Bug Hewson (well technically Bug Eliza Ronette Hewson, but that was too much of a mouthful for bug herself never mind random people, they could thank her father for that!) had always felt disjointed from her family in a way. Like she was a walking embarrassment, Jordan had a successful business, Eve had a successful acting career, Eli had his music, John was in full time education, and Bug was........
Bug didn't know what she was.
Jordan and Eve, her elder sisters, were born thirteen and eleven years before her respectively, she had always gotten along with them, her brothers Elijah and John three and a year older than her, were pains in Bug's ass. When Eve moved out at 20, Nine year old Bug had refused to speak for an entire week out of protest.
She and John fought constantly until they were six and seven, when Bug successfully knocked out John's front tooth, luckily for him it was a baby tooth and not an adult one.
At eighteen in 2021, Bug Hewson left school after finishing her leaving cert, and moved to London with her best friend Nell Mescal. Nell worked on music and waitressed part time while Bug did a hair and beauty course and worked while studying.
At nineteen, she had been invited to one of her brothers album partners on the 13th of October, and for six days straight, she and Bobby Skeetz fucked in the evenings, they just kept running into eachother, he was clueless to her real identity, she told him she was Eliza, one of her middle names. On October 19th, she had slept with him a final time, before he told her he was going home to Dublin.
She had met Carlos O'Connell in December of that year, unaware he was married, she flirted with him and had sex with him before he left for an Australia tour. When Carlos returned in March, he had officially stated his interest in her.
Four months later, while she was out with Carlos, she had gone into labour with a baby she didn't even know she was carrying. Patrick Rain Hewson had been the unofficial cause for Carlos' divorce from his wife Josephine De La Blume, he had ignored her calls for too long, and Josephine had called it off.
Within a month he and Bug, eight years younger than him, had gotten an apartment together, a room for them, and room for each of their children, his daughter with Josephine, Vega, and her son Patrick. Despite not being the boy's biological father, Carlos had taught the infant Spanish and let the baby call him Dad.
Faye Greenwood is Bug Eliza Ronette Hewson
21, MUA & Stylist, Bug by Fontaines D.C
instagram: bughewson
twitter: berhewson
private instagram; uwantblood
professional instagram: bhewsonmakeup
Robert Keating is Bobby Skeetz
24, Bassist, Reptilia by The Strokes
instagram: bobbyskeetz
private instagrams: fatherrob, birdboy140
Carlos O'Connell is Carlos O'Connell
30, Guitarist, (Don't Fear) The Reaper by Blue Öyster Cult
instagram: carlyrings
private instagram: irishspaniard
also featuring!
members of fontaines dc as themselves
anaïs gallagher as herself
grace burns as herself
nell mescal as herself
keelin moncrieff as herself
the hewson family as themselves
inhaler as themselves
oasis & family as themselves
& more as described/shown
the wonderful lahoteslvr & -graciesbae who talked me into this
as well as birdieskeetz bobbyskeetzluvr bobbyskeetzlvr acheandbleed plathscrafts cqntralperk silverslinings
hope u all enjoys these DIVAS 💜
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