Chapter One
Eren's POV
"I think I see the current!" Jean chirps.
"Are you sure? The last time you said that, we ended up going on a wild shark chase." I reply.
"I see it, too, Eren. It's just ahead of us." Armin clicks.
"I see it as well. Good eyes, pups." Pack leader Hannes clicks.
I squint my eyes and, sure enough, there's the current that we were looking for. It's the largest one in the whole ocean. Large currents mean large ships and large ships mean plenty of humans to drown and lay our eggs in. We've been wandering throughout all of the oceans waiting for nesting season, and it's coming up fast. The more humans we can collect, the more females will want to nest with our pack.
Unlike mermaids who hunt in pods, sirens hunt in packs, which is a little known fact. Humans seem to think that we're the same species, but we aren't. Mermaids communicate with their voices and only the blind ones can use echolocation. Sirens, on the other hand, communicate through echolocation, and we only use our voices when we're trying to lure a human from a ship.
Yes, we can understand human languages, but that doesn't mean that we can speak like they do. For some reason, humans seem to think that just because we have vocal cords means we can talk normally.
I speed towards the current, glad that my scales help me glide through the water almost effortlessly. "Ship ahead! Ship ahead!" I chirp frantically back towards my pack, and the storm bringers speed towards it.
They swim in elegant patterns causing a storm to brew above the surface of the water. The hunters form a circle around the boat, keeping out of the storm bringers' way. I join them, and we all start singing our tunes to lure the sailors to their deaths.
I choose my target, a short looking man with black hair and cold grey eyes. I flash the bioluminescent scales along my tail to get his attention. Once his eyes find mine, I start singing louder. I see him lean over the edge of the boat, and I start slowly rising to the surface. I urge him to join me with hypnotic hand motions and he leans farther over.
Just then, a woman with brown hair and glasses pulls him away from the edge, snapping him back to reality. I can't hear what they're saying, but suddenly he starts barking orders.
"Eren, look out!" comes Armin's warning, but it's too late. The next thing I know is I'm surrounded by netting and my pack is fleeing from other nets. I feel myself being lifted towards the surface, away from the others.
"Help! Get me out of here!" I chirp frantically, but no one comes to help. I break the surface of the water and a burning sensation hits my gills. I gasp, trying to breath, but it's no use.
"Put it in the tank!" A voice orders. I look to see where the voice came from, and I see the short man that I tried to drown. He glares at me, and I snarl in return before everything fades to black.
~Ten minutes earlier~
Levi's POV
"Hanji, you better be right about this. If mermaids really exist, and they follow currents like you say, we should be seeing some soon." I say in a monotone voice.
"Of course I'm right!" She replies. "Just look at the clouds starting to form above us! That means that they're already here!"
I walk to the edge of the boat and peer down into the water. I see a bright flash of blue light and my eyes are drawn to it. I see a pair of blue-green eyes in the water and I start to hear a voice. The light disappears, but the eyes are still there. I see something moving beneath the water, drawing me in. The singing gets louder and I find myself leaning closer to the water.
The figure comes closer to the surface and I lean over even more. I don't even hear the waves crashing against the ship anymore. All I hear is the singing. Suddenly I feel myself being dragged backwards, away from the alluring eyes. I snap back to reality and see that Hanji is standing in front of me.
"Prepare the nets!" I order. "Catch as many of them as you can!"
"Aye, Aye, Captain!" my crew replies.
Petra shoots a net at the mermaid that tried to get me, and it makes its mark. Several other nets are fired, but it seems that we only captured one of them.
~Present time~
Levi's POV
As the mermaid goes limp in the net, I shout, "Hurry! Get it in the tank before it dies!"
Marco, Mikasa, and Petra step forward and pull it out of the net. They carefully take it down to the tank that we built for it so it won't die. As I follow them, I realize that it isn't a mermaid, but a merman. It's male - you can tell by looking at his muscular build and his face.
When I get down to the tank, I can see the faint rising and falling of his chest, meaning he's alive. "Good work. Now let's get back to land before his buddies come looking for him."
Eren's POV
"OH MY GOD, HE LOOKS SO CUTE WHEN HE'S ASLEEP!" A loud female voice shouts, startling me. My eyes fly open and I see the woman with brown hair and the short man with black hair.
"Oi, brat." The short man says. "You're coming to land with us so we can study you, but it's going to be a long time before we get back. Now tell us what you eat so you don't starve to death before we get there."
I growl at the man, sinking as low as I can in the tank they put me in. I cross my arms and snarl, trying to inform them that they won't get me to talk. I laugh on the inside, knowing that no matter what they do, they won't hear me speak a word.
"Fine then. Hanji, I leave this up to you. Get the fish to talk before sundown."
I snarl at the man. How dare he call me a fish? I am not a fish. With one powerful stroke of my tail, I send water over the wall of the tank and straight onto the humans.
"I think the merman doesn't like being called fish, Captain." Hanji says to him. He turns around and glares at me. I smirk and send more water over the side.
"Just get the brat to talk before sundown. We can't have him starving to death or you'll just drag us out here for another one."
Good luck with that. I think, still smirking.
"Will do, sir. I can't wait to experiment on him!" She replies, with a crazed look in her eyes. The captain walks out if the room, leaving me alone with her.
I wonder if I could drown her to teach the humans a lesson? I think turning my back to her. I hear a the sound of metal chains clinking. I glance over my shoulder to see the woman reaching for me. I try to duck beneath her hand but I'm already at the bottom of the tank. She grabs a handful of my hair and drags me to the surface, causing me to cry out in pain.
I try to wrestle away from her, and she lets go of my hair. Before I can sink back down to the bottom, Hanji grabs my hand and clamps a handcuff around my wrist. The handcuffs are attached to a thick chain that's connected to the ceiling. From there, she can grab it and pull me in even closer, now that my right is secured. I try to keep my left hand out of her reach, but she manages to snag it and get the other handcuff on my wrist.
"Ok, Mr. Merman. Tell me what you eat before Captain Levi comes back and I won't do anything painful to you. Yet."
I snarl at her, splashing her face with water and sinking as far into the water as the chains allow me. She pulls on the other end of the chain until my whole upper body is out of the water. I put on my best panicked look and start thrashing around for a minute before going limp and pretending to be unconscious.
"That won't work on me, silly! I know that mermen can breath air just like humans can, and I know that you can speak, too. So tell me what you eat and I'll lower you back into the water."
Idiot. I'm not a merman. I'm a siren. And no, I cannot breath air like humans can. My gills just happen to be on my tail instead of my neck. I snarl at Hanji, splashing water into her face again, though I splash up more than I intended so now my gills are partially exposed to the air.
"Alright, fish boy, you asked for it." She raises me completely out of the water and pulls me towards her, but I black out before I can see what she's going to do to me.
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