A Demon Calls
Buffy Summers inhaled sharply and tensed for attack, blinking in pain at the bright sunlight while her eyes adjusted from having just been in the dark.
Before she finished the step she'd started back in Sunnydale cemetery, she had reached over her shoulder and grabbed the scythe strapped to her back. She hefted the familiar weight and patted her leg holsters to check if the rows of stakes had also travelled through with her.
She may have no clue where she was, but at least she was well armed.
Her Slayer senses stretched out the moment allowing her to survey the unfamiliar surrounds.
A soft wind carried the scents of honeysuckle and earthy loam from the thick forest lining both sides of the country road she was standing in the middle of. The delicate perfumes were in direct contrast to the sharp, acrid scent of hot tar pitch that radiated up from the scorching tarmac beneath her feet.
Sweat broke out on her brow from the sun pounding down on her. She was dressed for a cold November night in Sunnydale, not the mid-summer heat of... wherever the hell this was.
Well, it certainly wasn't Hell.
She gave a little snort and spun towards the sound of something rustling in the underbrush - probably an animal spooked by her laugh - and froze.
Two women stood ten feet away down the road.
The dark brows of the one with dreads lowered. She asked menacingly, "Who the hell are you, and where in the hell did you come from?"
If the sword strapped to her back didn't give away any hints the woman was a warrior, the lithe grace with which she retrieved it did. She brought the long katana forward, gripping the hilt readily with both hands, and pointed it at Buffy, the tip slightly lowered.
"Where am I?" Buffy countered, raising her chin and eyeing the older, gray-haired woman who was sliding a wicked looking knife from the sheath at her belt.
The women exchanged a glance then went back to glaring at her.
"Where the hell am I?" Buffy insisted, louder this time.
She drew a bead on a low moan that came from the woods to the left.
"What the hell are they?" she gasped as five people, obviously dead from the look of the grayish decaying flesh that hung slack from their faces, stumbled out of the border of the trees.
"Walkers," said the gray-haired woman.
Buffy looked over at the women. The dead weren't moving quickly enough to be a worry. "What do you mean 'walkers'?"
"Just where exactly are you from?" the warrior asked. Her stance had shifted to be ready to defend against Buffy and attack the dead that were shuffling ever closer.
"Sunnydale," she replied, then added, "California," when slight frowns told her these women hadn't heard of her hometown. She looked back to the advancing group.
Buffy almost felt sorry for one that stumbled and fell when its foot got caught on a stray piece of wood. Within moments, though, it had struggled to its feet and followed its morbid companions.
"I answered one of your questions, now you answer mine," Buffy said.
"Zombies," replied the warrior at the same time as the grey-haired woman said, "Virginia."
"Zombies, huh?" She'd always thought they'd be scarier. Buffy relaxed and stood up. She threw a stake that pierced the lead zombie's heart, but it just twitched and took another step.
"The head!" snarled the warrior.
"Oh, of course." Buffy rapid-fired five stakes that found their mark dead-centre of each zombie forehead. Like a choreographed dance, they began to sag towards the earth as one.
"How did you do that?" The grey-haired lady asked, her tone heavy with disbelief. She took a halting step towards the falling mob, then another as the zombies all came to rest.
Buffy shrugged and rested the scythe's shaft over her shoulder. "These are child's play compared to what I normally have to fight."
The grey-haired woman walked all the way over to the bodies and squatted, inspecting them. "What do you normally have to fight? Are those...wooden stakes?"
"Yeah," Buffy answered and swept the trees with her eyes and ears for more zombies. "A bunch of zombies who go the same speed as my grandmother aren't much of a worry. Not that I'm complaining. I'm happy for the easy kill."
A pinch of fear reminded her what Giles had said. He'd warned of a large powerful demon that was going to attempt to transition tonight. That's why she had the taken the scythe. But he hadn't said to expect inter-dimensional travel.
"So, Virginia, huh?" Buffy undid her black leather jacket and flapped the sides to fan her sweating torso, grateful she'd put her hair back in a ponytail for tonight's - today's? - outing, so at least her heavy hair wasn't laying on her neck heating her up even more. The sun was just slamming down. "I've never been out East before."
The grey-haired woman stood and gazed at Buffy with awe. "How did you throw the stakes like that? I mean, a wooden stake going through a skull...and at that distance. It's amazing."
True to her calling, normally Buffy would have kept quiet about her double life. But these were obviously not ordinary circumstances nor ordinary women. Perhaps they were the key to defeating the demon.
"I'm the Slayer."
"The what?" asked the warrior, tilting her head ever so slightly. She still hadn't relaxed her sword.
"The Slayer. It's my job to kill the vampires and demons that come through the Hellmouth."
"The Hell-what, you say?" The warrior narrowed her eyes and flexed her hands on her sword. "You show up here, literally out of nowhere, just 'poof!', talkin' about killin' vampires?"
"Lady, you've got zombies," Buffy said in a blasé tone and quirked up one eyebrow towards the small mound of the dead she'd despatched.
"Michonne." The grey-haired woman locked eyes with her companion in silent conversation.
After several furious seconds, with a slight grudging nod, the warrior Michonne relaxed her sword and stood at ease.
"Michonne. I like that. It's similar to one of my favourite names."
"Let me guess, Michelle?" The warrior gave a small grunt. "So, what is your name?"
Michonne's eyebrows winged up. "Buffy?" she said incredulously. "People actually name their kids 'Buffy'?"
The sting of being reminded of her mother - and by default her mother's passing - soured Buffy's mood. She snapped out, "Yes. They do. Do you have a problem with that?"
The warrior shook her head, setting her dreads swinging. "No, no, I don't. Just not a name I'd choose for my daughter."
"Well, good thing I'm not your daughter, then."
The grey-haired woman stepped forward. She slid her knife into its sheath. "I'm Carol. We're with a group that's not too far from here. You're welcome to come and have a bite to eat. Meet everybody. They won't believe when I tell them what you can do with those stakes!"
Buffy looked around at the silent woods. "I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to be doing. I was expecting a-"
With a cherry-bomb crack and the slightest tearing sound, two men appeared further down the road, standing roughly back to back.
"Holy crap! What happened?" said the tall one with wavy chestnut hair. He spun on his heel. When he spied the group of women his hand strayed to the holstered gun at his belt.
The shorter, stockier one with black hair followed the other man's movement but didn't wait to draw the two guns at his sides and point them at the unknown women. "Who are you?"
Buffy lifted her chin again. "I'm Buffy Summers."
"Michonne," said the warrior, readying her sword again and frowning at the guns it would be no defence against.
"Carol," said the grey-haired woman and held her hands up to show she was unarmed. "You're in Virginia. You just appeared. Like Buffy did a few minutes ago."
The tall one gripped the butt of his gun but didn't release the catch holding it in place. "Virginia? How the hell did we get to Virginia? We were just in Louisiana."
Buffy turned to face them fully. "Let me guess, you fight monsters?"
Surprise and shock crossed the men's faces.
Buffy pointed at herself first then Michonne and Carol. "Vampires and demons. Zombies. What's your game?"
The shorter man glanced at the taller. "Just about everything else, I guess. Vampires, too, though. We were just on our way to track the Honey Island Swamp Monster."
As if finishing the other man's thoughts, the taller one continued, "And now we're here. In the middle of nowhere."
Michonne lowered one brow. "Are you two brothers?"
"Yeah," they said in unison and smirked at each other.
"Sam." "Dean."
Sam put his guns away and broke into a wide friendly grin. "So, zombies, huh?"
"That's one dad didn't log in his journal," Dean said.
On cue, low moans came from the trees on the right before four zombies pushed their way through the vegetation. The smaller trees and bushes behind them were shaking enough to indicate more of the dead following.
"On the left, too!" Michonne called.
The brothers drew their pistols and downed the oncoming dead.
"I'm out!" Dean called and dug in his pockets for more bullets. "That can't be right. I only have one more!" He held up the single bullet he'd retrieved.
Sam dug in his pockets. "Same. What are we supposed to use now? Swear words?" Sam grumbled as he loaded his last bullet into the gun, one eye on the walkers.
The advancing horde had swelled to a dozen on the right and ten on the left. Buffy mowed them down with the remaining stakes in her belts.
She held up her scythe. "I'm out of stakes. This is all I have left."
More zombies were pushing from the forest.
Carol walked quickly towards Buffy, an arm out to encourage her along. "More will come. Gun fire draws them. We have to go. Now!"
"He that fights and runs away, May turn and fight another day; But he that is in battle slain, Will never rise to fight again," quoted Michonne as she began to back away down the road.
Dean looked at her with appreciation. "Tacitus?"
Michonne halted for a moment. "You've read him?"
Following her lead, the others started after her. "I'm a scholar. Of sorts. And I'm always happy to meet a... Woman of Letters? Especially one so pretty."
"Are you seriously flirting with me right now?" Michonne's cheeks twitched as she fought a burgeoning smile.
"What better time than the present?" Dean replied, closing the distance between them with his long-legged stride to walk backwards beside her.
"Hey, less talking, more running," Buffy cut in. "Where's this group you mentioned?" she asked Carol as they all started rapidly backpedalling away. "Can they help us?"
"As long as we don't get cut off by another horde, we can make it."
A sheen of cold sweat broke out on Buffy's forehead. Even with her superior skills, Buffy knew she could not save these people from such a mass.
The horde had gained the road and were swarming forward towards the scent of fresh meat. Branches were pushed aside in the forest almost beside them as more dead came stumbling out.
"Where are they all coming from?" Carol gasped.
"It's like every Walker in the area is honing in on us right now," Michonne added. "We need to run!"
Their feet pounded the pavement as they put distance between themselves and the relentless hunger of the horde.
"Ahhh!" cried Sam and threw his hands up to shield his eyes from the blinding flash of light that appeared in front of him.
A penetrating but guttural voice filled the space along with the scent of sulphur. "Yeeeessss...I thought I smelled the mark of the Master."
"What?" Buffy exclaimed and turned to Sam with stake raised. "You're possessed and didn't think it was important enough to mention?"
Sam threw up his hands. "I swear I'm not! I was, but I'm not now."
Dean stepped up, hand out placating to Buffy. "He isn't. It was exorcised. Trust me. It was."
Buffy narrowed her eyes at them, then turned her glare to the nine-foot tall, charcoal grey demon they were finally able to see as the light faded from around it. Two large black horns that started just behind its temples curved back over the top of its head.
Its large black eyes, similar to a horse's, looked around at them all. Where a horse's eyes could convey such warmth and joy, these orbs were cold and ruthless. The only joy expressed from causing pain.
Her skin prickled at the rising frenzy of the dead's moans and growls. She had to think fast. There were precious minutes before the zombie horde would be on them too.
She raised the scythe quickly enough for it to swish the air and jabbed it at the demon's creviced face. "Why did you bring us all here?"
During the moment of distraction, she reached up under the back of her jacket and snagged the packet of salt from her belt and slid one french-manicured nail under the seal to open it. She had to admit, it was moments like this she was glad she was a girly-girl.
She jabbed again with her weapon to keep the demon's focus up as she began to circle the creature. She dropped the other hand to leave a trail of salt as she walked.
"Why couldn't you come to face me in Sunnydale? Why did you have to bring us all here? Interdimensional portals are no small feat. You must be drained. In fact, you're looking a little on the peaky side."
The demon growled at her.
She breathed a sigh of relief when Michonne and Carol stepped back as she approached to allow her to pass and stayed where they were, eyes glued to the demon but safely out of the salt circle.
"Are you trying to impress your Master or something? Or did you mess up big time and this like some kind of show that you can be trustworthy?"
The demon threw back its head and emitted a gravelly sound that must have been its laugh. It pointed one long black claw at Buffy. "You may be the Slayer, but you are still a mere mortal! I am a Prince of Hell!"
When Dean stepped back to let her pass, Buffy caught his eye and glanced at the ground. He tightened his jaw when he saw the salt and moved his boots back a couple more inches.
"So, you're some big powerful demon, then, huh? I bet you can't even take out those zombies over there."
If it couldn't, or didn't, Buffy had no clue what to do. They had less than a minute before they would have to fight both the undead and the demon if she couldn't get the circle finished.
The demon bared its teeth at her and swiped an arc through the air with its hand. When the action was complete, the horde had disappeared.
"The Hounds of Hell will enjoy feasting on them," the demon said.
Not only Buffy breathed a sigh of relief at the eerie silence that prevailed.
Just getting past Sam and the circle would be complete.
"Idiot!" Buffy whispered when he stepped forward to allow her room to pass behind.
He glanced at her in confusion but she couldn't stop. She had to leave him exposed in the ring before the demon caught on.
Only three feet...two...one!
With the circle complete, Buffy stowed the packet and swung the scythe in a circle fast enough to make it swish. She nodded at Dean who was trembling with the need to pull his brother to safety.
"Sam!" called Dean. When his brother looked over, Dean looked pointedly at the ground and jerked his head backwards.
If Sam wasn't careful he might disturb the salt and let the demon escape. She was only a few feet away, but would it be enough to get seal the gap? She reached into the pouch and fingered the packet. Would she have enough salt left?
The demon looked to Dean then back at Sam, a frown forming between it's eyes. Buffy was sure if it had eyelids it would have narrowed them trying to figure out what was up.
Buffy continued to pester the demon to bring its attention back to her. "Oh, I see. So you really screwed up and need a big move, like taking out the Slayer, to get back with the inside crew. So what did you do? Hit on your Master's girlfriend?"
It wasn't working.
"Sam!" Dean called again, more urgency in his tone.
The demon suddenly lunged for the tall man.
With inhuman speed, Sam arched back away from the grasping arms. He executed a back handspring that took him clear over the salt line. As his left foot swung up, it kicked the demon's hand.
Sam was clear!
The demon opened its jaws wide to let out a guttural roar of anger and giving them a clear view of its rows of pointed teeth.
It lunged forward and bounced back off the invisible barrier made by the salt circle.
"What is this?" it shouted and slammed a fist against the barrier again.
Buffy nodded down towards the salt circle.
"A trap. Got you," Buffy smiled serenely and crossed her arms over her chest.
Birds flew screeching from the trees at the scream the demon emitted.
The demon snarled, "Do not mock me, Slayer!"
It threw an arm out towards Buffy and red light crackled through the air - gathering harmlessly at a spot mid-air before her.
"What do we do now?" Michonne asked. She looked calm, but her voice shook slightly.
Buffy pursed her lips and looked at the other four people.
"I don't know why you were chosen to help me with this Vanquishing. Maybe you're cornerstones of your group or leaders or something. I'm not sure. But I do know we all have one weapon left. Correct?"
Everyone nodded agreement.
"Right. We have to strike as one."
"You mean, like at the same time?" Carol confirmed.
Buffy nodded. "How are you with throwing that knife?"
Carol took it out of its sheath. "Good at close range."
"Your sword -"
Michonne took it from its scabbard. "It's not long enough to reach from here. Not without crossing the circle. I'll have to try throwing it."
Buffy's lips thinned out. "That'll have to do." She turned to the brothers. "You both have one shot left? And you're a good shot?"
Both men nodded grimly.
"Alright, spread out so we make the points of a pentagram," Buffy instructed.
"No! I demand you do my bidding!" the demon snarled and hurled itself forward at each of them only to rebound back with frustrated growls.
Once everyone was in position, Buffy said, "We do it on three."
Her heart was pounding. She was following her Slayer instincts that if they could pierce the demon together it would be sent back to Hell. If one of them hesitated for just a second and they didn't strike together...
"We can do this!" Buffy encouraged herself as much as her ashen faced companions.
She met the eyes of each person. "Get ready. We strike on three."
Carol held her knife up at her shoulder by the blade, ready to flick it. Michonne held the handle of her longer sword at shoulder height to thrust it forward and release. Dean and Sam raised their guns and took aim. Buffy raised her scythe.
Sweat shone on everyone's face.
She began, "One... two... three!"
Their respective weapons flew forward.
The demon's pained howl of "Noooooo!" made them all clap their hands to their ears.
The same blinding light flashed. Buffy winced just before she was thrown backwards when a thunderclap sounded. The salt circle filled with smoke.
When the air cleared, the demon was gone.
Buffy looked around at the others who were also getting up from where they'd been thrown.
She clambered to her feet and offered Michonne a hand up.
The warrior clasped her forearm and smiled brightly. "It's been great to meet you, but next time please don't bring a demon."
Buffy laughed.
She blinked and shivered when cold night air invaded her open jacket. The scythe was in her hand, glinting with moonlight. Patting her legs she found the belts full of stakes once more.
"Buffy!" Willow called, worry heavy in her voice. Her red hair flew out behind her as she raced across the cemetery. "Where have you been? Giles told me there was major demon action tonight, but I couldn't find you!"
Buffy caught her best friend when she launched herself for a hug. "You'll never believe it! There were zombies!"
Willow pulled back, doing a quick once over of Buffy before exclaiming, "Far out! So, I guess I missed the action, then? Let's hit The Bronze and you can tell me all about it."
Buffy threw the scythe in the air and caught the handle easily. "Let's."
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