Chapter 5
One month later
I took off my mask picked up my duffle bag full of clothes, food and a water bottle. I had just finished my fencing lesson and was very tired from practice. I walked into the girls locker room to change my clothes and splash some water on my face.
Once I had changed into my ripped jeans and loose light pink t-shirt I grabbed all my stuff and went outside to see Grey sitting in his truck.
"Hey" I said opening the truck door.
"Hey, how was practice?" He asked with a soft warming smile.
"It was-" I paused to think. "It was ok I guess" I said not sure of my answer.
"What happen, are you ok?" He asked his warmth changing to a sweet concern.
"Nothing bad, my coach would like me to go back to ballet though. She says it helps with my foot work which I can see why but I really dont want to go back there." I said while squinting in the bright light of the sun.
Before I did fencing I was a pointe ballerina at a small dance studio. I loved my teacher, Miss. Sarah, she was the nicest person I have ever met and the only other person besides Grey, Nixon and my family that I felt comfortable with seeing my scars. But for some reason there where three girls who hated me. I was always alone Because of them, they always called me "teachers pet" and they even went far enough to snap my pointe shoes. I loved to dance but I'm so afraid to see those girls again.
"Oh" he said with a cute thinking face on.
"You should do it."
"What?! They hate me over there!" I said shocked
"Because you where the best dancer there. They where jealous of you." He said looking over at me.
"Or they saw me as a target because of... Well you know." I said looking down at the bag in my lap.
"Hey, they didnt pick on you Because of you appearance. Trust me. They where jealous of you as a dancer and wanted to bring you down. Go back to the studio. You'll do amazing there." He said putting a hand on my shoulder.
I looked down at my hands and smiled
"Besides, I miss seeing you dance" he said with a goofy face and I burst out laughing.
I was already decided. When I get home I'm going to go out the box.
It took about five minutes to get home. Grey and I said our goodbyes and went our separate ways.
Once in my bed room, I put my bag away and went into the bathroom to grab a small stood I had. Once back in my room I walked over to my closet, set the small one foot tall stool down and attempted to reach the small dust covered rectangular box on the top shelf.
Dang.... How am I still to short to reach the top shelf? Ugh...
I thought as I got an idea.
I'm the only one home... That means...
A slight smile spread across my face. A feeling if release devoured my body as my wings peeled off my shoulders, neck, chest, legs, and arms. Then a ripping sound pierced the moment.
I turn my head attempting to look at my back.
Great... How am I going to explain this one?
I think sarcastically as I see the two holes in the back of my t-shirt where my wings had emerged.
Tossing that thought aside I put my attention back to the box. I slightly flutter my wings feeling the floor leave the bottom of my feet. I try to conceal how much my slightly blue wing flap so I dont hit a wall or door and injure them.
I reach up and grab the box.
"Finally" I say out loud
I set the box on my bed and conceal my secret once more buy putting the scars back on.
The box was about a foot long and half a foot wide. Half of it a sandy yellow and the other half a light maroon red. I open it up to see a pair of very worn pointe shoes. They where a light shade of pink and had a shine to them. The tops where very worn from dancing in them but still usable for a little longer.
I put the pair of shoes on my feet. All thr memories good and bad flowing into my mind. I decide against trying to leap or turn in the old shoes because I havent done it in so long and put them back in the box.
I put the lid on and set it under my white bed. Once they are out of sight I find my phone and type in a very old number.
ey. Still got some open spots in Ballet?
Yes. Should I be expecting to see you Monday morning 11:45 - 12:55 class?
Alright. Ill be waiting. 😊
Once I read the last message I grab my laptop turn on Netflix and watch till dark.
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