Your sorrows are mine.
Hey guys! Here's the new chapter! Two chapters in one day. I'm on a roll eh? Anyways, don't forget to leave a comment and please make sure you share so other people can read it too! Thank you ^-^
Jonathan's POV:
After we all finished recording, I decided to take a shower. "Guys, I'm gonna go now. I gotta take a shower and then walk my dog. I'll see you guys later. "Bye!" I said. "BYE" they all replied in unison. I quickly switched off my xbox and ran upstairs to shower and get dressed. Once I was done, I came back downstairs and sat on the couch when I got a text from Evan.
E - Hey man, we are all having a get together in Canada in 3 weeks at my place. You fancy coming or not?
Seeing this, made my heart kick me in the ribs. I debated with myself as to if I should go or just stay home. What if they hate the way I look? What if Vanoss hates the way I look? A few moments later I had made up my mind.
J - Yeah, I'll be there :P
I texted back, hesitating a little. Was I making the right choice? Or would this all just blow up in front of my face? Few minutes later, I heard my phone chime. I picked it up and read the message.
E - That's great, Cartoonz is also coming right?
J- Yeah, he is. He texted just now.
E - Awesome, I'll see you in a few weeks then!
J - Haha yeah, see you then ;)
I would finally get to see Evan in the flesh. I just hope everything goes as planned.
Evan's POV:
Yes! I finally get to see delirious for the first time. Curiosity had been chewing at my mind ever since I'd met him. I couldn't wait till he got here. This is something I am really looking forward to. I decided to watch some of my old videos with Delirious. He was so adorable! Come to think of it, I haven't heard him laugh in weeks. That amazing, hilarious laugh that can light up a room instantly. I wanted to make sure he was okay so I quickly texted him.
E - Delirious? You are okay right?
J - I'm fine. Why? (:
E - It's just that... You don't seem like yourself and I just wanted to see if you're okay.
J - Oh, it's okay. Don't worry about me. I'm absolutely 100% perfectly fine.
E - Okay. Just let me know if something is wrong okay?
J - I will. Don't worry too much.
I really hope he's okay. I can't ever let him be in pain.
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