Hamilton ladies
Carli - Carleigh
Ari - Ariana
Em - Emmy
Bet - Besty
Morg - Morgan
Aly - Alysha
Sas - Sasha
Klem - Stephanie
Scar - Scarlet
[Carleigh created a chat]
[Carleigh named the chat Hamilton Ladies]
Carli: guuuuyyysss I knoooowww sooommmthinnng
Ari: whaaaaat
Morg: spill tea
Sas: TEA
Klem: tell
Em: teeeellll uuuusssss
Aly: what I miss
Bet: why are we Exaggerating
Carli: Bc I have been thinking
Em: about
Ari: is it about Rua and Scarlet
Morg: plz don't say they are......
Carli: ew no. I think Rua wants to Date Scarlet
Klem: well we could set them up.
Em: no they have to do it naturally
Aly: Someone fill me in
Ari: you know scarlet
Aly: yea
Sas: well basically her and Rua came into the theater together and then went to HIS dressing room and KISSED
Ari: sums it up
Aly: oh shit.....
Bet: yea
Sas: hold on lemme add Scarlet to this
[Sas has added Scarlet to the Chat.]
Scar: why are you texting me @ 11 pm when we have a two show tomorrow!
Sas: cuz we can
Klem: were you already awake?
Em: or did we wake you.
Scar: well I was somewhat awake
Bet: oh god
Morg: is..... are..... did.....
Scar: 1. He walked me to my apartment. 2. It started snowing again so..... 3. NO
Aly: 😶
Carli: wait is he there
Scar: no he went home.
Em: wait
Em: Carleigh is your roommate
Ari: so ......
Carleigh is he there???!!!!
Carli: no
Scar: I made him leave before.......
Sas: before?.....
Klem: don't answer that
Scar: well gn I have to do a two show tomorrow so I need to sleep
Ari: u could always sleep on rua's couch
Aly: sometimes I'm glad I'm not there
Scar: hope you feel better soon!
Aly: thx
[ Scarlet has gone offline. ]
Bet: I have a feeling Jon is there
Sas: Carleigh
Carli: what
Sas: is he there
Carli: on the couch
Em: I KNEW IT!!!
Morg: are we just going to pretend that they may or may not be together right now
Carli: they are not
Klem: so Em, hows your relationship with Daveed??
Em: I can't really say
[Emmy has gone offline.]
Ari: yea their relationship is Going.....
[Carleigh,Morgan,Besty, and 4 others have gone offline.]
Ari: well damn guys.
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