''...And This, is My Band of Misfits!''
Name: Jackson Barrett
*Nickname(s): Jack, Barrett, Jacky, Jack'a'boy
Age: 27
Gender: Male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: A lovable and charming rouge, womanizer, and overall quite the agreeable man. Jackson has always had a way with words, getting him into his fair amount of mischief in his younger years.
Sexuality: Straight
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: One large scar across the right side of his chest from a sword.
Left Forearm:
Height: 6'0
Weight: 190 lbs
Likes: Drinking, reading, staying out late partying, money, women, smoking.
Dislikes: Figures of authority, the cold.
Quick backstory: Jackson had a rough childhood, begin orphaned at a young age. He quickly turned to a life of mischief, as his homeland had no real way of managing orphans. One day he would steal from a man named Antonio, but when Jackson was caught, him and Antonio formed the most unlikely of bonds, and Antonio would begin to treat Jackson as a protégée of sorts. Eventually, the two would begin to make their living as hired thugs, but after a botched deal with a particularly nasty client, the two would become mercenaries of sorts, doing the dirty work for military officers and such. As the two began to gain more of a reputation, more men would come to fight alongside them, leading to Jackson becoming the defacto leader, and leading to him dubbing the others as his "Band of Misfits."
*Family: All deceased
Talents: Skilled with a gun, explosives, skilled in the art of sleight of hand, and has quite the silver tongue.
Flaws: A bit arrogant, rather lonely.
Fears: Being alone, Death.
*Occupation: Mercenary Leader.
*Other: Rumored to be a direct descendent of the once legendary King Arthur. Hails from Aldovia.
Name: Antonio Marino
*Nickname(s): Toni
Age: 45
Gender: Male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Antonio is rather quiet and reserved when by himself, but when he's with his friends, he can be just as loud and rambunctious as them.
Sexuality: Straight.
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: Several scattered all over his arms.
Height: 5'10
Weight: 205 lbs
Likes: Reading, quiet nights in the forest, smoking his cigars, traveling.
Dislikes: The cold, being a mercenary.
Quick backstory: Born and raised in the sunny coastal land of Barataria, Antonio spent his younger days learning the art of mechanics. With the ever-evolving industrial world, he believed he could land himself a lucrative job as a mechanist. Of course, he had also practiced some slight of hand, it is Barataria of course. In his early 30's, he met a young thief named Jackson, and Antonio decided he could show the boy a thing or two when it came to making so quick money. As the years passed, Him and Jackson would get into more and more trouble, even becoming mercenaries. Now, Antonio has begun to realize that this life isn't meant for him, and with him starting to grey, he believes that he should focus on retiring sometime sooner, rather than later.
*Family: Unknown.
*Medical conditions: Minor lung tissue damage from smoking.
Talents: Skilled with his revolver, picking locks and pockets, and knows his way around an engine.
Flaws: Not the brightest, can be ignorant.
Fears: Death
*Occupation: Mercenary.
*Other: Hails from Barataria
Name: Akira Haruki
Age: 25
Gender: Male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Akira is by far the most Anti-Social member of the group. He avoids talking to people as much as possible, and will take any opportunity to stay by himself.
Sexuality: Bisexual
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: several long scars on his back.
Height: 5'5
Weight: 130 lbs
Likes: Being left alone, writing in his journal, tea, the rain.
Dislikes: Being around other people, being in loud noisy places.
Quick backstory: Orphaned at a young age, Akira was forcibly conscripted into the Bultanese Army at the young age of 16. While in the Army, he was almost constantly abused by superior officers, and would receive constant beatings for even the simplest of mistakes. On his 20th Birthday, he deserted from his post and ran into the jungle. It took him 3 days to reach civilization, and he was lucky enough to happen upon a small port village. However, he also immediately ran into members of the army searching for him. With luck still on his side, Akira ran (quite literally) into Antonio and Jackson. The pair quickly reading the situation helped Akira avoid capture, and that night the 3 of the, fled Bultan by boat, and Akira has been with the group ever since.
*Family: Deceased.
*Medical conditions: PSTD
Talents: Being the smallest of the group, Akira has proven to be very versatile when it comes to missions in rather tight places.
Flaws: very skittish.
Fears: Being abandoned, death.
*Occupation: Mercenary
*Other: Hails from Bultan
Name: Alessandro Giovanni
*Nickname(s): Alley
Age: 22
Gender: Pansexual
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Alessandro is a pretty well rounded guy, he knows when its time to kick back and relax and when its time to get serious.
Sexuality: Straight
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars:
Height: 5'9
Weight: 170 lbs
Likes: Drinking, drawing, writing.
Dislikes: the cold.
Quick backstory: Alessandro grew up in a fishing village on the southern coast of Barataria. He lived a rather normal life, and when he was 18 he moved to Aldovia to learn medicine. After graduating he began looking for odd jobs, and ended up meeting Jackson in the market one day. After some talking, Jackson convinced Alessandro to join his "Band of Misfits".
*Family: Unnamed Mother and Father.
Talents: Highly skilled Doctor.
Flaws: Doctor. Not a medic, a Doctor. He doesn't work well under stress.
Fears: Dying, never seeing his parents again.
*Occupation: Mercenary.
*Other: Hails from Barataria
Name: Vladimir Kuznetsov
*Nickname(s): Vlad, Vladdy
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Quite possibly the loudest and drunkest man you will ever meet. Vladimir lives solely so he can get another drink. At a party his energy is the most contagious thing in the room. The only way you would ever have a bad time around Vladimir was if you were on the receiving end of his Machine gun.
Sexuality: Straight
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: so so many scars, 3 of them are even from bears!
Height: 6'5
Weight: 230 lbs
Likes: Partying, drinking, women, money.
Dislikes: His partying being interrupted.
Quick backstory: Vladimir has always been a giant of a man, he grew up hunting bears with his grandfather, and when the time came Vladimir joined the Ruskavian Marines. Following a war between the Ruskavians and the Bultanese, Vladimir received several awards and was promoted to Commissar. He served for a few more years before finally retiring. He would spend several years just partying and jumping from job to job. Eventually, he would end up in a bar in Symkaria, where he would meet Barret's Misfits and challenge them to a game of poker. After losing miserably and not having the money to pay them back, Vladimir decided to repay his debt by joining the Misfits, and has been with them since.
*Family: Viktor Ivanov (Grandfather, 79)
*Medical conditions: Chronic Alcoholism.
Talents: Can somehow buy out an entire bar's selection of hard liquor and not black out.
Flaws: very, very loud, also very dense, and no sense of self preservation either.
Fears: His friends being hurt.
*Occupation: Mercenary
*Other: Hails from Ruskavia
Name: Mohammod Khalid
Age: 29
Gender: Male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Mohammod is a story teller, so he very much enjoys being in the spotlight per say. However he knows when to restrain himself as well.
Sexuality: Bisexual
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: long saber scar across his back. Several small shrapnel scars.
Height: 6'2
Weight: 195 lbs
Likes: The warm and dry climate of Yewaire, telling his stories, writing, drinking.
Dislikes: Pretty much every climate that isn't hot and dry.
Quick backstory: Mohammod Grew up on the streets in a mining town deep in the deserts of Yewaire. When he was 15, he joined the mining company and was trained how to use explosives. It was then when Mohammod found his love for blowing things up. the years would pass, and in desperate need of money, Mohammod decided to use his pyrotechnic skills to blow into a bank and steal about 60 lbs worth of pure gold. He would continue on in the criminal underground for years making a name for himself. Eventually, the Misfits would find out about him, and would hire Mohammod, using his skills to blow up a massive rail depot in another country on the continent of Arabia.
*Family: Unknown
Talents: Master thief and Explosives expert.
Flaws: Can be quite greedy.
Fears: Dying.
*Occupation: Mercenary
*Other: Hails from Yewaire
Name: Stefan Koskinen
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Stephan is a bit more reserved than the others, but not Antisocial like Akira is. Stephan would much rather spend a night out camping in the woods by himself than partying in town with the rest of the group.
Sexuality: Pansexual
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: Scattered.
Height: 6'0
Weight: 210 lbs
Likes: Camping, the wilderness, the winter.
Dislikes: Being in the big cities, the summer.
Quick backstory: Stephan grew up by himself in the northern wilderness of Symkaria, and taught himself how to survive in even the most brutal of winter conditions. Stephan would meet the misfits in the dead of winter, when they had all gotten lost in the woods. He helped them survive for a few weeks, and after deciding he had nothing better to do, decided to join the group.
Talents: Expert survivalist and hunter.
Flaws: Takes everything a bit too seriously sometimes.
Fears: Getting lost in the woods he knows so well.
*Occupation: Mercenary.
*Other: Hails from Symkaria
Name: Karl Schafer
Age: 20
Gender: male
Looks (pictures are allowed, but no anime Please):
*Species: Human
Personality: Karl is very outgoing, always checking up on the other misfits to make sure they are doing okay.
Sexuality: Gay
*Tattoos, Piercing, Scars: Gunshot wound in left shoulder.
Height: 5'8
Weight: 160lbs
Likes: Writing, making sure others are okay, flowers, the spring time.
Dislikes: Callahan, the winter.
Quick backstory: Karl had grown up a quiet life, attending school and such. However he always spent every moment in more recent years looking over his shoulder. Karl was gay, and Homosexuality was a crime punishable by death inside the borders of the empire. Another law was mandatory military conscription. So when Karl turned 18, he was forced to enlist in the Callahanian Army. In the army he would meet a young man named Edward, and the tow would grow attached to each other. Tragically, Karl and Edward were found out by their Officers, and would be marched out into the woods to be executed. Karl was first to be executed, but Edward would sacrifice himself, stepping in front of Edward right as the firing squad fired. Edward was killed instantly, and one bullet would hit Karl in the shoulder. Karl tried to fake being dead, but the Officers always made sure to double check. As faith would have it do, Vladimir just so happened to be wandering those same woods with his machine gun, and once he stumbled upon the scene, he would prevent Karl's execution, by unleashing hell upon the other Callahanina soldiers. From there, Vladimir would rescue Karl and take him back to the Misfits to get him patched up. Karl and the Misfits would go back and retrieve Edward, burying him on the bank of a river. Karl would then join the misfits, wanting to seek his vengeance against the whole empire.
*Family: Unknown.
*Medical conditions: PTSD
Talents: Karl trained with the Callahanian Jäger, making him an expert marksman with a sniper rifle.
Flaws: lets his anger get the best of him.
Fears: Falling in love again and having them be hurt like Edward.
*Occupation: Mercenary.
*Other: Hails from the Callahanian Empire.
I made these dudes for a specific RP, but please feel free to Rp with any or all of them if you would like.
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