Chapter 7-The camp/Day 2
!Before you read. This chapter is really shitty in my opinion. The next chapter is half done already and it will be way better then this shit. Okay that's it lol!
I got up early the next morning. I tried to sit up, but his arms were around me. When I looked down, I saw my sleeping partner. I crept out of bed and out from his emberance. I grabbed my phone and exited the cabin as quietly as I could. I took a seat on the cabin's floor balcony. I went through all of my messages from coworkers and my boss before scrolling through my social media for a bit. I heard the cabin door open a few moments later. I saw a tired-looking Scara there. He took a seat behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. "How did you sleep?" I asked. "I slept very good. Sleeping with you is really relaxing. But why are you up so early?" he questioned. "Well, I'm used to getting up early. And it was nice sleeping with you, too" I said. He simply hummed and rested his head on my shoulder. "We have a total of six hours before we all go to the fucking zo." What should we do in the meantime?" he asked. "Well. We may ask one of the teachers to let us go on a walk around town. It's only seven o'clock in the morning" I told him. "Do you think they're up?" he replied. "Well. Mr. Diluc appears to be a morning person who gets up early and barely sleeps. So yeah I think so" i told him. "Okay. I'll go ask them now. You can chang till then" he told me this as he stood up and began walking to the teachers' cabins. I stood up and went back into the cabin to change. I quickly changed into my day's attire and waited for Scara to return. I didn't have to wait long for him to return, but he wasn't alone. He returned with Chongyun and Xingqiu. "So Mr. Diluc said we could go to town, and if we wanted to remain longer, we could go to the zoo's gates and wait for the others there. This couple only wanted to join them till they find a coffee shop" he explained. "Okay! I'll wait outside with them so you can change as well" I said as I joined the two boys outdoors. "Nice day, you two! How are you liking the camp so far?" I questioned. "I believe it's fairly good. Dear Chongyun and I have been spending a lot of time together, and it's wonderful. But last night we were talking with Mona, and she said she thinks Itto will do something stupid today" Xingqiu remarked. "Don't be afraid. Mona is usually incorrect when it comes to bad news. Anyway. Do those stupid guys bug you two still?" I asked. "No. They leave us alone now that Kunikuzushi has sent them away" Chongyun replied. "Okay then" I said. "I'm here," Scaramouche said from behind me. "Okay. Now we can finally go" i said to them.
We went with the two boys till we came to a small coffee shop. They said their goodbyes and entered the cafe. Scara and I continued our walk through the city. "Scara, what do we want to do? We have plenty of time before we have to travel to the zoo" I told him. "Well. I noticed a small shop selling figures from your games, so I thought we should go check them out" he stated. "Omg! That didn't even noticed yesterday. Come on, I want to see at them" I said to him with excitement. "Okay, Okay. Chill. It is found at the end of this street" he stated as he took my hand in his and walked to the shop. The shop was amazing. There were a plenty figurines, posters, and pins from the game. I couldn't believe what I was seeing. But I couldn't bring myself to buy anything. I was looking around since I needed money. "We can go, Scara" I said. He stared at me, puzzled. "You didn't buy anything?" he asked. "No. You are aware that I need financial assistance" I told him. "You liked the figurine? That's the one on the shelf. I'm going to buy it for you" he said to me. "No, Scara. That is not acceptable. I don't need it. Come on, let's go walk some more" I said to him as I tried to get him out of the store. "Don't be so stubborn. I know you like it, and I know you need to save your money, so I'll buy you the figure. I am your boyfriend, so I can at least do this for you" he stated this as he grabbed the figurine and approached the cashier. He paid for it, and we exited the store. He handed it to me and continued on walking. "I hate you" I told him. "I love you too" he replied, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We just wandered throughout town till we had to go to the zoo's gates.
Everyone else was already there when we arrived. We went in with everyone. We were going around and viewing the animals until Arataki Itto climbed into the gorilla cage to fight them. He was no match for two gorillas, so the employees had to save his ass. We returned home earlier as a result of this incident. We went to the camp, collected our belongings, and waited for the bus. We all got on the bus. Scara and I talked the entire way back. We arrived in town after a long bus ride. Scaramouche drove me home, and the first thing I did when I arrived was jump into bed. My phone rang just as I was about to drift off to sleep. I was surprised when I saw the contact's name. It was Aiko. I picked it up. "Hello, Aiko!" I said. "Hello, Y/N! It's been a while!" they responded. "How come you phoned me?" I asked. "Well, I'm heading back to town for a few days, so I thought we could catch up," they explained. "That's fantastic news! If you want to meet up, I have a free day tomorrow" I stated. "Okay! I'll send you a message with a location where we may meet, but I have to leave immediately. My train is coming!" "Okay! I'll see you shortly! Goodbye " I said as I hung up the phone. At least i have something to do tomarrow.
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