Chapter 24
Three Years Later
Many things happened during the last three years. Theo finally got married to Amy and they were expecting their first child.
Liam has his moments when he sees Theo with his wife. The jealousy he feels will always remain even though Arian was his and only his.
Arian was almost nine months pregnant with their second child. They didn't want to know the gender as they wanted it to be a surprise.
Her pregnancy wasn't smooth as the first one was. Most of it, she spent on bed rest as per the doctor's orders.
"Morning baby. I cooked you some breakfast", Liam kisses his wife while their daughter tries to climb the bed.
"Morning, hey baby", she kissed him back.
"Mama", their three-year-old daughter calls out wanting to be carried to the bed.
"Come here," Liam carries her to her mother's arms.
"Baby", Alianna caresses her mother's stomach.
"Your sibling is there. You are going to be an older sister very soon", Arian tells her ruffling her hair. She looked at Liam who was smiling at her with his eyes on her.
"Don't think about it", Arian added when she saw his smug. Liam raised his hands in surrender to her.
"Ali, do you want a baby sister or a baby brother?", Liam asks their daughter.
Alianna was just her father except for her honey-brown eyes. Even her hair is similar to his.
"Sissy". She answered surprising them.
"Now, let's get you ready for your playdate with Jas and her brother Jaxon", Arian tells her trying to get up.
Liam helped her to the bathroom and then he picked her Alianna to help her get dressed. But when he reached her room he heard Arian calling him.
"Liam", Arian shouts for him. He rushed to see what was the matter. All Liam found was his wife squatting in the bathroom, holding her stomach.
"The baby's coming. Don't you dare get shocked?", Arian shouts at him.
"Okay, here", he gives her a shirt to wear so that she can get out of the bathroom.
"Breath baby, everything is packed and is in the car", he carries Alianna and sets her in the car in her car seat, and then Liam opens the car door letting Arian in and then closing it.
"Hurry, Liam. It hurts", Arian tells him and he drives to the hospital.
Liam sent a quick message to Mike.
Thankfully, the hospital was only an hour away. Arian's labour wasn't the same as the first one.
When they arrived at the hospital they saw Mike and Mandy waiting for them. They took Alianna from Liam while Mike brought in the wheelchair for her.
Arian kept shouting at Liam to get the doctor.
"If you don't get the doctor, I will kill you with my bare hands", she grabbed his collar.
Thank God that Alianna is with Mike right now.
"Hey there mum and dad. Are we ready to have the baby?", The doctor asks them. The glare that Arian gave him shut his mouth.
"Doc, she is ready to push", the nurse tells her.
"I am killing you, Liam", Arian shouts at her husband who just holds her hand calming her down.
"Okay, one, two, three, push".
"Ah!, crap that hurts", Arian breathes in and out.
"One last push", the doctor tells Arian.
After a few minutes, they hear the baby cry.
"It's a boy", the doctor announced then he placed him on Arian's chest while Liam looked on.
"Liam, I am sorry about what I said...."
"I know that baby. He is perfect", he kissed her forehead. They asked him to cut the cord.
"Mrs. Dalton we have to get him cleaned and then shifted you to your room", one of the nurses tells them and takes the baby.
Then the nurse put Arian in her room and then she went to get their son.
While they were waiting for their son. Mandy and Mike walked in with Alianna.
"Hey, there. She was crying and she wants her mama so we had to bring her", Mike tells them.
Mike puts Alianna down on Arian's bed. She moves to her mother who held her in her arms smiling.
"Be careful, Ali. Mama just had a baby. You little brother...." the nurse walked in with their bundle of joy.
"Here she is, perfect", the nurse placed their baby boy in Arian's arms while Liam looked in awe at how tiny he was.
"I will leave you now".
"Baby", Alianna tries to pinch her brother. "Ali, no he is small", Arian tells her removing her hands from him.
"Sorry, baby", Alianna tells her baby brother kissing him on his cheek.
"That's so cute...."
"Want to have another one?", Mike asks Mandy who glares at him.
"If you are carrying him/her then sure", Mandy replies to him making Arian laugh.
"Liam could you hold him?" Arian asks her husband who carries their son in his arms.
Alianna wasn't letting Arian get to hold her baby brother that's why she gave the baby to Liam.
"So what's his name? We can't call him baby", Mike asks them.
"His name is Reese Micheal Dalton", Liam answers shocking Mike.
"You have him my name as his middle name, why?" Mike asks while Liam hands him, Reese.
"Well, you aren't just my best friend, you are my brother and I wanted our son to have someone to look up to", Liam explains to him.
"I am honored, Liam. Thank you".
Family isn't always about the blood you share, it can also be about the memories you share. Family can also be your friends, the friends that truly know you.
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