walking toward the forest. There was a trail that was leading them to where the ceremony would take place.
"It's not too late to turn back."
Jungkook didn't care that Vernon or every other vampire could hear. He'd do whatever to ensure that his friend was absolutely sure about this decision.
But as Jimin looked at Yoongi standing in front of the marriage officiant, his fear was suddenly gone. It was replaced with envy and hunger for power.
Yoongi wore a velvet three piece suit, but it had no jewels or embroidery. The clash of his white skin against the suit was absolutely beautiful.
"I've never been more sure of this."
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