I couldn't take it. I couldn't let Sky find out. After I managed to tell him no, he just stormed off. I ran.
I was going to hide out, maybe make a little hut, but I somehow ended up in a desert. I was tired. I laid on the cool sand and closed my eyes, not caring if anything attacked me.
I woke up in a house. It wasn't where I lived, but it did look familiar. I looked around and slowly stood up.
"Oh, you're up." I hard a voice, making me turn and grin. Seto was standing right there.
"Hey! I haven't seen you in a while." I said, the last time I had really seen him was when team crafted kicked him out.
"Yeah, but thanks for keeping in touch, the others didn't do that very well." He said and I nodded.
"Yeah, sorry about that, man." He shrugged.
"Care to tell me why you were sleeping in the desert?" I blushed and looked down. Seto was the only one who had seen it.
"Sky kissed me..."
"Isn't that good? You've had a crush on him forever." I sighed, sitting on the couch I had been sleeping on.
"I don't want him to see... I don't want him to think I'm gross or something..." I muttered, and Seto sighed.
"Adams not like that." He said and I looked up. "It just makes you more unique." I winced.
"I've been having nightmares..." I said softly, and he frowned. He wanted me to explain, so I told him.
I told him about the most common one, an almost sex dream. The same one I had the other night.
I told him about the one in the cave last. I still didn't tell him about the worse ones.
"Ty, are you sure you don't remember anything before Sky found you?" I shook my head. "You don't remember how you got it?" I frowned, thinking.
"I remember... a fight." I frowned. "Me and... I don't remember his name. We were together, but he..." I groaned, getting a headache from trying to remember this. "H-he threw me out after he did it."
Seto was staring at me, then he spoke softly. "Do you think that you're putting Sky in that guys place? You like Sky, but your subconscious it's afraid of another bad guy." He said, and I frowned.
I moved and hugged Seto, then pulled back.
"Thanks, man, but I don't know. I should go back to Sky's house, though. I need to apologise." Seto smiled.
"Here, take some food with you." He said, handing me a few steaks and smiling. "Do you know how to get back?"
"I think so." I just said and he nodded.
"Alright Ty, be careful." He said, and I smiled, opening the door and leaving.
About an hour later, I realised I was lost. I was in some sort of jungle, and kept getting attacked by those stupid mobs.
I looked around, and noticed I was where I had met Sky. I smiled and say down in the now overgrown spot, hoping to get my bearings.
"Ty!?" I heard, and jerked my head up. Someone was approaching. I scrambled to my feet just as Sky burst through the clearing.
We started at eachother fur a moment, then I jumped at him, wrapping my arms around him.
"A-Adam I'm so sorry!" I cried, and he held me close.
"God, Ty. Why did you run away? I was so worried." He looked really tired, and like he'd been crying.
"I-I'm sorry... I was afraid... I got lost in a desert, but Seto found me and took care of me." Sky nodded.
"Thank god. Remind me to thank him later. Right now we need to get you home." I smiled.
Adam grabbed my hand and walked toward our house, now I was starting to notice the path.
When we were home, I sighed.
"Sky, I need to show you something." I said, and he looked over. I stepped back, and reached down, pulling my shirt off.
He looked at my chest for a moment, then smiled, pulling me close. He kissed me softly. I smiled. He didn't care about the large x-shaped scar on my chest.
"Ty, were you afraid that this would change things?" I nodded and blushed, looking down.
"Yeah..." He pulled me close, waking to the couch. We sat, and he moved, pulling me on his lap.
"Ty,I think you're beautiful no matter what. I want to be with you, forever." I smiled and leaned up, kissing him softly.
"Ooh, Ty I forgot to tell you. Mitch said that Jason wanted to get everyone together and play Sky games."
I smiled. "Sounds like fun. Maybe Seto can join in? He misses playing games with us..." I asked, and Adam smiled, kissing my forehead and sending a shiver down my body.
"Of course." He said. I felt his fingers tracing along the scars and tensed.
"S-Sky..." I whimpered, and he spoke softly.
"Don't worry, Ty." He whispered, kissing me. I felt myself relax in his arms. "Let me take you..." I heard him whisper, and nodded slowly.
"D-Do it..."
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