French mouth
Daichi [POV]
We walked into the restaurant going up to the counter to order, as I figured Suga ordered a cheeseburger with extra cheese. I just ordered a regular hamburger. Suga payed the lady at the cash register the lady had at least three pounds of makeup on her face. She winked at him as she handed him the number card. He scratched at the back of his neck awkwardly as we sat down at a table.
"Ew, she was flirting with me" Suga shivered
"That's just gross" I agreed "but understandable, you'd be the type of guy who's really popular with the girls, if you weren't gay that is"
"Ew" He responded
"but you're mine" I laughed
"And that won't ever change" He promised as the same woman came back with our food. She winked again walking away. On the tray there was a napkin with her phone number on it she wrote underneath: 'To the cutie with silver hair love- Sarah'
"Ew" Suga exclaimed again, I burst out laughing
"I'd think that she's flirting with you" I laughed
"I'll give it to Tanaka I'm sure he'd love it" Suga insisted folding up the napkin and stuffing it into his pocket
"I'm sure he would" I agreed
"I'll set them up on a date that'd make a cute couple" he insisted
"Maybe" I shrugged unwrapping my hamburger Suga did the same eating while humming to himself, I've noticed that he hums to himself a lot, especially in class when he's focusing. It gets him yelled at a lot for distracting the class
"You know Suga I've known you since middle school and I've only noticed that you hum to yourself a lot when we started dating" I pointed out
"Do I?" He asked "I guess it's just a habit I don't even notice it"
"Though teachers sure do" I laughed
"I can't help it" He insisted
"You've also got stuff all over your face" I rolled my eyes grabbing a napkin wiping his face, he giggled
"You're such a little kid" I scolded
"When I'm with you I don't have to be so serious" he insisted
"So this is how you actually are?" I asked
"Yes" he smiled
"You're a dork" I rolled my eyes
"Yeah well you're too serious all the time" he frowned
"That's just how I am I don't have different personalities like you do"
"I don't have different personalities, just different comfort levels" He insisted crossing his arms in front of his chest
"I see I see, like would you go on that huge long dairy rant to some stranger?"
"Oh god no" He exclaimed
"Interesting" I finished my hamburger a little after Suga finished his
"That was good" he nodded
"Are you happy now?" I asked
"Yes, let's go back to my house" He nodded again standing up. I grabbed the tray throwing out our wrappers and putting the tray on top
"M'kay" I mumbled following him back outside, the sun had set and the streetlights had been turned on casting an eerie glow over the street. We walked in complete silence, there wasn't a single soul out on the streets not even any cars
"Ooooo spooky" Suga commented running ahead "There's no one"
"How strange" I exclaimed
"but isn't this cool?" He asked outstretching his arms to the empty street though just as he did a car zoomed by it's headlights casting an eerie shadow over Suga's face
"Jeez you looked so scary just now" I commented, Suga watched the car drive away lowing his arms to his sides
"Aw we aren't alone anymore" he whined
"We're in a public area you can't expect to be alone all of the ti-" I was cut off by Suga's phone going off scaring the both of us. Suga pulled his pone out answering the call putting it to his ear.
"Hi mom" He greeted cheerfully, there was a slight pause
"Yeah we just went out to eat, I'm with Daichi" He shifted his weight from one foot to the other as he stopped walking
"We're coming home now" Suga nodded
"Practice was good not much different than all the other ones but hopefully we'll get a practice game soon" He nodded again listening
"Yeah love you too see you in a bit" He continued walking nodding to me he said something to his mom in a different language maybe French or Spanish but I didn't understand what he said. He laughed said something else
"I'm joking mom, joking" He laughed switching back to Japanese
"Okay bye love you" He hung up the phone shoving it into his pocket
"I didn't know you could speak a different language" I raised one eyebrow
"Well my mom's grandma so my great grandma actually I think my great great grandma but I don't remember but she's french so she taught my great grandma and my great grandma taught my grandma and the cycle continued just going down through generation and my mom taught me both Japanese and French when I was really young so I can speak and understand both" He explained with a shrug
"So you're french?" I asked
"Not really I'm more Japanese than I am French but that doesn't matter" he shrugged again
"That's really cool" I exclaimed
"But I never really use it except for at home since I don't talk to French people" He explained
"Just the fact that you know it is cool" I told him
"I guess" He smiled scratching at the back of his neck awkwardly. I forced him to say things in French the rest of the way to his house, he seemed annoyed but I think he was pretending by how he smiled brightly and spoke excitedly every time I asked. He pulled out his keys as we walked up his driveway
"Mom I'm home" He called as he opened the door. His mom came over talking in French though I could only catch one word 'Koshi' which was Suga's first name. She spotted me behind him her face lighting up
"You brought a friend over!" She exclaimed switching back to Japanese
"Yeah this is Daichi you've met him before" Suga explained
"Well make yourself at home" She wrapped her arms around me in a quick hug before letting go
"Koshi you need to warn me when you bring friends over I would have cleaned myself up" she scolded
"You look fine mom" Suga insisted with a laugh
"I always do but maybe you should brush your hair once in a while" she teased
"but I brush my hair every day" He insisted
"Kidding I know that" she ruffled his hair, he complained about something in French, I knew by the tone of his voice. His mother only laughed kissing him on the forehead Suga laughed grabbing me by the wrist pulling me to his room shutting the door behind us. He flopped down on the bed
"You look just like your mom" I commented sitting down next to him
"I get that A LOT when we're out in public people think we're twins sometimes" He explained "does that mean I look old or she looks young"
"I think it's just that your mom looks really young though you look pretty young yourself" I commented
"I'm only 18" He cried out stretching his arms above his head his shirt riding up revealing his stomach. I leaned down blowing a raspberry on his stomach. He giggled
"Daichi stop that tickles" He cried out but I just continued. He squealed with laughter
"Daichi that tickles" He exclaimed I sat back up a smile on my face
"You left your stomach open" I insisted giving him a small kiss on the cheek
"brule en enfer!" He exclaimed crossing his arms in front of his chest sitting up (A.N. it means burn in hell)
"What does that mean?" I asked figuring it was something rude by his tone
"Why should I tell you?" he asked
"Because it was something rude wasn't it?" I asked
"Non" he responded
"That means no?" I asked, he nodded
"You're learning" he raised one eyebrow
"No I just know your insulting me by the tone of your voice and for that you get punished" I pressed my lips to his wrapping my hand around his waist. He snaked his hands around my neck again smiling into the kiss. This time I started laughing
"Daichi you ruined it" He exclaimed
"Sorry Sorry" I apologized
"It was going well" he whined
"Sorrrry" I exclaimed
"Ugh" He pushed me down on the bed forcefully kissing me passionately. I kissed him back trying to win my dominance back but I kept failing. I finally gave up submitting to him. He smiled into the kiss licking my bottom lip. I fought with him a little longer but once again lost as he explored my mouth with his tongue. He pulled away panting a dazed smile on his face his cheeks blushed red.
"You're so beautiful" I exclaimed breathlessly the red on his face darkened.
"You're so wonderful" He laid down resting his head on my chest. I wrapped my arms around him protectively.
"I can hear your heartbeat" He commented softly
"What does it sound like?" I asked
"Like a small drum in your chest" He smiled "It's like music"
"Is it?" I raised one eyebrow
"Ye-" there was a knock at the door and Suga quickly sat up and so did I my heart speeding up.
"Kooooshiiii" A man opened the door peeking his head in
"Dad you're home" Suga exclaimed
"I couldn't smuggle it in today she caught me" He frowned, Suga told him something in French, his father responded with something that sounded like Spanish. Suga furrowed his eyebrows throwing his hands up exasperatedly mumbling something in French. His father laughed
"I love it when you do that" He laughed
"And I hate it when you do that" Suga exclaimed
"Mi Osito" his father Cooed, Suga's face turned a dark red, (A.N. it means my teddy bear)
"Vieux" Suga muttered averting his eyes (A.N. it means old man)
"Oooh what was that you wanna try that again hot shot?" His father raised an eyebrow Suga went on a long rant in French his father listened nodding his head but when he responded it seemed to make Suga more irritated
"Koshi I know Japanese and Spanish I don't know what you're saying at all" His father exclaimed
"I don't know what you're saying either" Suga exclaimed I snickered from next to Suga
"What are you laughing about?" Suga exclaimed
"You two communicate so well" I snickered
"Oh hello there" His father smiled
"Hi" I responded
"Dad this is Daichi" Suga greeted "Daichi this is my dad"
"Oh You're Daichi? Suga talks about you all the time pleasure to meet you" He held out his hand to me, I took it and he shook it violently which caught me by surprise
"Pleased to meet you as well sir" I responded smiling awkwardly
"Well Koshi I'm gonna go talk to your mother you two have fun" he winked at me before he left
"You've got a very energetic family" I commented "Is that where you get all your energy from"
"Yep" He leaned his head on my shoulder, I looked at the time
"Oh crap my mom's probably worried about me by now I should go" I stood up
"Okay Love you" he stood up kissing me on the lips "I'll see you tomorrow Mon roi" (A.N. Mon roi means my king)
"Love you too" I walked out of his room down the hallway
"Bye see you later mr. and Mrs. Sugawara" I called as I left
"Bye" they called from the kitchen. I let myself out and hurried down the street back home. I think my mom was asleep when I came in because all the lights were off and the house was silent. I tip toed upstairs to my room. I peeked my head into her doorway
"Night mom" I whispered
"Night Daichi" she mumbled sleepily, I went back to my room pulling my shirt off over my head and flopping down on the bed. I fell asleep right away.
(A.N. So yeah I don't know why I decided to make Suga bilingual and why French I don't know but whatever it adds character to the story)
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