I love you.
I did another part just for you guys. Sorry, if I'm not able to update as frequently. I do hope this part will keep you guys entertained. Let me know if you have any ideas of what I should do next. I kinda had to change this chapter a bit because I really didn't like it. Feel free to re-read over the changes. Thanks so much. Leave a comment please! ;D
Evan's POV:
We all arrived at the club and Delirious didn't seem to be talking much. He would always go to the bar and just sit there for ages. I wanted to approach him but I didn't know how. I was afraid that he would think that I was creepy or something. "Guys, guys, guys! We should do a drinking competition. Who's in?" Marcel (BasicallyIdoWrk) screamed. Everyone was in except Delirious. "Evan! You in?" Craig (Miniladd) yelled at me. "Oh! Yeah, yeah I am." I said still staring at Delirious. We all drank gallons of alcohol and wine until everyone blacked out or puked up and I ended up winning. "OH YEAH! I WIN LOSERS!" I screamed whilst raising my arms in the air, drunk as hell. "Okay, guys we should all go back to our hotels or houses now." Brock (Moo Snuckel) said softly. Everyone began heading home. It was only me and Delirious now. "C'mon Vanoss let's go. I'll drive since you can't." he chuckled. He put my arm over his shoulder and put me in the car and strapped me in. "Delirious, I don't wanna go... I wanna par-tay!" I screamed. He laughed and nodded. "You can par-tay another day. You're super drunk right now." he said. Once we reached the house, he pulled me out, took me inside and set me down on the sofa. "Now you wait here till I come back with some black coffee." his voice began fading.
I woke up a few minutes later with Delirious sitting by my side. "Hey, you okay?" he said sweetly. I slowly nodded my head and got up. He handed me a cup of black coffee and smiled. "One hangover cure. Just for you!" he said as he laughed, that sweet gorgeous laugh. "Thanks" I said still half asleep. Once I was done drinking the black coffee, I set the mug down on the table and stared at Delirious. Man, I wish I could make him mine. It breaks my heart to not tell him how much I love him. How much he means to me and how much I wish I could just kiss him and touch him like the boyfriend I'm willing to be. "VANOSS? VANOSS?!" Delirious yelled whilst waving a hand in front of my face. "Wh- what? What?" I said, snapping out of my fantasy. "What were you thinking about? Were you thinking about me?" he said while nudging me playfully and giggling. "You wish" I said jokingly. "Well anyway, it's pretty late now. We should go to bed." he suggested. I nodded my head in agreement and followed him upstairs. "Night!" he smiled. "Night..." I said back timidly. I wish I could be with you even now. I thought to myself. I sighed and headed to my room. I threw on my pyjamas that consisted of a white tee and grey plaid trousers and went to bed.
-The next day-
I was awoken by the sweet smell of bacon and eggs. Quickly, I jumped up, showered and got dressed into a black hoodie, grey jeans and black sneakers. I walked downstairs into the kitchen. "You didn't have to make breakfast..." I smiled. "It's the least I could do for you." He smiled and handed me a plate. We both began to chomp down our eggs, bacon and pancakes. Needless to say, he was an amazing cook. "Wanna head over to town after this?" I asked. "Uh, yeah sure." he replied a little intimated. After we had finished up, we both headed to town and explored around the markets for a while. We made jokes about things we saw and acted extremely immature and childish. I loved it. I loved spending every moment with him.
Soon, we got back home. "So, do you wanna like watch a movie or play games or something?" I asked. "Uh yeah... lets watch a horror movie!" he said enthusiastically. I chuckled and grabbed loads of snacks, blankets and pillows and switched off the lights. We were 10 minutes through the movie when I was already terrified. I think Delirious noticed because he just looked at me like I was a child. "Aww.. is little Vanoss still scared?" he giggled. "N-no... I'm just cold..." I said quietly. "Sure you are." he laughed and continued watching the movie. I slowly moved closer to him because I was so scared but he didn't say anything. I think he was... blushing? No, no it can't be. Halfway through the movie Delirious was already asleep. I got up, switched the movie off and put the blanket on him so it was covering his entire body. He looked so peaceful and sweet. Gently, I kissed his forehead. "Sweet dreams, I love you." I whispered before going off to my room.
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