My present.
I walked down the school hallways with my hood over my head, casting my facial features into the shadows, my hands in my pockets so I wouldn't fidget.
I didn't like people.
Their only purpose in life seemed to be that of causing pain.
I didn't even like myself for that matter.
Black crispy hair, dark skin, skinny to the point I looked like a skeleton making my eyes, nose, mouth and ears seem enormous.
Oh yeah, did I mention I'm very hairy?
I shave and the next day there's a forest.
Not even wax or tweezers seem to work.
Sometimes I wonder why it's okay for a guy to be hairy but girls no.
That literally makes no sense whatsoever!
I shook these thoughts away as I finally reached my locker.
2. 4. 9. 5-*click*
My locker clicked open as I finished entering my combination.
I grabbed my notebook and a pencil along with an eraser before dumping my bag inside of my locker and shutting it closed.
I jumped as it made a small slamming noise.
This resulted in me cursing at myself.
I hate always being scared of everything.
"Did you see that?"
"She's such a loser"
"What's wrong with her?"
"******* emo"
The usual murmers followed me as I slowly regulated my breath and began walking outside for some fresh air before class just as the bell rang.
I couldn't stand going to class after hearing those people talk trash about me again.
You would think I'd be used to it by now but I'm not.
It still hurts, it stings and it still causes tears to prickle my eyes before flowing down my face as I stand in the cold windy air.
Perhaps I was waiting for something...
Or someone, to come and end me so I could rest in peace.
But I already knew that I wasn't that lucky.
"I don't want to be alive anymore" I cried as I fell down to my knees in the cold and muddy grass.
"I don't want to be alive" I repeated over and over again as I cried and the sky decided to join me. Bathing me in it's teers.
Little did I know, someone was watching me.
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