I miss you.
A/N: Before you kill me for not updating for so long, I just wanted to apologise... I've been really busy and these few weeks have been really hectic for me. I'm sorry but here's a new chapter anyway. I hope you enjoy, don't forget to comment. :)
Vanoss POV:
The next day I woke up early in the morning with my arms wrapped tightly around Delirious's waist. Without disturbing him I got up, showered, got dressed and made us breakfast. I sat down, waiting for Delirious as he ran frantically down the stairs. "Morning sunshine." I laughed, gesturing him to sit down. He smiled and sat down. We both began eating. "So, I wanted to tell you that my flight back to North Carolina is tonight..." he said hesitantly. I sighed and looked up at his deep blue eyes. "I know. I tried to forget but... I'll just miss you so much!" I whined. He sighed sadly and looked down. "I wish I could just live here forever." he said whilst putting his plate in the sink. I nodded in agreement. I really didn't want him to leave. Who would be there to pick him up when he's down? Who would be there to protect him when he's afraid? Finally, who would be there to love him when he needs it most?
We had a few hours to kill before Delirious left. We played some games, made some videos and just... talked. Talked about all the good times we've had since he's been here. Talked about how we made each other feel. In his presence, I felt like I could do anything. Like, I was the king of the world. He made me feel so special, so appreciated and so wanted. Nothing could make me unhappy when I was with him. It hurt to know that in a few hours I would have no-one to cuddle with or a shoulder to cry on but that was okay because I would never stop loving Delirious. When he left, my love for him would get stronger and stronger. I started zoning out when Delirious waved his hand in front of my face. "Hey! Vanoss! Are you thinking about me?" He said in a mocking tone. I laughed and threw him over my shoulder, pinning him down on the sofa. "Of course I am, darling Delirious." he smiled at me and reached up to kiss me. Our lips connected and I felt like I was being electrocuted. What I meant to say was, the spark that we first had was stronger than ever. I couldn't get enough of this feeling.
-A few hours later-
There was only about an hour before Delirious had to leave for the airport. I helped him pack and loaded his things into my car. We were driving to the airport whilst reminding each other about funny moments in the past. Finally when we had arrived, I felt a tightness in my throat. I was barley able to speak and felt like I was about to burst out in tears. We walked inside and into his gate where everyone else was waiting for him. "Hey Vanoss, Delirious!" Lui yelled in his squeaker voice whilst waving at us like a maniac. I didn't want to say goodbye but I knew I had to. I looked down at my feet. "Don't be upset. I'll come and visit and we can Skype and face time and talk to each other on text and make videos together and-" I cut him off by gently placing a tender kiss on his soft lips. His eyes were glassy and tears started rolling down his cheeks. I wiped them away with my thumbs and shook my head. "Don't worry. We'll see each other again. I love you, okay?" I said holding back my tears. I was so emotionally attached to him, it was unhealthy. "I love you too" he managed to spit out whilst crying hysterically. I quickly hugged him tightly and pecked his cheek. "See you later?" I yelled as he began walking away. "See you later." He yelled back, smiling.
A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Until next time, sorry its short by the way. :D
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